If your gun goes full auto,,,,,

If your gun goes FULL AUTO, do you...

  • Hang on and go for the ride keeping the bullets in a safe direction?

    Votes: 115 91.3%
  • Try to tie up the gun like hitting the slide stop or slowing the slide?

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Drop the gun and run screaming "every man for himself!"?

    Votes: 10 7.9%
  • Ask the Rangemaster for help?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Keep the muzzle pointed down range and try to put hits on the target.:p :D If that isn't possible, just keep the muzzle pointed down range.:eek:

Mal H

Good question and not something we can usually train for. Having an idea what to do in advance is a good thing for all of us to know.

Any answer other than the first could put you and others around you at grave risk. It'll run out of ammo soon enough and then you can explain it to the RSO, pack it up and send or take it to the appropriate gunsmith. Trying to stop the action by dropping the mag, hitting the safety, etc. could make you lose control.


New member
WHO voted for #3...? :rolleyes:

It takes what, about 1-2 seconds MAXIMUM to empty a full mag on FA? Hold on, and learn something!


New member
Blackhawks is right !

you won´t enough time to think about any handling of your "malfunction".

1. realize what´s going on with your gun
2. point it to a safe direction (down range, ...)
3. hold the gun strong, until it´s over
4. ask for the RO to make it safe
5. call your gunsmith

IMHO a safe gun handling is the most important thing to learn/ practice. If your gun goes FA - you will see, if your skills are well trained.


New member
Apologize to all pilots of all small aircraft overhead, tell the game warden it was an accident and ask if you can keep the goose, and if the police come because peoples houses were hit two countys over, deny, deny, deny! Dont worry, the berm and targets are safe :)


New member
If noone else is around say "that was fun" and put another magazine in it.

especially with a high berm or indoor shooting range.




New member
I wouldnt do it at an indoor range. I tried to shoot my MAC M11/9 on full auto without the stock once (note I said "once") I was at the indoor range. The first round hit the target where I was aiming, the next 4-5 rounds went into the ceiling. What a mess! :) **** falling everywhere. Wasnt hard to figure out who the NIT WIT was! :) And I always used to bitch about the morons who put all the holes in the ceiling. :)


New member

If you put a barrel extension with a foregrip on the M11/9, you can actually get some pretty good control without the stock extended.


New member
I shoot mine with the stock out and a two handed "weaver" grip. First thing to go was the strap. Never used an extention, but I have fired one with a supressor on it. They get hot quick. Stays cool the way I hold it. Its a fun gun and a good shooter if you have the right mags. They have a bad rap. In the right hands, they can be a terror. Come to think of it, in the wrong hands, they really are! :)


New member
Mal's post covered it well.

Applies to handguns and long guns that are not designed for full auto.

AND....he who puts another mag in to see if it will do it again is in serious need of help.



New member
I'll hang on and enjoy it while it lasts.... :)

I might even reload to continue to savor the ecstasy of FA firing!! :D:D:D

Ok, ok, I need help... ;)

aikidoka - mks

New member
"Keep the muzzle pointed down range and try to put hits on the target"

When over - I would be thinking - cool - a fa walther ppk/s LOL but then - dang now I have to pay for it be fixed.

I saw somewhere a thing about modifying a glock to full auto - hmmm. Now I wonder if I will ever be able to jump through the legal hoops for that.



New member
First trip to the range with a 1911 after a trigger job(by a pro) it went FA. At first it would double(or triple) but after a couple mags it went through an eight round mag non-stop. OK-I admit it was so much fun I put in another mag and did it again before calling it quits.