I'm such a sucker


New member
We "adopted" a girl in our church a few years ago. Not a legal adoption but spiritually, we treat her as our daughter. I have a 30 yr old stepson but no other children between us. He's not a shooter, she is. She needed a mommy and daddy, we felt called to step into that role. She is fully our daughter in our hearts, even in the will and on the insurance policy's.

She both became a fully ordained minister and married this year, she's 22yrs old.

I had given her a 3" GP-100 which she loves. Also I gave her a 9mm Shield which she likes but she's more into revolvers.

I'm loading about 250 rounds a month for her. ( I think it's time to teach hubby to do that)

I ran across a deal on a S+W 638 airweight. At the range she saw it, shot it and her eyes sparkled.

Guess who went home with that revolver. Yeah, right, you know. I am such a sucker. Diana, my wife, now wants me to build her an AR-15 for Christmas. Diana is a sucker too.

This blessed child is a light in both our eyes. When Diana was injured it was her that cared for her, and that was not easy.


New member
Great story. The world can use more suckers like you and your wife!
We are currently in the process of adopting a child. It is quite the process.


New member
Praise the Lord, for leading you both to each other. I can see you needed her, as much as she needed you.

Good choice of guns too. :D


New member
Blessed and bless-ed. Awesome.

Not sure how you were able to part with a3" GP though. One of my favorites. :cool:


New member
Not sure how you were able to part with a3" GP though. One of my favorites.

A smile on her face and a sparkle in her eye. Diana said to give it to her for her 21st birthday so we did. Older one, with the smaller grip.


New member
I'm 31, but I am currently up for adoption if you need more rugrats around the house. When can I start packing?

walks with gun

New member
I too am up for adaption, my married children moved back home to save up money. I have a pickup load of guns and reloading equipment that I could pack in a hurry. It sounds like she is a very special girl, as are you and your wife.


New member
Great story and bless all of you! If she loves to shoot . . then teach BOTH she and her husband to reload! Just one more thing they could share together!

May you all have many happy years together and when there are so many things going 'wrong" in this world . . . you and your wife offset that by you unselfish act of stepping up when needed - the rewards all of you have reaped cannot be measured.


New member
Yeah they need to learn. Maybe I can scrounge enough of my old stuff to get them started.

And he needs to learn to shoot because she whoops his butt every time. Maybe that's a good thing, keep him a little afraid of her. LOL

But she did marry a guy I don't have to kill (so far) That was my one requirement.


New member
Garry, that remu D's me of a storey: A few years ago my kid sister came home with her husband who had never hunted. She shot a meat freezer forked horn and a doe. He shot a bigger buck (but still small)....and about a box and a half of '06!
We he just keeps rubbing it in that he killed the bigger buck, and she got tired of it. So every time he started bragging in her presence she would reach in her pocket and hold out the two empty .257 Roberts brass that she had killed her two deer with...and just grin. Folks would ask "what's this?", and then she would tell them....Lol!

On a serious note, good on you and your wife. You have a brother and sister in Christ here in my house.


New member
Well, they are coming in from Columbus this weekend. Hopefully we get some shooting in.

She told my wife she has "news". Married for 6-1/2 weeks and she has "news". Got my mind wondering.

The only thing I can connect to that is when they said, "We are going to let God bless us when he's ready."

How much do those Cricket rifles go for? Just asking.


New member
Isn't it undeniable that the Lord gives us what we need, when we need it.

You aren't a sucker. You are a blessed man. And you know it :)

I'd not like to see what would happen if someone tried to keep you from giving to your daughter. It was very cool to read this.

God Bless you and yours.


New member
Not a baby, her and her husband are going to Thailand on a missionary trip with the Remember Nhu ministry which keeps young girls from being sold into the sex trade. 8 weeks gone, now I have to worry about our little girl.

God will keep her, I know that.

They said hey wanted to do this before starting a family.


New member
"God will keep her, I know that.

They said hey wanted to do this before starting a family. "

His plan either way, prayers for all.

Need more of this in this time.

Thumbs up.


Smoke Jensen

New member
You and your wife are very special people.

Sounds like you and your wife are two in a million. That little girl you raised is really something. God and guns, a different calling. She indeed is a work of art. Time to teach "her" to reload. The sense of accomplishment is even greater when she has a say in and builds the ammunition she shoots. I wish your "family" all the best. You have a wife like mine; life is good.


New member
This is a terrific thread! And it MORE than off-sets a lot of the snark & attitude that seems to appear on these pages. (I'm guilty of it myself)

Thanks for the smile on my face! :)


New member
You aren't a sucker, you are a man with a big heart.

I have two daughters of my own and four others who I refer to as "daughters of my heart," ladies that I took under my wing for one reason or another. One still lives nearby, another is attending a university that is a rival of my alma mater, one would be a name folks would recognize if they were fans of a certain talent show, and one returned to her home in Europe. They aren't in my will, but they can call on me for anything, and they know it.

It's funny, isn't it, how the more love you give away the more you seem to have.