Innundated with Crows---What to do?


New member
I began leaving a dead one laying in the yard wings spread out and the others will avoid my trees and ones close by.

We had a crow problem in our garden when I was younger. I shot one at about 100yds with a .22, and my dad layed it down with the wings extended, and the other crows stayed away after that.

Those birds may have a brain the size of a peanut, but they got the idea.


New member
Small brain...

The size don't matter! It's how it's wired up. Jumping spiders can work out strategies to catch prey. Imagine how small their brains are:eek:
Yeah, an owl decoy makes for a lot of entertainment. Set it out in shotgun range. Leave the dead crows on the ground. Lotsa times, other crows come for the funeral and eulogies.

You guys sound like the Viet Cong.


New member
Yep, I agree with the pellet gun. I've rid myself of lots of vermin while living in the city limits dropping, tree rats, starling and crows. Trust me here. Crows are so smart that once you start dropping a few, they move to safer havens in a hurry.
I dropped a lot of crows.. it was so bad they thought the west nile virus was in my neighborhood.:) Turns out the local pathologist said they died of high speed lead poisoning. The bottom line is the crows don't come around here any more.


New member
Well, the do seem to be smart...

I zapped 2 at about 100 yards with my .22, and all of a sudden, there's no crows within a 300 yard radius. They're still all around me, in the distance, but they're giving my propery a wide berth.


New member
I loved Pointer's second post about dynamiting the trees!
Was that actually done?
What I'd give to see a sight like that.:D
And the cops are worried about stupid firecrackers?
Imagine taking them back in time to deal with sticks of dynamite going off. Holy Moly!