I'm gonna celebrate DC v. Heller this weekend. Are you?


New member
I've got a shiny new CZ at the shop, just waiting for my ten-day to expire. The idea was to start it early enough to get it grandfathered if Heller went badly, but also early enough to take it out and celebrate.

Time to break it in!


New member
my girlfriend is going to the gun shop in the morning, walking out with her first rifle....a carbon fiber ar-15!!!! we'll have to go celebrate the victory in style!!!!
Wahoo!!! My wife was just shaking her head when we were watching the news cause she knew what was going to happen after. So it is to the range I go. Man it sucks living in town:barf:, 45 minutes to the range but at least I can ride the bike:D. Now I just gotta wait to get off work.


New member
fbrown, same here, 4 more hours till i can leave!!! and then 1.5 hours till the bank opens and then 3 hours until the gun shop opens up.....

counting down already!!!


Colonial Costume at Gun Store.

A female clerk at my gun store was dresses fully - including 3 cornered hat - in an American Patriot's costume - ala' Colonial days at the store today. She is a neat woman, little short older lady who drives her deceased mother's pristine '70 Chevy and CCW's a full-size, cocked and locked, .45 Colt Automatic in the store, quite visible on her hip, which together with the colonial costume made quite a sight. She had made the costume for the 200th anniversary of the country, and thought it would be fitting to pull it out of storage today and wear it at work behind the counter.

Wish someone had called the press for a photo of her; by the time I got there her shift was just ending.

Quite a sight!


New member
Even though Im here in Iraq, I think me and a few of my pro-gun buddies are going to try to go to the range (if mission dictates) and blast some rounds off. And if we do, there will be video.


New member
I was at the range yesterday with a new shooter. My nephew, age 13, was visiting from out of state and shot my new 22 ruger, Beretta 92fs, and my 1911. He was actually a pretty good shot. He was hitting an occasional clay target on the bank at 50 yards and had decent groups at 10 yards. He totally understood the focus on the front sight idea and wants to go again in the next day of so.

It was a nice day couple of hours at the range. When I got back home I heard about the Supreme Court decision. :)

Atticus Thraxx

New member
We are absolutely giddy here in my part of California. Shout-out of thanks from this citizen to the United States Supreme Court. Now if you could go back and fix that crap you pulled with Habeas Corpus, and a few other things...... we're good. Gonna burn thru 500 or so .45 at the range and who knows maybe stand downtown and offer to pay .50 on the $1 for people's NRA memebership.
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New member
I knew the verdict was coming yesterday. But I was already on my way to my shooting place. When I got there, I was surprised to see someone there with 2 guys he was teaching to shoot. They were from Belgium. It was about 1pm in a national forest shooting area.
I had gone up to shoot my newly replaced Century Arms build Yugo AK-47 with the underfolding stock. The first one I bought wouldent eject the shells, so I sent it back, and they sent me a replacement that was much nicer and worked perfectly! "Thanx Century!" I was also shooting my .45 XD Tactical.
I ended up talking to the other 3 guys, the one guy, (American) told me that he just heard about the supreme court ruling. He said They found it to be unconstitutional, and had removed the ban. I was already very happy to know that my replacement AK worked perfectly, but to hear that just made for a perfect day. Not to mention I had ridden my motorcycle with a big camping back pack to put my pistol and underfold AK in. Nothing like a motorcycle ride to go shooting.

I did hear though, that even though the ban on hand guns has been lifted (I'm not really clear on all the effects of the ruling yet) that there is still a large amount of gun control that is left open for people to pursue. At least it's a small step in the right direction!

Get out and shoot. And take a friend! and teach them well!;)