Inexpensive double-barrel shotguns?


New member
Looking to pick up a double-barrel shotgun. I'm looking for something inexpensive, but not junk of course. By "inexpensive" I mean sub $200 I would be happy with used as well.

What are my options?


New member
lol your in NJ, for sub $200 used I think is going to be your only option. Check some local pawn shops, gun shops and local ad's in northern nj. Post some "WTB" ad's as well. There is still some good old boys closer to PA who may part with a decent hand me down.


New member
YOU might have to get one with a missing barrel....aka a sigle shot for that money. I suggest you save up a little more. but YOU could get lucky it happens some guy doesnt know the vaule of the gun sells it cheap to get rid of it, that storys not un common.


New member
I doubt anything new will go for under $200. I know you might be able to get a Stoeger SxS for around $330 or so, but I don't know of anything much less than that.


New member

Good luck in your search. Your parameters - SXS, under $200, not junk - are for the most part mutually exclusive.
The best deal that I have seen on a used SXS in the last couple of years was a Savage 311 SXS for $265 in Dugan's gun shop in Hughesville, PA. It was there for years, might still be - tight, bright bores, bomb-proof, camo, heavy. That is the least expensive SXS I've seen. Why no one wanted it, I can't say.


New member
What's your definition of junk / and we can help you better :

a. At 25 shells a box - how many shells of service should it give you, before you have a problem ? 1,000 / 5,000 / 10,000 / 50,000 ?

b. What is the top end of your price range that you won't go beyond - no matter how nice a gun it is ?

c. What do you want to do with it / how many shells a month will you fire ?


New member
go up to 700 then you have a big variety to choose from that are new and used! even 500 would be fine to start lookn around with.


New member

I'm looking for something inexpensive, but not junk of course. By "inexpensive" I mean sub $200
That sounds pretty firm.
Depending on where you go, you can find very serviceable SXSs for under $500. The aforementioned Savage 311 is one example. That same store had maybe a half dozen vintage SXSs in good condition for under $500.
In another store - Andrews in Beech Glen, PA ( Just an example - do you no good unless you know someone in PA) - I bought a Parker VH - bright and tight - for $400. I also picked up a nice LeFever for similar money, a tad less even.
The only double that I saw for $200 was a Savage 440 O/U. I bought it.


New member
You should be able to find one as mentioned, pawn shops, etc. Don't expect a fine finish and look for an old Stevens, J.C.Higgins...others can add on here.

My old Stevens has been busting birds and small game for almost 50 yrs. and still going strong. Cost $20 at a swap meet back around 1970. Bores are still shiney, outside not so much anymore.


New member
I'm not sure if they have Big 5 Sporting Goods stores in NJ, but they've been selling a new JW2000 (?) Chinese side-by-side for $269. They're pretty neat looking, and it's not a bad price for something brand new.


New member
It doesn't have to look pretty. I was thinking $350 or so give or take a few bucks. It won't be fired much at all, but I'd like to get at least 2,500 or so shells through it

No BIg 5 in NJ


New member
For $350 you could get one of the Stoegers I linked to above (probably a lot less, that's close to the MSRP). They are fairly common, I know Cabelas carries them. Stoeger is owned by Benelli so they will stand behind their work I think.


New member
I was just looking at the Stoegers. I went in to order one and found a Remington/Spartan spr220 for $350. I'm in MA and have found our prices to be a little higher than elsewhere in the country. It was used and unfired. New ones without the exposed hammers were under $400. Exposed hammers were closer to $600.


New member
Save a little more and get one remington Spartan, or maybe a Stoeger, but for 200, I dont think sooooooooooooooo.


New member
Magnumwill I wont trust anything made in communist China, there is nothing good about communism, I mean nothing, everything they make is pure bull_ _ _ _. if you know what I mean. I will spend my money in american made stuff, the best is made in capitalism and the $$$ stay here in great USA.


New member
For something that will give you trouble free performance in the 2500 shells a year range - for a few years ... I would probably look for a Ruger O/U.

I think in general - the Ruger will be about $300 - $500 less than a comparable Browning or Beretta - new and used - although everybody's prices are up.

There are a lot of problems with Stoeger and the Rem Spartan - that you can read all over this forum ( and while you may get a good one, its hard to know ).

I would concentrate on a used Ruger Red Label / maybe a Browning Citori Lightning if you can find one. The lightning model has been made for over 20 years / and the older ones have the shorter screw in chokes - the invector / vs the newer invector plus. If you find one with a beat up stock - that you could lightly sand and refinish as a project in 20 hours or so - pay a little less up front for it - turn it into a nice serviceable gun. Beretta makes a lot of models - and I'm not a Beretta guy but I believe they've made their field O/U the silver pigeon for a long time as well - and it should be cheaper than a Browning.


New member
Ok - sorry but assume 2,500 shells in 5 years - same issues as far as I'm concerned.

Many of us put 10,000 shells or more thru our primary shotguns in a year...