If the gov't banned firearm ownership by citizens?


New member
I want to report a break-in. All my firearms were stolen which is a shame because I was just ready to call you people about the procedure for turning them in.

Honestly, I try to think proactively. I vote for Pro-Second Amendment representatives who believe gun ownership is a right not a privilege. If a candidate proposes any firearm restrictions or bans, they don't get my vote. There are enough laws on the books that are not effectively enforced now. Who needs more?


New member
I have lived in cities with gun prohibition (Chicago, D.C.). I did not obey the law then, I will not obey the law in any potential future.


New member
Christ on a crutch!

Since this will NEVER happen - why discuss it?

Instead let's have another " Bear attack" thread and find out what gun is enough for that scenario.


Phil Ca

New member
The Second Amendment is a big thing with me. I do not necessarily like being a single-issue voter, but if someone has a record that goes againt the 2nd, I vote for the one that is pro or lest likely to "try" and take my firearms.

I have carried firearms in a duty capacity most of my life, starting at the age of 17 when I enlisted in the US Army. In Vietnam I was one of about 8 or 10 out of 100 in my unit that brought a handgun with us on the ship. After we were in-country and settling in we were advised that the CO knew that some of us had firearms and we would need to abide by army regs and "register" them.(So the army would know who had them and be able to supply ammo to us, yeah, right!) I went up to the first sergeant and asked when the "confiscation" would begin? He said he knew nothing about any such thing and was only concerned with the directive. I reminded him of the Weimar Republik in the 1930's and how all the Germans were registered and had their firearms confiscated. I also reminded the MP sergeant when I went over to 1st ID MP's to register the revolver I had brought with me. When the axe fell some 30 days or so later and we had to turn them in it was a hard thing to have to do. I had been fortunate and had bought a turned in VC weapon in the form of a M3A1 .45 ACP grease gun. It seems that while I could not have a handgun that only carried 5 rounds it was reasonable that I had a SMG with full auto and a passel of 30 round mahazines. Go figure!!!

When we moved from the SF Bay Area to the Napa Valley our kids were 14 and 15. I had bought three Mini14s in .223 and three 12 gauge shotguns. I taught the kids to shoot those and also .38/357 and 9mm and .45 pistols. Now that they are both grown and in their 40's they neither one have shown any interest nor do they have any guns. I did what I could but I was not about to force them to own a firearm.

When I visited our daughter in France where she spent a year in language school, she and I went on a trip to let her see where I had spent 30 months in the army in Germany. We stopped in Bern and met some police colleagues in the IPA(International Police Association) Hugo the range master took us to the underground range belonging to the Canton Bern Police(Kantonspolezei Bern) He was going to have my daughter shoot a .22 pistol until I assured him that she knew how to use a regular pistol. (He was concerned about the horrendous backblast from the 9mm :rolleyes: ) It was funny to watch him as he stood behind her ready to catch her if the recoil was too much. :) She fired all her rounds in the target and I shrunk the group a tad when I fired. We were using the Sig 226iirc.

My daughter wrote a progun paper in HS and got an A+ for her grade. The teacher wrote a side note stating : "I do not agree with your point of view but you wrote an excellant paper!"

During my government service I had access to a range just upstairs from my office. If people passing by knew we were training with revolvers, shotguns and an Uzi just steps away from 5th and market in SF they probably would have had a fit! We did some good training using a movie projector with scenarios shown on a paper screen.

The media is not a friend of firearms users and owners. Where most of us probably would say that anyone owning a half dozen or so various firearms and a few thousand rounds of ammo was either average or undergunned, the media will paint that person as a "TERRORIST THAT LIVES AMONG US!", they will destort and twist things until your neighbor that has a regular job and goes to church each week will appear to be a beast with fangs and a compound filled with arms and ammo enough for a third world country!

I am sure that you have seen those tables filled with firearms and ammo and perhaps a few cutlery items that is shown as the "stupendous arsenal of Mr. Sam Jones of 1234 Any Drive who was booked for killing an endangered snail in his yard" or some such. They will even place a axe from the garage and a hatchet from the camping gear to show the "evil" stuff kept in the poor guy's house. They will mention that "school children" pass this "compound" on their way to school each day. The horror!, the Horror! (Apology to 'Apocolypse Now', when Brando uttered those words.)

just because the POTUS was reelected does not mean to sit back and think that everything is going to stay rosy for the next four years. Don't forget that he was willing to extend the AWB but apparantly handlers talked him out of it for now. We still have to contend with the UN and their evil plots. Never forget the "Twisted Revolver" sculpture on the grounds of the UN. I could have seen it a year ago last February when we visited NYC but I did not want to waste time seeing the UN which I have utter contempt for anyway. BTW I have served under a UN Command in Korea already. I would not even put up the UN flag!

One final statement: There will be "Some" LEO's and "some' military that will not go back on the oath they swore to when they entered the service. They will not confiscate arms from the people. OTOH there are many that are not steeped in the knowledge of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and will do as they may be ordered to do! How many young people really care about anything past Starbucks, MTV and Hip Hop??? just go to the nearest mall in America and look at what passes for our young people here!


Any .45

New member
Phil Ca,

Nice story, and I definetly agree with what your saying about kids now days, with the Hip-hop and MTV. I'm 22years old, for one IMHO I care more about my rights(gun ownership) than alot of other things. A few of my friends around the same age I am didn't even no what the AWB was all about. When it sunset, the were talking out of their a$$, saying that everybody can get a full auto, So I kept telling them to get one and I'd give them the money. Once I explained it to them then they we're like thats it thats all it was, now they are the ones arguing with other people about our RKBA, and have come to grips with reality that if they don't take a stand and educate others on the unrealistic laws that this country passes to control guns that 40, 50 or even 100 years down the road we won't have a single weapon to defend ourselves with, and much more no rights at all.


New member
I agree, I am very dissapointed in how kids are turning out these days. I'm 22, love guns, and I also love my rights. I honestly believe that i understand my rights more than 75% of the youths my age. Whenever that dark day comes and our generation has lost the support of the baby boomers, we are going to have hell to pay unless we can get out our side of the story to our generation.


New member
There is hope, however...

The founding fathers were very small in porportional to the early Americas and British populations. And they made a difference...temporarily. :eek:


New member
I do believe that the grabbers will continue to use incrementalism to further infringe our rights. The options will be to stand and fight, comply, or move away.

This may sound ridiculous, but I envision a time in the future when freedom loving folks are going to set up shop on the Moon or Mars. they will get fed up with all the craziness here, and will set up their own society that will require self reliance and competence. It would be too expensive to try and govern people so far away. Space is the next frontier, and the pioneers always take their weapons!

Maybe I have just read too much Heinlein, but I bet it happens!


New member
Due to a boating accident, all of my guns are laying at the bottom of the deepest part of Long Island Sound.


New member
Isn't that weird, the way you can just be sailing along and allof a sudden a little puffy white cloud swells up and bursts and BLAM there you are with fifty knot winds and huge whitcaps? We barely escaped with our lives and our shredded sails, had to throw everything overboard to lighten us and keep from sinking as the water poured in to the failed seacock fittings on the holding tank!

Sometimes I really miss my guns, but I miss my wife more! :eek:


My response would be either:

1. "I have no need of weapons sir, for I have found the Lord. Long ago, I sold those horrible and evil devices and contributed the money from them to UNICEF."


2. Let my M1A do the talking.

Guess which....


New member
Since this will NEVER happen - why discuss it?
Well lesse, If I gave you $1000 for everything I've thought would "NEVER happen" over the last 40 years that didn't and you gave me $10 for everthing that supposedly could NEVER happen that did,,,,,,
If not massive uprising then at least 50 percent of gunowners would refuse to turn them in, and what are they going to do, put you in jail for it? Before you say yes, think about how overfilled the jails are now. They would have to either put you in front of a firing squad, gas you, or slap you on the wrist and fine you the days wages that we will all make in the socialist acid mines of the future.


New member
Being in Alaska, I'd like to think that at least 3/4 of the state would become the largest of all militias. Besides, the majority of the US's oil and gold are from here, they can't afford to piss us off.


New member
When they did this in Australia

Every building supply place sold out of 6" PVC pipe...you figure it out...