Interesting Glock Problem and Fix

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
So, I took my G33 out shooting again yesterday. Obviously I was expecting the famous Glock reliability to continue on. Well, wasn't I surprised when nearly every round fired would leave the slide locked back. Weird eh? Same ammo I was shooting, utterly reliably, last time out. Same me shooting the gun. Same mags.

So, what's the problem? I was confused. So, I strip it down and start looking. Anybody ever notice the "spring" (uh, piece of stiff wire) that holds the slide stop down? Well, lo and behold, when I had removed and reinserted the locking block pin I had bent that little piece of wire out of it's proper place and it was being held sort of cock-eyed with a considerable bit of tension on it. That tension was lifting up on the slide stop just enough to cause it to lock on just about every shot.

So, for any new Glock-o-philes out there, watch out when you take that pin out. You could make a bad day for yourself if you need that gun! (At least after shot 1;))

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
yup. It gotsta go UNDER and not OVER the pin.

Yeah, it was under it but it was bent about half way across the frame instead of being right up against it. Glock should say things like "Don't bend the Slide Stop spring." instead of "Glock recommends not disassembling your pistol beyond field stripping."
Who's gonna listen to that advice?:eek::D


New member
Yeah I noticed that you started a thread about your glock locking up. I didn't reply because I do not own a glock. However, I did read your post and it was very informative. Great info!


New member
Hey Pete. To save you the trouble again and for all those reading that pin comes out LAST and goes in FIRST. No muss no fuss. :)

(threads movin now :)

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I discovered that the trick is to put the pin back in from the right side, which prevents it from bending the "spring". Of course, the right side is apparently also the CORRECT side... so I should have known better. I have now installed a fancy new extended slide lock from Lone Wolf. It is much nicer to use than the stock one.
Some day I'm going to have to tackle the deconstruction of the slide itself.... one thing at a time though, I don't like my SD gun in pieces, especially if I can't make it one piece again!:eek::eek::D

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Let me know when and I'll walk you through it. Easy as pizza pie. Seriously.

Taking the slide apart is even faster and easier than the lower.

I'm not *really* worried about being able to do it. I've taken plenty enough guns apart, usually by trial and error, but the stakes have never been as high as my life. I just get a little nervous playing with a gun that MUST work when I get it back together.


New member
Good info and I'm thankful for the heads up. Now you dont have to be the one telling me how to fix it when I mess up.


New member
Every Glock malfunction is user error. Glocks do not fail.

Actually, they do, but usually in spectacular and interesting ways. That way, the user learns something new.

Bet you never knew that Glock included an educational feature! :D


goodspeed(TPF) said:
...that pin comes out LAST and goes in FIRST...
goodspeed(TPF) is correct. The removal order isn't that critical but the reinstallation order is important.

On the "3 pin" Glocks the locking block pin (top forward pin) ALWAYS goes in FIRST to prevent exactly the problem encountered by the OP.