I'm Back online.. Finally settled in Boise, Idaho!


New member
WoW!! What a cool new interface. I'd like to thank the fellow TFL'rs who suggested I look at Micron in Boise for a job so long ago.


I'm finally settled in Boise Idaho and just set up a Qwest account so I can rejoin you all online. It looks like I have a lot of threads to catch up on as I haven't been on since the end of May. The weather here is so great though, I'm not sure I want to spend that much time inside.

To all fellow Idahoans, I'm glad to have escaped the PRNYS and shooting world is pretty cool! What's up with those North enders? I didn't know there were that many commies in Idaho.

The job is great, the town is great (A little bigger than expected, but smaller than western NY) and the weather is Awesome!! My wife loves it here too.


New member
I'm told the commies in the north are immigrants from California. They didn't like California, but they want to make Idaho just like California. They are not liked by the long time residents of Idaho. I'm told they are easily frightened by full auto fire, and complain to the sheriff when they hear it. The sheriff tells them, "Welcome to Idaho."


New member
Come on out to Blacks Creek range (or the informal range just before it :)). I was at the "informal range" this morning testing out my G17 among other guns. Lots of TFL folks here, but I've not met a single one.

Jay Baker

New member
Welcome to Boise, DS. Not ALL Kalifornios are bad... just those who are the Socialist bliss ninnies who came up here to turn Idaho into a Marxist state like their own Gulag in Kalif.

On the other hand, I and several other people who came here from Kalif., came for Freedom, in a comparatviely free state. We love it here... and hate the Socialist bliss ninnies who are trying to destroy Idaho, just as they destroyed Kalif.

Ahhh, only two and one half months 'til elk season... and I only have to drive 50 miles to be in the middle of elk country.


Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Welcome to Idaho ds!!

Ummm...ya haven't met them folks from Sun Valley/Ketchum/Hailey yet, have you? Ya thinks them idjuts in Boise are bad...Ya otta meet up with the likes of Jon Marvel!

Anyway, glad to have another gunner in our great state. You ever get over my way (MiniCassia area), give me a holler.
I hear the same thing about NY'ers coming to CA and Kalifornians going to OR, WA, NV and everywhere else. Like my brother, you move to a place because you like it and don't want it to change and want to escape from the BS. You don't bring your trash with you. Mebbe we should just extend the borders of Idaho and disenfranchise some from voting.

BTW, welcome back ds1973.

Bam Bam

New member
Good to hear from you, DS. Things here are about the same. I graduated in May and will look for work in TX or OK. Enjoy your new life and give regards to the Missus. I went camping on Kueka Lake this weekend. NY is beautiful but suffering from the canker called NYC. Enjoy the fresh breath of freedom, K.


New member
Another welcome!

I'm down in Kuna (15 miles Southwest of you, more or less), and about to head out to Black's Creek myself... I second the idea of a TFL get-together down there -- any time but next weekend :D

Ditto the Sun Valley folks... barf! Drove through there once and promptly reminded myself "never again." It really is like having a spot of CA here in ID... kinda like a tumor.

So.. enjoy Shapel's (on Liberty off of Chinden), laugh at Bill Cope in Pravda North..er... Boise Weekly.. and git those NY plates off your rig as soon as you can!

Oh yeah, one more thing -- go to Cracker Barrel for dinner! Even a Yankee like yourself can't miss good Southern cookin'.

later all --


So when we doin' the meet?

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Kaylee, where do we all meet?

Camping on the middle fork of the Boise? Juniper Mountain in the Owyhee's? Silver City? Gads, the places are everywhere!

Labor Day weekend?

'Course, there's always the Green belt...say the Garden City area. I hear that they passed an ord that prohibits all weapons. Even got signs posted that list all the prohibited stuff! :barf:


New member
Well, I was thinking at Black's Creek Rifle Range, given as how we're a firearm board and all. Besides, that way we'd get to see each other's cool toys. ;)

As to date/time.. how does 2:00 Saturday August 11 sound to everyone?

I have to admit though.. the camping trip idea sounds great though! Prolly have the most secure campsite in the state, outside of a Nat'l Guard training session I'll bet!

So.. how's about a rifle range gathering to start, and perhaps talk at the range about a group camping trip?


Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
EricM and others:

This is what happens when we don't pay attention.


C. Hunting and Firearms. Use firearms of any descriptions, or air rifles, spring guns, bow and arrows, slings or any other forms of weapons potentially inimical to wild life and dangerous to human safety, or any instrument that can be loaded with and fire blank cartridges, or any kind of trapping device; or discharge, or have in his possession, any fireworks; or shoot into park areas from beyond park boundaries; provided that it shall be lawful for police officers or other duly authorized officers while on duty to use and carry firearms; and provided further that an archery range may be located and used in a park, subject to rules and regulations promulgated and posted by the Garden City Parks & Waterways Committee. Provided further that this provision does not apply to lawful use, possession and transportation of firearms on designated firing ranges.

That's the text of the current code. The previous code said, [/b]"Use, carry, or possess firearms of any description,"[/b] and the city placed a few signs that strictly state that possesion is prohibited and goes on to actually list all the prohibited items.

A call to the Garden City police will get instant confirmation of this.


New member
I've always thought of Idaho as a possible "final" destination for myself; probably end up in Northern Arizona though, which is just fine with me. Both are great RKBA states, probably the top two in my book. I must say, I'm a little jealous. ;)

It's past time for me to leave the PRK!


New member
In re: Garden City Ordinance

It is hard to be certain without reading the entire section of code, but the way that I read what Antipitas posted, it seems that the code was *loosened*. Under the old quoted version it was illegal to possess or carry a firearm in the park. Under the new version, it is only illegal to *use* a firearm in the park.

As much as I like shooting I don't usually go to city parks for practice, and I very much doubt this ordinance would matter to either me or the police if I actually had to use a firearm for self-defense in the park.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Where my confusion comes in is not with the ordinance per se, but with the sign posted, which flatly prohibits firearms.

Now I'm not suggesting that someone should be a test case. I'm perfectly aware you probably wouldn't be arrested for open carry...no, it would be for something else. Disturbing the piece of some bliss ninny?

I guess I just don't like the idea that cities can pass such stuff, regardless of the fact that Idaho is a pre-emptive state. Perhaps you should check out the Boise codes. They say that you can't even carry concealed unless it is with a permit signed by the Ada County Sheriff. Nor can you carry into ANY city owned or operated building building.

Go to Boise and do a search on "weapons" in the city code.

I don't know that Anyone has ever been charged with this stuff, but it's these kind of little encroachments that lead to other (larger) encroachments. Isn't this precisiely what we have all seen happen in other states and the US as a whole?

All of this may mean absolutely nothing. But if we aren't aware that it's starting in our own backyard, we will quickly approach that same slippery slope we see in other states.


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New member
welcome to idaho ds1973, I'm down here in Twin Falls, about an hour and a half's drive. Hope you enjoy your new location


Dave R

New member
Welcome, ds1973! I agree that we need an Idaho TFL shoot.

NOT August 11th, Kaylee!

My daughter's reception is that day. And I wanna come! Also, afternoons at Black's Creek can get windy. And HOT in August. I like to be there when it opens at 10am so I can get smaller groups, and the temp is more like 70 than 90.

How about 10am August 18th?