Is a Camo shotgun really worth it?


New member
RLFD5414, Sorry for the error. There is in fact no law requiring deer hunters to wear hunter orange in NY state. However, it is strongly advisable. This past season I kicked out 3 nice bucks together on my property and was almost going to shoot but then decided against it since they were on the run at about 70 yds away. I heard 3 shots up ahead and walked over to find a neighbor hunter on the property line directly ahead of me dressed in full camo! Had I shot I would have been shooting directly in his direction. He had seen me but I could not see him. (By the way, he missed the bucks, and I later took one of them, a nice 9 point).

But back to the topic, if I buy a shotgun with a synthetic stock (for durability), I would definitley prefer camo over black if only for aesthetic appeal. I still can't see though, a significant advantage as far as hiding the gun from the game, for the reasons stated in my previous thread. A stock made of wood is already camoflauged since it is the same material as the trees. A few years back, I set my (wood stocked) gun against a tree to go over and help my son gut a deer. It later took me about half an hour to find it! I could not believe how well it blended in.


New member
No apology necessary, Blutob. That's why I asked where you were. I wouldn't put it past some of the Southern Tier or Western counties to pass their own ordinance requiring orange. While I am all for it, I don't want to be told I have to wear it.

You bring up a good point regarding materials. If your barrel is blued and your stock is wood, then converting to camo is probably a wasted effort. Most of my new purchases involve synthetic and stainless - on my rifles at least. At this point, camo is worth the extra expense/effort, at least for me.

There really is no right answer. This is a very personal thing. Kinda like Chevy vs. Ford...


New member
During the depression, Grandpa used fishing line a treble hook, some corn and a 2x4 to catch geesde and ducks. Add them up you get a fowl on a hook tied to the 2x4 so he cant fly away. :) a small club later and you got dinner...

No camo then.

I ask my kid (8) to not wear camo in case he gets hurt afield or on his way home as we live in the country. I have him wearing reds and bright colors just in case. I dont like the camo craze fad. But some do and we live here in a free well somewhat free country and anyone can wear whatever they wish.