I'm gonna celebrate DC v. Heller this weekend. Are you?


New member
Well the pitcher didn't throw a perfect game. Gave up a few hits, the closer was called out, but we still won. Time to enjoy.

I suddenly have the strongest urge to go to Virginia Arms in Manassas and empty my paycheck at their counter. Oh wait - (one gun purchase per month rule in the VA.) Then go to Blue Ridge Arsenal and rent that really big revolver I haven't tried yet. Then maybe go to NRA headquarters in Fairfax, and thank them for not supporting (and even hindering) DC v Heller/parker from the start. They have a nice range there too.

So, for any of you in the NoVa area, who's with me?

Actually, I want all gun ranges, everywhere, to have a free weekend. All gun stores should offer 50% discount on all dreaded "black rifles." Their business is gonna go up anyway.


New member
Not in NoVA, but I'm celebrating...at an Appleseed Rifleman's Basic Course in Ramseur, NC. All this weekend, next week, and next weekend will be spent on the range, smelling the lovely smell of burnt powder and Hoppes #9.

I'll have to see if I can celebrate the decision by buying an AR15...or getting parts for my Savage tactical build...or getting an M1A...or a Garand...or...or...or....



New member
Nice idea!!! I am not waiting for this weekend though, I am going to the range today!!!

A win is still a win, we'll take all the good news that we can.


New member
I celebrated in advance, picked up a new Kimber last weekend, will be at the range tomorrow to start the break-in process and get used to it ... It is a wonderful day!!!!!


I'm having a sale on all handguns and ammo!!!

"You have the Right, Now Excersize it"

WildwithspellingcorrectedAlaska ™


New member
My celebration will be going to the range to fire the custom AR15 I completed building last night. I'll also be shooting some of the 2500 rounds of ammo I just bought as a victory salute!




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New member
I am tapped out on guns right now , however the sun is over the yardarm here in SE Colorado . Later today ill stumble over to my local gunstore and pick up some ammo , and maby parts ( possibly an ar receiver to build on ) to celebrate .


New member
I've already been to the range to celebrate. :)

Well, in truth, I was already going to go but I enjoyed it just that much more.:D


New member
I'm going to load up my trusty G22, plenty of ammo, Taser, several sets of cuffs and go out tonight with the Gun Interdiction team and take some BG's to jail. Maybe get some illegal guns off the street as well.

"That is to celebrate"..... they won't have a clue what I'm talkin about. LMAO

Maybe I'll get a call today from Birdsong and my RRA AR is ready! That would be a good cause for celebration!


New member
I am going fishing this weekend. Of course, I'll be exercising my individual right to a firearm by carrying a pistol with me.


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Hey Apple, you need to get your handgun permit so that 30 day waiting period doesn't have to apply to you!!


New member
I was already having a big get together of friends to go shooting and then do some grilling. This will just make it that much better!


New member
I'm tied up with the Downriver Cruise this weekend. But possibly Sunday, or definitely Monday or Tuesday, I'm going back to the range and giving the GSG-5 a workout.:D