If You Could Only Hunt One More Time What Would You Hunt?


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Never gave these bad boys much thought till a business client from Brazil told me his adventure with the one pictured below. Got it while fishing on the Amazon....what a rush! Probably need to study old movies of Johnny Wiesmuller (as Jungle Jim), nothing but swimming trunks and a Bowie knife. No, I don't have suicidal tendencies...learning the technique and methods to get one, then apply the skills learned. I think it was Hemingway that once said that you've never experienced life until you've cheated death.



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Cant see the picture rembrandt??!!

My dream has always been to hunt a moose, and if I were to go out.....I would like to take one of them....and Ted Kennedy.:D


New member
if I were to go out...I would like to take ... Ted Kennedy.
Please! Please! Please! No, on second thought, better not.

Anyway, moving right along, mine would be Mountain Goat. I know, they're small, and not particularly tough, but they are tough to hunt, since they live on top of the steepest mountains. I keep applying for a tag, but no luck yet. If I ever do score a tag, then I guess I'll just have to hump the hills or shut up.


New member
Visious Pigmys deep in the amazon from an old navy pbr boat. My crew would be the Budweiser girls.

Or in a more realistic world I would hunt moose and brown bear in Alaska. :)

el Divino

New member
Whitetail deer at my farm in South Texas with a freezing temperature, so it should be 32° or below, a bottle of Cuervo 1800, inside my 8x4 blind together with my family:D :cool:


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Hey Rangefinder we'll all still buy tickets and call one of those reality shows you can still make a buncha bucks or die trying one or the other, reconstructive surgery is still a option too he he.

Rem33>>Nice! I never thought about the whole "reality TV" portion of it, but that's a great idea! I could fulfill another big dream in the process--knock Survivor out of its hot spot for a day! (Always wanted to go on there and show those idiots what survival was all about... But those of us who could actually DO it wouldn't stand a chance at getting on there) Could be a real short-lived season (pun fully intended), but invest big before the pilot airs and sell right before the first episode ends (could be the first AND last episode)--just in case :D But if I win, I'm keeping the book rights (of course I might need someone who can take dictation at that point--if I loose, I obviously couldn't give a rat's hind-end... LOL

I'm glad to hear you guys are behind me on this (even though it would likely be WAY behind me--guarding the beer cooler and the cocktail servers)... It makes the whole, stupid idea that much more meaningful... Brings a tear to the eye... LMAO :D


New member
Mt goats are great, and I, too, migth opt for that. Took a young kid after one. I took the highest scoring grad of my training class on a hunt and he wanted to go after a goat. This was in B.C. All he had was a borrowed M94 30-30. Yea, he got a goat... with my 7mmm. Great fun trip. Had his non-hunting dad along. Served as camp cook and had a ball.

Or, maybe Dall's. Live in beautiful country and as hard to get to as goats(and chukar!).


New member
Anything capable of hurting me. Elephant, lion, cape buff, big bears, hippo, rhino etc. Something to really get the heart pumping.


New member
Oh thats a tough one. I wouldnt want to go after anything odd or foreign just me, my .270 a few good buddies and an area full of big smart white-tails.


It would have to be something dangerous... may as well since I wouldn't have long to live anyhow. So either Grizzly bear, or hippo, or cape buff, or elephant, or lion. Tough call. I love the North American Rocky mountains, so I think I'll say Grizzly bear. But with bow & arrow - not quite man enough to try with battle axe.


Saw a film of a Pygmy shoving a spear with about a 3 foot blade into a elephants ribs once. They said the last villager to do that was killed by the elephant. The animal tore up everything around it but the man kept brush between him and the elephant as he backed away and lived.
Now there's ya dangerous hunt.


New member
Ive only hunted one time but i had a good time doing it. ( boar)

But if i had my choice of animal Id pick a lion cuz i cant think of any animal id be prouder to tell people that I killed with out it killing me. I would want to do it with a revolver or something that made me have to be close too. Is that possible ?

Been talkin bout it on another message board I go to. What calibers of rifles do people tend to shoot at lions with? Dont want to derail the thread but if anyone else responds here and knows maybe they could include it in thier post.


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If I only had one left in me...

...I'd go duck hunting. Good fun and great eats when you're done. Then I could eat and die happy.


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Me and dad, moose hunting in eastern Canada.

LOL at all the dangeous animal replies. The most dangerous animal in North America is a bull moose during mating season.


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I'd like to try for a big bull elk one time, haven't had the opportunity so far. But Art's idea of a hunting camp with close friends, and my dad, would work very well too