in-the-pocket holster VS. on-the-hip or outside the pocket holster


Texas Ranger JJ McQuade..

No problem TRD, I think you'd find a decent holster/belt or shoulder rig for your 6" barrel GP100. ;)
+1 on 10-Ring's remarks too. As I posted before, it would be hard to carry or conceal a large frame pistol/DA revolver in a cross-draw without effort.
Chuck Norris toted a big N frame S&W revolver in the action classic; LoneWolf McQuade(1983), . But Ranger McQuade used open carry and wore a leather crossdraw.
I'd add that whatever model you pick, make sure it can support or balance the full weight of a loaded handgun. If the rig sags or prints a lot, you may have problems. I've worn large pistols in well made shoulder holsters for 12/16/18 hours a clip, and was glad I spent the $$$ on quality gear.


New member
I pocket carry a Ruger LCR. As others said, don’t carry anything else in that pocket. When in a circumstance where I believe I might need it I just walk along with my hand in my pocket with my fingers extended; grasping the butt makes a bulge.

Being a bit “elderly” I don’t wear tight jeans. Also, being a bit “elderly” I know, and have had it demonstrated to me, that I’m considered a prime target.

For the “just in case” incidents I have a 357 in the car cubby with a crumpled napkin over it. For long trips when I expect to be in the car in traffic at times I carry an SP101 in a crossdraw and wear a loose casual jacket.

It’s not paranoia when you know they’re out to get you.


New member
I usually carry a G26 in a modified Uncle Mike's #4 pocket holster. It's very difficult to access when seated but it's concealed in the hot weather we have here in the summer. When not carrying in my pocket, I like the Blackhawk! Serpa canted all the way forward.


New member
If you get a good holster (my favorite snubby holster was a Bianchi) that rides a little high, and pair it with a 1 3/4" or 2" belt it is very comfortable to carry and can be covered with a loose t-shirt. I found it a lot more comfortable than IWB. As for pocket carry, I'm small so my pockets are too. The only gun I pocket carry is a .22 Beretta.


New member
Don't use holsters any more, just "Clip Draws" I don't like a pocket full of gun and trying to get it out on a split second, not my thing, of course can't really pocket my carries. Too big.


New member
I am currently looking at other options besides in-the-pocket, so I can holster the larger revolvers. One friend is recommending shoulder, but I couldn't find leather. I like leather. Also, the in-the-pocket for my CCW revolver is working fine, so I am in no big rush, grump


New member
guys/gals, thanx for your help. I went with

I saw someone talking about it here on the forum and the site looked like what I'd been looking for all along. I believe I can IWB or OWB, but no over the shoulder unless I make another purchase.