Is 9mm adequate

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New member
I've got to admit I get a little weary of reading some peoples assertions that only 40 or 45 caliber is adequate for personal protection.

My local paper reported last week that a local man was attacked by two thugs, one wielding a tire iron. The man defended himself with a 9mm semi auto. One of the attackers died where the attack occurred and the other died about thirty feet away. Can we stop bashing 9mm now?

Sorry, no link to the story due to copyright BS.


New member
Depends who you ask. In some parts of the country, 9mm rounds just bounce off glass and have no lethality whatsoever. In other parts, it's the most badass man-stopper ever designed. I'd say its a medium powered handgun round and quite up to the task of self defense.


New member
Well guess its that time of the week for a caliber debate:D

Way I see it, a flying chunk of metal is a flying chunk of metal, regardless of diameter.


New member
People will never stop having opinions...that's life.

I don't like .32 auto for self-defense, but I also won't step into the path of one intentionally.

Take in all available info, mix it up, make an informed decision about what you feel comfortable carrying.

Red Dog

New member
I know the article didn't state round specifics but it would be nice to know about the actual bullets type. (9mm ball, jhp, +p)


New member
There shouldn't be a debate on weather 9mm is effective, anyone that says that is is not effective how shall i say it is talking rubbish.

The German and British army used the 9mm FMJ in 2 world wars and still do, is anyone seriously saying that the Germans used a ineffective round.

The 9mm round is also used by the vast majority of army and police forces around the world including the American army, are they using an ineffective round.

There is more to an effective than its size and muzzell energy.


New member
A 9 mm you can shoot is a heck of a lot more effective then a 45 you can't shoot.

Having said that, I shoot a 38 out of a 642. Its not that I think the 38 is better then the 9 or 45 for self defence, but I can shoot my little revolver.

I use to carry a 1911, or a Mode 28 357 but I gave them up when I realized a 38 in the pocket beats a 45 or 357 in the truck.


New member
If you do your job of bullet placement in a timely fashion, a 9mm bullet (or three) is sufficient to stop a human threat in about the same time frame as any other well placed bullet (or three) from a defensive cartridge in the same place.


Bravo on the haiku.

Also - A+ for recycling used material - I know I've seen that haiku before...

I haven't seen this in the thread yet so it is is:

"If anyone ever shoots me with a 9mm and I find out about - I'm gonna be *!$&%* Off !


New member
A 9 is fine. Above all else, shot placement is key. A miss with a .45 is a miss. A well placed shot with a 9mm will certainly stop an attack.


New member
Count; something near to that has been said about the .380 ACP.

"Have a backup plan, because when the bad guy find out you shot him with a .380 he's gonna be "upset!"

It's amazing that folks believe that if they shoot someone with a 9mm or .380, all they're gonna gets an "upset" BG without considering elements such as shot placement and today's better ammo.

Good luck with being that BG.


New member
I know I sure wouldn't wanna be looking down the business end of my 92. really wouldn't care to be looking down the business end of a .22 either for that matter.

A bullet is a bullet, and unless you're using an old muzzleloader, guess what Mr BG, that first shot didn't do much, but shucks, will ya look at that...there's about 6-10 more headed your way.

.380 or not, thats why they give you 6 round mags

Archer 9505

New member
More Bigger Deeper Holes

I put a lot of faith in the FBI research on handgun wounds and incapacitation. As a general statement I believe (my belief being supported by available research) that the more bigger deeper holes that you can put in an adversary the faster they are going to stop. The 45 acp, 44 special and 45 long colt in reliable accurate platforms round out the top of the practical man stoppers list. That being said, a compact 9mm may be easier and more comfortable to conceal than a full size 1911 or a large frame revolver. with quality ammo (FBI Protocol) the nine that is carried is infinitely better than the smith 4 inch 629 loaded with 255 grain 44 specials that gets left to home. I don't bash the "nine". Conceal Carry is a series of trade offs, practicality, concealable vs effectiveness. I think the ultimate close range man stopper is a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with a heavy load of magnum buck shot. My shotgun doesn't ride well in my IWB holster so I comprises to a more practical choice which I prefer to be a big bore but may be a nine depending on circumstance.
The old adage: A nine may expand but a .44 or a .45 definitely will not shrink, applies. Being "nearly" as effective as a big bore is not the same as being "as effective".
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New member
A little history of the debate

I don't want to start a caliber arguement but

Historically speaking,

"The 45 acp was invented for those who couldn't shoot a handgun accurately. The thought being at the time, make a round so big, that the shot placement will be a little less important. Of course the 9mm crowd, who is more intelligent, got a good laugh out if it and went on to enjoy MORE ROUNDS with LESS RECOIL for a QUICKER FOLLOW UP SHOT. The end."

~ Wikipedia

(I wouldn't make this up, lol)

Another way to look at it, 9mm: the choice of gang-bangers, WWI and WWII Germany and the USA from 1985 to present (millions taken down when you add it all together). These people knew from experience what they wanted, and still chose the 9mm. MILLIONS of people who are now on the other side can speak for 9mm effectiveness. End of discussion.

Also, if the 45 was so great, the Germans would have invented it! ;)

Muad' Dib

Medical examiner's cannot, or have great difficulty, differentiating between the various handgun calber's at autopsy! There was outstanding work done on this topic by Ammo lab, and currently by DocGkr over at

The field of research surrounding this topic is rich with data that clearly indicates there is really no significant advantage from one calber to the next in terminal ballistics....Even the best hollowpoint designs, such as Winchester Ranger talon only end up increasing terminal performance by about 5%, and that only if they perform to perfection, something that is very unlikely....

9mm is just as good as is any other service caliber.....
Why do people continually overlook the simple fact that shooting a thug with a 9mm will only make him MUCH more powerful, while shooting the same thug with a .45 will create such an interstitiated vortexinidial suction that all of his bones, muscles, and organs will simply be dragged out the exit wound, leaving an empty skin bag lying on the ground?

Don't any of you know the MIGHT of the .45 ACP?
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