is a k-gun like a k-car?


New member
I was just wondering, wouldn't shoot them personally. thought it would be more interesting the typical 870 vrs. 500 thread.


New member
Is a k-gun like a k-car? Yes. Both are VERY expensive. A K-shotgun has a substantial first cost while a k-car will nickel and dime you.

I bet there are youngsters watching thie board that don't even know what a k-car is.


New member
The K guns are definitely not "POS" - and are certainly not made by anyone that had anything to do with the "POS" K cars made by Chrysler ....

Check out the Kolar and Krieghoff web sites / or any of their dealers like DuPont in Florida - and it'll get your heart racing ....


New member
I guess my post was not well written or the "joke" is not clear.

My point was not that K-guns are a POS like a k-car.

My point was that they are each expensive in their own way.

My point was to crack on k-cars.

K-guns are generally great/nice - I wish I had one (or three, or seven.)


Staff In Memoriam
So who the heck is gonna tell me what a k-gun is... I googled it and found a depth charge punt gun contraption...


New member
I miss my old Dodge K Car, 1987 Aries, not enough to replace it with my Mercedes but I liked it, it was a good little car

back on topic I thought you meant a K Frame like a Smith & Wesson


New member
Hal Duponts operation in Florida handles both Krieghoff and Kolar - both very nice guns / here's a link to his site.

Even if they are a little beyond your budget right now - at least take a look at the website, marvel at the craftmanship. Just because its expensive and very well made - doesn't mean it will shoot better for you / but they are a pretty good investment in terms of resale value - and they are made so reliably and precisely that 50,000 shells or more will not result in any problems.

I still think Browning, Beretta in terms of O/U's give you a lot of gun for the money ( $ 2,500 - $3,000 ) these days - and 50,000 rounds out of a Browning is not uncommon either / and while the craftmanship on Browning or Beretta is pretty good / it falls way short of the " K " guns - as well as short of the guns in the next tier down, below the K guns ( Perazzi, Blazer) in my opinion.

Personally, I own about a dozen Browning O/U's - and shoot them every week - and its not my guns that ever costs me a target.

I think most of us, or me at least, got your point Waterengineer. ( I had a company car, in the late 70's that was a " K " car - what a piece of junk that thing was ) after a year, the company dumped all of the K cars - and we went back to GM products..... Buick at that time / and they weren't great either, but a lot better than the K cars.


New member
Many moons ago, I worked and travelled all over the Rocky Mountain west for civil engineering consulting firm based in Laramie, WY. Our company cars were K-cars. Whay wrecks? What crappy cars!

The big joke around the office was guessing how many guys (total) riding in eight cars bewteen the office and the give project site were going to get stranded.

In about two years of driveing my one assigned car I broke down only twice - and as any of you guys know that know WY - when you break down in WY it is a loooonnnngggg way to anywhere!

That is all besides the crappy seats, squeaks, rattles, a door that barely closed..............

Good stories, bad memories, worse cars.


New member
I'm still chuckling about breaking down in Wyoming ......

I grew up in Northwestern Montana ( mountains, trees, rivers ...) - when I made my first trip to Eastern Montana and Wyoming ..... I wondered why for miles ... the only things we saw were .... antelope and a couple of rattle snakes ......and some of it was barely fit for antelope or rattle snakes...

but maybe its a good place for "k" cars to go to die ....

but I once rode a Harley from Connecticutt to Montana - and back to Connecticutt - in 3 weeks ( but both testacles were asleep for 6 weeks ...). And I remember being in Wyoming and Montana for that matter on that trip ( I think I was about 21 ) - when a thunder storm blew thru - and it snowed on a couple of the passes ... in August.. / and wind blowing accross the prarie so hard, grass could hardly stay in the ground ... ( on a sunny day ..). But it seemed like a heck of a good idea at the time ... hormones probably had something to do with it ...

I broke down twice on the way out / once in Iowa / once in Wyoming on that stretch from Sheridan to Billings .....


New member
I pulled over to relieve myself between Rawlings, WY and Biggs, WY. I was amazed that you can hear NOTHING! Kinda nice, actually. Also, the antelope just stood there staring at me, like they did not expect a human to be in Wyoming.

BTW, Billings was recently moved to Montana. Well, maybe not too recently, but both of them are quite happy where they are.


New member
There is a Sheridan, MT out in the central eastern part of the state

but I was referring to Sheridan, WY on I-90 between Gillette, WY and Billings, MT ......


New member
A logging chain is a Wyoming wind sock. And, the wind isn't blowing unless the chain is hanging out straight and links are snapping off the end.

The wind doesn't blow in Wyoming is sucks in Nebraska.

A Wyomingian saying: Wyoming has many beautiful places, they are just separated by butt ugly stretches.

And, many, many jokes about cowboys and sheep that are unrepeatable here.


New member
I never meant to include kolars, I was talking about 32, 80, & 20's. I never could get used to the trigger.


New member
The good thing about a K-car is that it only takes one to keep your boat from drifting. The bad thing about a Krieghoff is that it takes two.


New member
It didn't start with Hal duPont... Let's not forget, the K-guns got their start as the Remington M-32 of 1932. Only about 5K were made before being be discontinued due to WW II. Remington introduced the revised M-3200 from 1973-84 and sold about 42K. The long action was popular with Skeet shooters: Mike Fink bought a new 3200 in '73 and shot the first 100-straight (non-registered) at our club. The 3200 suffered in popularity due to its voracious appetite for spare parts. To borrow a phrase from OJ, I view the M-32 style guns as uglyass because of their exposed works -- your opinion may differ. Come to think of it, weren't the K-cars uglyass, too?