Insurance on your firearms?


New member
Just talked to my agent, they will cover a general policy on firearms, for up to $10,500. that will still require some proof of ownership. He said, and I quote "Nothing is better proof than, a safe full of burnt up, water-logged guns".

I do not need to register serial numbers, unless I want individual riders.
$10,500 is not enough to cover everything, but is definately better than nothing.

So, thanks again Stofan.


New member
yup my dads are covered by insurance. as a matter of fact they asked him years ago. are you planning on buying more? you are expensive. mine are probably not covered.


New member
false claim.... whether they have the serial number or not

is a crime.... so there you go.

My now decesed mother in law lost her wedding ring on her last stay at the one could find it. Call and ask all kinds of folks at the hospital, ambulance service.... etc, file a police report.... nothing...Filed a claim for, hold on to your seat... $17,000... paid in full no questions asked... Now really hold on to your seat tight..... 6 months later (she's dead and buried) the hospital calls and guess what... "We found these rings in an envelope with your mother's name on it..." My wife ask what do we do?

One answer... call the insurance company and ask them where to send the check or the ring.

Adventurer 2

New member
I had called my insurance agent when my rifle was recovered and asked him about what I needed to do. He laughed and said to call him when I actually get it back. It has been about a year now and that rifle is still in the police evidence room.


New member
I have all of mine insured on a rider to my home owners policy. Does require a description and serial number and I'm not thrilled about it, but figure NICS already has a list so it's worth it to have them insured.
It's my understanding that NICS has no such list. The idea is that you get checked, instantly, and then the info is sent, used, and tossed. The possibility exists that someone is NOT doing things properly (illegal!) but no, there should exist no list of what you have anywhere unless you've submitted it to someone. NICS shouldn't have any list.

A gun store should have a list of any firearm you've purchased, but if you've bought from more than one store, there shouldn't exist any master list of what you have purchased.

ssn vet

New member
my concern is that my insurance company will use the requested rider for firearms as a data point to caluculate other risks (i.e. accidental shooting of the neighbors kid, etc...) and then jack my overall liability premium.

We had a similar incident when we thought my grandfather's house had been robbed. It turned out a relative and his girlfriend "borrowed" the items and made it look like a robbery.

Upon learning this from my aunt, my sister and I went and "aggressively reclaimed" the items. After we had the items back in our possession (and my sister was released from jail for beating my cousins girlfriend with a bucket) we called our insurance company and we were told to just forget about it. It would cause them too much trouble. The claim was only about $12,000.00 though. If I remember correctly it was State Farm insurance.


New member
Your homeowner's insurance policy usually covers only nominal gun values, if it covers firearms at all.

I used to insure my guns via the NRA's policy provision, but I have so many expensive custom ones that the cost became prohibitive.

Now I keep all but a few in local bank safety deposit boxes. Much cheaper.
The dozen or so kept at home are in my safe.