Is 4 rounds of 00 buck enough for home defense?


New member
I keep three in my mossy. Also keep the odd pistol and revolver or two handy.

I don't think I need to carry a gun at all times around the house, but have made it a habit to do so. That way if the need ever arises (bad storm with lack of basic services and accompanying lawlessness) I don't have to learn a new drill at the worst possible time.

I don't think I will ever need a shotgun for defense, but keep one with empty chamber and three in the magazine just in case I thought wrong.


New member
If the SOUND of a pump shotgun being cycled doesn't stop the advance of the BG, then shoot. 4 rounds might be enogh if you make the first one count. Just be aware that over penetration at close range is definitely in the realm of possibility though. CB.


New member
I agree with allentbader. I saw this question on another forum. Pretty much my favorite answer was that if you need more than 5 rounds of buckshot, you're pretty much screwed. If someone is determined enough, or drugged up enough, or well equipped enough, they'll keep coming when they should be incapacitated. When planning for this scenario, you have to balance the extreme off-chance that you'll have trained mercenaries with body armor coming after you against the possibility of killing your neighbors (or your family) through a wall with whatever you decide to come up with to stop those theoretical bad guys. With that said, I have to think that practice will count for a lot more than type or amount of ammunition. Anyways, that's just the opinion of a relative youngster. Cheers :)


New member
These threads are always fun. Is 4 rounds of 00 buck enough for home defense? At the best you have the outside chance of neutralizing four assailants. I just love euphemisms. I would tend to think in a home 4 rounds of 00 buck would suffice. You will have to aim no if ands or buts.

As far as accessibility and safety it is a tough one on a tube fed shotgun. I have a small keypad safe that I keep a loaded and ready pistol and loaded magazines for my saiga 12. The shotgun sits next to it with the bolt already open ready for a ten shell magazine. Thats about as fast and quick access as I can be comfortable with two boys 8 and 11 in the house and all their hoodlum friends. If they got hold of a single shell they could load it but that is unlikely.


New member
for those of you who are suggesting to use birdshot i highly recomend that you check out this website-

he finds out through testing that for home defense you want buckshot, the only situation where i would recomend birdshot is if you are being attacked by a flock of pigeons.....


New member
Four rounds is enough--unless you need five.:cool:

The average is only 1 or 2, you say?. Yes, but averages aren't always covered by specific incidents which consider the extremes to get the average.

If usually enough is the criteria, then 4 rds would be fine. A veteran of such lethal encounters once said that filling the air with lead as soon as possible is most important. I assume he meant the air in front of Bubba before the miscreant took 9 00 buck.