If you could do it all over...?

Dr. Strangelove

New member
Ha! I've thought of this before....

I would've bought all the $200-$250 US Govt 45's I could have found.

I would've bought all the $40 Hakims I could have gotten my hands on.

I would've bought all the $20 K31's I could find.

I would've bought all the $200 Garands I could have.

Those are prices in my lifetime... Damn.


New member
I would buy every Colt Python that I could.
The one revolver I've always wanted, and still can't afford. :(
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Onward Allusion

New member
I would have never gotten rid of some of my pieces in my divorce.

I would go top shelf rather than pedestrian for all things relating to shooting sports. I would have ZERO Taurus/Rossi, Hi Point, RIA, Armscor, H&R, NEF, or mil-surplus. The only non-top shelf maker I would have would be Kel Tec.


New member
If I could go back and start over I would have bought a

  • 22LR S&W Combat Masterpiece 15
  • 1 Ruger MKI or MK II
  • 1 High Quality 1911 Something like a Les Baer/Wilson/Eb Brown/Novak etc...
  • 1 BHP lightly customized
  • 1 Sig P228
  • 1 Sig P220 in 45 ACP
  • 1 Glock 19
  • 1 Colt AR 6920
  • 1 870 Shotgun
  • 1 Arsenal AK47

The rest on the money I have spent on other guns and horse trading would have been spent on ammo and training. I do not regret selling or trading 99% of the guns I have let go. There are a few here and there that I wish I had back but in the end there was a reason they were let go and if I really wanted them back I could replace them.

The #1 thing I would have liked to have done differently would have been in the begining learning how to shoot better not shoot more. Not that I am horrible but in the begining I spent a lot more $$$ aquiring things then learning how to shoot. I would have picked a single platform 1911 or BHP and focuses on that until I mastered it before moving on to the next setup. The desire to collect and grow a collection should have been secondary. In the end I have learned from my misssteps and those mistakes are just memories made so no real regrets.

PS. Of the things on the list currently I am only missing 2 but have a lot of other "Stuff" which in many ways are not needed. LOL

P5 Guy

New member
Just a Couple of Things

The move out of NJ should have been much sooner.
Bought at least one full auto rifle before the ban.
Kept the number of different calibers in better check, and started handloading for the "Chosen Few" sooner.


Instead of purchasing just 1 HK P7M8 I would have purchased 5 of them, I also would have gotten all the different models and calibers, including the longslide.

I would have purchased an HK 94.

I would have gotten the Ruger PC9.

When American Derringer was making the DA38 in 9mm - I would have gotten one of those.

I would have gotten the Ruger SP101 in 9mm when they were making them.

I wouldn't have gotten rid of my Colt Mustang or BHP.

I also would have picked up a S&W 586 with a 4" barrel, and probably the Model 19 Combat Magnum with a 3" barrel.


New member
Since I fell in love with shooting the 1911 and the M14 in my Navy days, I should have bought one of each when I left the Navy in 1993. If I practiced my marksmanship up until now, I'd venture a guess that I could shoot a tighter group.


New member
I would have stocked up on more ammo whether it be reloading components or it be ammo in general. I would have bought more K98's I bought two for 150.00 back in 1999, I would have bought more guns instead of my 69 Goat. 14,000 would have gone along ways there


New member
Would have bought every Garand for $99 back in the mid 60's that could get my hands on. Too, all the 03A3's for $75-$80 I could get. They were on the shelves of even some of the smallest chain stores and hardware stores including Kresgee's, Wolworth's etc(cosmoline included;)). Not only can you not find the guns for that price anymore, the stores aren't even in bus.:rolleyes:

Would not have sold my 58 cal Zouave or Colt Python some 30 yrs ago.

Other then that, the last 25yrs or so, I wouldn't have changed much.


New member
barrels of guns

Can't remember the name of the discount store,but back in the eighties and early nineties they used to sell M1's and M1 carbines and 1903"s for $99. They had barrels of them all greasy and packed full. I remember thinking who would want them.........

Silver Bullet

New member
I don't regret (unless I think about it) the guns I sold. They were good, even excellent, guns that I sold to finance other excellent guns that suited me better.

Fewer, higher quality guns.

Pretty much my firearms philosophy. I don't want to maintain a lot of guns, and I don't want to be responsible for many guns. They take so much space in terms of safes and cabinets. I buy guns for specific roles, not to fill a collection.

But that's just me. Other philosophies are equally valid.


New member
I havent really made too many mistakes. The major thing is not getting my eyes checked until I got my driving permit. I hunted for 5 years like that without knowing I needed help with my eyes. Who knows how many deer I didn't see.