I'm so depressed after a trip to the range...


Moderator Emeritus

For someone who has been reading my posts on GT and TFL as long as you have, I am appalled at how badly you misread this paticular post. I know your job requires you to be more detail oriented than that.

A)There is a segment of the population (some armchair cops, some actual LEOs) who will defend any action, right or wrong, by any LE agency, as long as such activity involved 'cool' and 'tactical' uniforms, guns, etc.
B)BY THAT RATIONALE you may as well also defend the actions of certain other groups whose guns and uniforms were pretty sharp and 'tactical'.

I'm sorry I used the rather hot-button term "Einsatzgruppen" with you around. My Email is freely available. Send me a list of approved terms that will not result in a lecture the next time I post on those who defend misguided LE efforts.

The comparison, by the way, was not an original but was borrowed from a good friend of mine who is also an APD officer and has been for years. He doesn't appreciate the 'Soldier of Fiction' crowd giving his profession a black eye by confusing the appropriate tactics of the SEALs for those of a police department...

"..but never ever Fear. Fear is for the enemy. Fear and Bullets."
10mm: It's not the size of the Dawg in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!

[This message has been edited by Tamara (edited May 03, 2000).]


New member
12-34hom, Only cops like yourself can rid the department of the badge heavies. If you do nothing about the officers that abuse their authority you like all other professions will get labeled. Fair or unfair that's the way it works. Flying off the handle on Tamara's post, makes me wonder how you react to an irrate motorist you've just pulled over.

Normally, i ignore the "cop bashers and haters" retoric on TFL and consider the source from which its spewed from.

Great, but why is it if someone may criticize how a raid may have been conducted or a law that officers blindly enforce without regard to any common sense or Constitutionality cops like yourself demonize the opposing side calling them cop bashers or cop haters?

Now before you go off on me please answer a couple of questions: Were you forced to become a police officer? Do you think just because you wear a badge that automatically means civilians are supposed to respect you?

"Gun Control is Only to Protect Those in Power"