If You Could Only Hunt One More Time What Would You Hunt?


New member
The "What animal have you NEVER wanted to hunt" thread is still getting a lot of action but made me think. If you could only hunt once more before you rode off into the sunset, what animal would you hunt?

My last hunt would be Pronghorn. I know that your chances are always pretty good to fill your tags, but I get such a kick out of seeing those animals. To me, it's a blast to try to get a stalk and make a good shot on them. Their eyesight is outstanding and you usually can't get too close. I've witnessed one RACE our truck last year and he actually hit 50 mph in a drag race with us. It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen an animal do. Great, pretty animals. And, they don't taste too damn bad either.

So you if only got to hunt once more, what would you go after?
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New member
squirrels. I started off my hunting lifestyle 40 odd years ago pursueing the little buggers and they taught me the art of sittin' still and the importance of accuracy. After I moved on to bigger but not necessarily better game animals, I always wished I had the time to seriously pursue them again. It would be nice to go out the same way I came in.............


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Mule deer in central Nevada (East Humbolt Range...Ruby Valley.) Grew up in Southern Nevada and hunted there until I was 15.



New member
I agree with Buck. Squirrels would be my choice. You always return to the basics.Was the first critter that I took and I would be proud that it would be my last.


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American Grizzley---with a footman's lance and a battle axe :D If it's my last hunt, I'm either going to make it the ultimate hunt or I'm not coming back. LOL Anyone wanna run the video camera? Otherwise nobody would believe me if I lived, and the Darwin awards might not accept the entry if I didn't.

Seriously, I'd probably make the trip up to Alaska that my cousin has been pestering me about for longer than he should have to. As for the hunt--I've heard doll sheep are a fantastic challenge.


New member
American Grizzley---with a footman's lance and a battle axe If it's my last hunt, I'm either going to make it the ultimate hunt or I'm not coming back.

I like it. If you are going out, go out like a man!


New member
If it's my last hunt I'm either dying or the powers that be have banned hunting all together. Either way I'm going after corrupt politicians.:D

American Grizzly with a footman's lance and battle axe.......

It's already been done and I know one of the guys who've done it. Not with a footman's lance, but with an Athabascan bear spear designed for the purpose.

He flipped the bear over his head with the spear when it charged and impaled itself on the spear. He's still alive and well in his 90's.


New member
Squirrels with a good dog. Lots of action. Plenty of shooting and lots of exercise. Plenty of these rodents around here. Heaps of chances to go bang.

Big game hunting is okay. I do it a couple of times a year. Shoot two cartridges a year if lucky on big game. Usually am lucky but hope that I have enough skill to make my own luck.

I also love dove hunting but doves have declined too much in my area to provide a sufficient number of shots to satisfy me. I like to go bang at critters that make gravy. Lots of bang. I really don't care whether I hit it or not.


Lots of stuff comes to mind like big horn sheep something that would take a lot of work, a trophy you would feel very proud of.
Or maybe even better would be a water buff or feral bull in full charge from 50 feet or less. Something that would really test your courage, fill you with adrenalin, give you the thrill of a lifetime.. YEAH!!!
Egad I otta stop thinking like that at my age.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I guess I'd want to be in a hunt camp with a few longtime friends. A good firepit, with a couple of cooks who knew how to make good camp coffee and use an open fire. On a ranch somewhere with decent deer, but not some highfalutin fancypants penraised stuff.

We'd all have enough time to get to know the country, and the likely hangouts of some decent bucks. We'd be able to get out at night and chouse around, call a coyote or two. Hunt some quail during the day.

Maybe even kill a good buck. More important, help my kid or somebody else's kid get a good buck.

Sit around the campfire, re-telling the same old funny stories from decades gone by, about people that have been dead for years.

Then? Hey, like Florence King says, your obituary oughta include words like "sudden" and "massive". :D



New member
American Grizzly with a footman's lance and battle axe.......

It's already been done and I know one of the guys who've done it. Not with a footman's lance, but with an Athabascan bear spear designed for the purpose.

Stevelyn>> You weren't supposed to give that away till after I've sold enough tickets to those who want to witness my insane and glorious demise. Plus, how can I make a good side bet to retire on now? Gotta have those odds give as high a pay-out as possible. :D


Hey Rangefinder we'll all still buy tickets and call one of those reality shows you can still make a buncha bucks or die trying one or the other, reconstructive surgery is still a option too he he.