I'm such a sucker


New member
That is true, the more you give the more you have.

We are caring for a 6 month old boy right now. His mother had to give him up temporarily because her family fell apart, husband's a heroin addict. She gave custodianship to a woman in my church and he was recovered from a shelter.

We keep him Friday's through Sundays and baby sit other times. I call him Little Bub.

He's crying to get picked up. I'm thinking he's used to being coddled. Once he stops and sits for a few minutes then I will pick him up. I think this behavior needs to be nixed from the start. His personality is forming and I will not allow it to form around, "I can cry and get my way." "No, Little Bub, you can act correctly and be rewarded." From what Diana says most people start that lesson when the child is older, but by then this conduct is already ingrained. A baby is not a blank piece of paper until he's 2-3 yrs old, the writing starts at birth.

Now, he's the only person in the world that can stand to hear me sing, or simply he doesn't run away because he can't yet.
You are a very very lucky person to have this happen. Fate has a funny way of doing things that we don't understand until it happens to us. We call it Bashert.
You, received a huge dose of Fate. What a lucky and blessed person you and your wife are. My wife and I took a young officer under our wings 11 years ago and now I know why America will not fail. It's people like this that I'd trust must life, liberty and freedom with. If there was a Captain America in real life, it would be him.
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