Interactive Online Handguns


New member
just wanted to let you know there's a small typo on the page. It lists the model 66 revolver as a bouble action :)


New member
Very nice datasmith.

Someone asked about one for the 1911. Follow the link:

Go to the link that says "Most instructional tool for the 1911" about 8 links down. When you click the link it will open up an image of a 1911. Click the image and you will see all the inner workings of the 1911.

You can even download it as a screensaver.

Courtesy of STI International
Awesome work!


Very awesome work on the animations of those handguns. I do CAD for a living, and I can imagine how much time/work you put into those educational see-through views and animations. I commend you for your skills, and willingness to share. Great job!


New member
Very, very nice!

Funny, when I read the title I thought it might have something to do with one of those remote, interactive shooting sites. Where you can see targets in another place and go shooting from somewhere else on the Net.


New member

GREAT SITE...It already helped me explain to the wife what I hadn't been able to the past two days. Smart girl, just new to guns. Now if you could make a site that would make her want a gun...
What a fantastic site!

Just a small one about Long Recoil - I think it should read short recoil because that is how pistols work. Below is the definition cut from the glossary.

Long Recoil A semi-automatic pistol in which the barrel and breechblock are locked together for the full distance of rearward recoil travel, after which the barrel returns forward, while the breechblock is held back. After the barrel has fully returned, the breechblock is released to fly forward, chambering a fresh round in the process.

The graphics and descriptions are really good; this would be a fantastic teaching aide.