If the gov't banned firearm ownership by citizens?

Any .45

New member
What would you do?
Would you leave your home?
Would you petition and protest?
and after all non-criminal measures have been exercised?

Whats next?

MOLON LABE!!! Is my response to my question, but what about the rest of you. :mad:
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New member
Most folks I know would not say what they would do,and thats all I could say about it as well. :eek:


New member
MOLON LABE? I've seen this on here a few times, could you please tell me what it means? I would probably get VERY suspicous like a nazi germany before WWII kinda way. (At least I think they took the guns away from citizens before WWII, If I am misinformed please say so).


New member
come and git them or something very similar I have seen posted,Ireally donot know for sure ,it has been around awhile on TFL and THR :)


New member
Sorry bob, the simple fact that you posted that here means that if they ever did get serious, you're as screwed as the next guy.

Simple answer is I dunno. If there was a mass, organized revolution, maybe. If it were me against the world, I'd probably become complient.


it's possible, but unlikely! one of the things our country was founded by was the right to keep and bear arms. just think many brave people sacraficed themselves to protect all of our rights. the government getting rid of even one of our rights and this isn't america anymore!


New member
I'm thinking there would be groups of people that would not tolerate this sitting down. They'd have their work cut out for them, finding a place to call their own so they can declare independence and such, and then defending such.

And that's all I have to say about that.


New member
"MOLON LABE" dictates an ancient Roman declaration regarding the seizing of arms in a town. They simply said "MOLON LABE" which means "Come and get them". While the attackers eventually wiped them out, the defenders held out long enough for backup to be readied.

the government getting rid of even one of our rights and this isn't america anymore!

Seriously. Even the antis might agree :D


New member
"MOLON LABE" dictates an ancient Roman declaration regarding the seizing of arms in a town. They simply said "MOLON LABE" which means "Come and get them". While the attackers eventually wiped them out, the defenders held out long enough for backup to be readied.
It's Greek. I believe it's credited to the Spartans.


New member
Yup it would probably work real good! Just like getting rid of pot, LSD and all them other drugs worked! :rolleyes:


urban assault

New member
I think most gunowners would hem and haw around but in the end, they would grudgingly turn them in. Firearms to these people are nice to have around, fun to play with once and awhile, but if they have to give them up so the Government will not prosecute... so be it. A goodly number would try to hide them until the laws hopefully changed back to some level of sanity. A very brave few would have the stones to hunker down, take the fight to the Government and lose everything they own to fight for our freedom. I would like to believe that I would be one of those few who would overtly fight against Government tyranny, but then I look at my sweet wifes face and my loving parents and I wonder if I could do it, if I could step away from their love and comfort and live the short and brutal life of an outlaw. You never know what you will truly do until the split-second when you have to make that final choice. I do believe that we will all have to make those choices sooner or later. Sadly, I think its inevitable.

Any .45

New member
For those that want to know what MOLON LABE is click here.

Urban I know what you mean, the reason I raise the question is because my great uncle is about 97 years old he has never been outside of The Dominican Republic since my family left Spain in the 1920's, and has told me alot of stories when ever we've gotten a chance to talk. My family is from the Domincan Republic and my grand father and great uncle were doctors who had to deal with a Comunist that went by the name of Rafael Trujillo. Read the story here. El Jefe was much like Hitler, he tortured and killed thousands of people using his version of the Russian KGB, called the SIM, meaning Military Intellegence Service. Two years after El Jefe took office he banned citizens from owning guns or weapons except for machetes, when he did this small rebel forces started to be created. If it would not have been for these small forces working hard to eliminate Trujillo, the Dominican Republic would probably still be comunist. The reason i asked the question is because, my grandfather and great uncle were part of a revolution when their gov't became tyrrant. Knowing that they could have lost it all but preffered to lose material things instead of there freedom, it took them 31 years but they did it, the rebel forces were small but got it done, and out of my noseyness was just wondering what people would do if this happened here. Because alot of the stuff that this country is doing to our rights is alot of the stuff comunist countries have done to get control of the people, the only diffrence is instead of killing us and taking our land, they send us to prison, and take our freedom. Personally I'd rather Die on my feet than live on my knees.
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New member
All i say to it is im right here waiting.......I am locked, cocked,and ready to rock. :cool: and all i have to say about gun control is its

I'm just sittin here waiting fer em to try and match my .45..........like that one dude said...9mm's r fer women and pansies


ANY .45.
I REMEMBER the Trujillo story well. HE was a BLOODY BAD GUY.

YOUR GRANDFATHER AND GREAT UNCLE ARE HEROS IN MY BOOK. If their blood runs in your veins, then you are too.

Best regards to your whole family.


“Go and tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.

"In 480 B.C. the forces of the Persian Empire under King Xerxes, numbering according to Herodotus two million men, bridged the Hellespont and marched in their myriads to invade and enslave Greece.

"In a desperate delaying action, a picked force of three hundred Spartans was dispatched to the pass of Thermopylae, where the confines between mountains and sea were so narrow that the Persian multitudes and their cavalry would be at least partially neutralized. Here, it was hoped, an elite force willing to sacrifice their lives could keep back, at least for a few days, the invading millions.

"Three hundred Spartans and their allies held off the invaders for seven days, until, their weapons smashed and broken from the slaughter, they fought 'with bare hands and teeth' (as recorded by Herodotus) before being at last overwhelmed.

"The Spartans and their Thespian allies died to the last man, but the standard of valor they set by their sacrifice inspired the Greeks to rally and, in that fall and spring, defeat the Persians at Salamis and Plataea and preserve the beginnings of Western democracy and freedom from perishing in the cradle.

"Two memorials remain today at Thermopylae. Upon the modern one, called the Leonidas Monument in honor of the Spartan king who fell there, is engraved his response to Xerxes' demand that the Spartans lay down their arms. Leonidas' reply was two words, Molon labe: " 'Come and get them.' "

Scott Conklin

New member
I wouldn't do much different, initially. If in the short term "they" wanted to come and get them then, well, I'd deal with that then. I can't imagine rolling over and giving them up but, alone, I'm not certain how far I'd take resistance. Honestly I suppose it would depend a lot on the penalties for merely having them. If I'm already thoroughly screwed for mere possession then taking it further becomes more easy.

In the longer run I'd wait to see what kind of resistance developed, or what I could put together on my own, and become an influential part of that resistance. What would be difficult and seem hopeless alone would be worthwhile, in my mind, as part of a determined group.


What urban assault and 2A said - although more likely than not, I WOULD be one of the ones to actually fight (and probably die young by a G-man's bullet), if a resistance developed, because (a) I don't have a sweet wife's face or kids' faces to look into, and (b) I'm just that obstinate. So no, I would never voluntarily turn them in - I mean, if I owned any guns, that is, and yes, I would/will probably shoot back when/if they come to confiscate - I mean, that is, if I happen to get a gun by that time. In other words, MOLON LABE!


New member
I think the day that happens there will be an uprising. So I don't see the Government out lawing all weapons. 1st registration, then limits on how many you can have, limits on magazine levels, limits on ammo, then limits on Cals. In 50 years or so they will remove FA/SA from ownership. Then pump actions, to single shot weapons. Then they are gone. It won't matter to us as all hunting will be outlawed in 20-30 years, our kids will be brain washed, and we'll be dead.


New member
If I would go to Iraq and shoot people for their freedom I have no problem shooting people here for our freedom, I don't think that would ever happen nor would an all out ban succeed here because the US government employees are gun owners too and ordering them to attack fellow citizens who are willing and able to defend themselves just isn't likely. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, It just isn't likely. Plus if they cant keep tons of cocain out of the country what would keep tons of guns out.