I'm Back online.. Finally settled in Boise, Idaho!


New member
18th they're gonna be closed for a special shoot, I was told yesterday.
Gee, and also the 4th Sunday (hrm.. 26th)....

So how's about Sunday 19th or Saturday 25? of course, some folks got Church Sunday morning, I reckon, so....

Everybody who's interested, email me your absolute "cant do it" dates and times, and I'll sit down with a calander and figure out something that works for us all, then call the range and make sure they'll be open then. Heck, if there's enough of us, we might even be able to talk 'em into opening a little early for us.

Say.. if everyone gets me their open times by Thursday Aug 2, I'll have posted a final time and date by noon Satuday Aug 4.

That work for y'all?




New member
A call to the Garden City police will get instant confirmation of this
GC can pass whatever law it likes. ID has state level preemption, which will negate whatever crap GC passes.


New member
They say that you can't even carry concealed unless it is with a permit signed by the Ada County Sheriff. Nor can you carry into ANY city owned or operated building building.
I asked the city attorney about this very issue right after I moved to Boise from AZ. They didn't really know what would happen, but I was told that state preemption is the law, and it trumps local law.


New member
Kaylee, I'd rather meet at the informal range down the road from Black's Creek. Just after the railroad tracks on the right hand side. No restrictions and no cost :). I have no problems meeting at the BC range though. I can probably get away for a little while, but I need an advanced warning.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Dang, but there are a few of us Idaho TFL'ers!

Kaylee, perhaps you can move part of this thread over to Lock & Load. My schedules pretty tied up. I'll get a couple of days off for labor day, but the wife wants to go camping over on Diamond Creek. Also have a weekend for elk hunting up above Challis (unit 28). That's about it until after christmas.

EricM, I agree totally. I just don't want to be the test case, and possibly lose my weapon(s) at the same time!


New member
Welcome to Idaho DS. I'm another WNY refugee, Lockport area, was kind of a birth defect. I'm in Coeur d'Alene now, looking to move up a little closer to Sandpoint in the next year or so. Hope you like the area as well as I do (granted that you are 450 or so miles away!). Ain't the west great. At least you got out when Chuck and Hillary took over PRNY.

Where in NY are you from?



New member

The North End is easily escaped by traveling three other directions, so don't worry too much about them; with their backs against the foothills, we've got them surrounded.

You'll enjoy Shooting World (lucky me - just North of my neighborhood!!) and Shapels; depending on what you're into, there are buys to be had at a number of gun/pawn shops as well. I'd just located Buckhorn Pawn on Ustick - looks like a good selection of classic, straight-vanilla guns; didn't look at prices, though.

To all:

Let's at least talk about meeting sometime, if not for a camp trip, perhaps a shoot, or coffee or lunch or beers - whatever tickles your twinkie; I'd like to put some faces to the aliases and clever posts.

- - - Don


New member
You'll enjoy Shooting World (lucky me - just North of my neighborhood!!) and Shapels; depending on what you're into, there are buys to be had at a number of gun/pawn shops as well. I'd just located Buckhorn Pawn on Ustick - looks like a good selection of classic, straight-vanilla guns; didn't look at prices, though.
I found Shooting World to be expensive and very loud :), but for an indoor range, it's set up pretty well. Buckhorn Pawn is a 1/4 mile from my house or less. An amazing selection of guns, but prices out of this world. I still think that Bill Williams, the owner, just likes to collect guns :).

Jay Baker

New member
Yep, the prices are high at Buckhorn, but I've found that they'll "play." I do like their selection. For new stuff, Shapel's, Sportsmen's Warehouse and Intermountain Sports. Also great selection of all kinds of outdoor gear at both S.W. & I.M.S. Take a look at Cliff's Reloading on Five Mile. Good stuff there with a fine selection of parts for reloading tools, etc. Also a dealer for Dillion.

Into Dutch Oven cooking?? Gotta take a look at the selection of "those old black pots" at Sportsmen's Warehouse, and their D.O. videos!

Like to shoot submachine guns?? Shooting World rents them. Want to buy a submachine gun, machine gun, or automatic rifle?? Contact the Idaho Automatic Weapons Collectors Assoc.

Idaho suits me right down to the ground.



New member
Alright, as suggested, this is now cross-posted to Live Fire Excercises:

Boise, ID meet and shoot

Black's Creek (or vicinity), Sat 25 (probably) 10 AM
Perhaps other logistical comments on the meet be moved there, so that we can use this spot for congratulating ds on his successful foray under the wire.

See you all there, I hope!


Shooting world lets you play with autos hrmm? Cool, learn som'n new every day. Might have to visit and see...

(edited to add in the link.. it's late, I'm addled, g'night)

Dave R

New member
Kaylee, I was at Shooting World one night when a guy was shooting tracers out of a Thompson, full auto.

Lit up the whole place when he fired.

Thanks for putting together the details on the 25th!


New member

Wow, I forgot how quickly things get posted around here. Glad to hear from all my friendly neighbors in Idaho! Kaylee, I sent you my dates but then noticed you had already posted a day so just ignore my e-mail. Oh if you could send me directions to Black Creek that would be great!

Dave R, I gotta rent a machine gun. The first time I heard one was when I was at shooting world. I had just finished off a mag and heard. First in semi: blam. blam. blam. Then full auto rat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat! It was a Tommy gun. Sorry to get so excited about this. I DID move here from PRNYS you know.


Oh brianidaho, I'm originally from Cicero (north of Syracuse) and went to college in Potsdam NY (ice world) and grad school in Buffalo NY.

Sorry to not post more, but it's dinner time!


New member
Welcome to Idaho! I live, well will live again in Meridian, just 7 miles west of Boise. Right now I'm homeless. We sold our home and are waiting for our new one to get finished up. Should be next week.

I'd like to join all of you on the 25th, but I shoot IDPA competition out in Parma, and we have a shoot that day. Would any of you like to come out and try it? My real name is Devin and sometimes I R.O. the matches. We'd love to have you all come out.
Go to:

and check it out.

If you can't make it, maybe some other day we can set up another Idaho shoot, so I can come meet you all too.



New member
No problem with the email DS.. I'll post the directions to the range in the Live fire excercises thread.

No MP5's? Ah maaan..... why isn't there a pouty-faced smiley?
Thompson sounds neat.. think we could get 'em to add one of those nifty plastic "M-41 pulse rifle" body shells to it? Now that sounds neat...

Anyhow, hope to see you all soon.

P99, the IDPA thing sounds neat.. I'd been kinda interested in that myself, but..um.... got distracted with this rifle thing you see...

later, all!



New member
Oh if you could send me directions to Black Creek that would be great
I-84 East towards Twin Falls. About 5 miles outside of Boise get off at the Blacks Creek exit. Turn right at the stop sign, and follow the road all the way to the range. The range is about 5 miles (or so) from the stop sign on the right hand side of the road. The main "informal" range is on the right hand side after you go over the railroad tracks before you get to the BC range. You'll see some rutted trails off to the right heading towards a hill back stop.

I was thinking of asking the local Land Cruiser club if they want to spend a day cleaning up this area of debris, but I don't think they'd be up for it.


New member

We've got rifle shoots going on at the same time. You can do boht if you want to. I usually do. Most of the time the rifle courses are set up for a carbine (AR, Ak etc work best) once in a while we do some long range shooting, that a good tactical rifle is needed. And then every once in a while they have a shotgun course mixed in.

Lots of fun.



New member
Clean-up: (see Eric's post above): That area, and the area across the road from the range, are sorely in need of a clean-up. As much as I am glad that Idaho has many shooting enthusiasts, I am embarrassed by the apparent inability or unwillingness of many of them to pick up cases/targets/garbage, etc. It would be less fun than a group-shoot, but really if a group of shooters is interested in creating a more positive public attitude towards shooters, they should have a clean-up day and get all that trash out of there.


New member
p_i, I'm up for a day of cleaning up if we can gather a few folks to do it. We'd have to scare off the shooters for a day :). It would take a lot of rakes to clean up all the brass and glass laying around there.