If everyone had guns there would be fewer shootings.

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New member
I agree...too bad many in the political arena are more inclined to disagree (or simply choose to ignore this idea).

An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

True enough as being armed also demands a greater sense of responsibility, tact and forethought.


New member
If everyone had guns there would be fewer shootings.

Define "everyone." Every single human being? Even the mentally ill, criminals, children?

All people who could legally pass the NICS background check? A large number of those people still would either not know or not care how to be responsible gun owners. Do we go house to house and train them?

Looking at the history of violent crime in this country, there's no real provable link between the crime rate and gun ownership--and most of the shootings that take place do so between people who already have guns, and have them illegally. So while I'd love it if somebody handed me a pistol for my collection, I don't think the scientific evidence is there to support issuing 1911s along with birth certificates.


New member
This issue has been beat like a dead dog as long as people have had wepons.
Gun control doesn't work. Education is ubstructed by people of power. Morality is crushed by greed. In todays world media tends to leave out truths that give accurate mesure to stories that are sentive to the subject.
I think that the best thing we can do is take youth and non gunowners to ranges, hunting, plinking, and even gunshows. Educate them to the noncombative use of guns and they will come to know of their own accord the selfdefence side. Shooting sports are the future anchors of gun ownership. None of us should ever take that for granit. Sitting here talking about antis like vermin won't help our cause. Keeping up your NRA membership and bringing in new blood to shooting sports will. Only voters count to politcle pros.

Willie Lowman

New member
If there were fewer PEOPLE there would be fewer shootings.

Cut back the population of the planet by 1/3. Instant job openings! The price of property just dropped! Less congestion in the cities! Fewer reasons to shoot someone!:p


New member
Looking at the history of violent crime in this country, there's no real provable link between the crime rate and gun ownership

Well, maybe not here, but do a bit of research on how well the lack of civilian gun ownership (via an aggressive gun ban) served, for instance, Australia. Crime rates went up by a considerable rate; ironically, gun related crimes as well.

Criminals, for the most part, are individuals of opportunity. Essentially, they thrive on preying on the weak/defenseless/vulnerable. An armed citizen, either inside or outside the home, can go a long way in countering such issues, IMHO.

I do honestly believe that (and word does get around...even within the criminal arena) when more law-abiding individuals are allowed to keep and/or carry guns, the end result just might be less criminal activity. After all, Im betting that even criminals are no more anxious to meet death than the rest of us. ;)

Now sure, we have our local PD for such matters. But, after all is said and done, they are more reactive than proactive (no offense to LE). Far too often they arrive after the fact. Given the rampant violence present in todays America, this is simply unacceptable by my standards.
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New member
Insight, as a retired cop, I can relate to your statement that police are more reactive than proactive. Today's cops can't leave their vehicles long enough to be proactive. If they aren't riding, they are unhappy.

Back in my day, the beat cop was the most respected, and feared, guy in the neighborhood. He has a sixth sense of what was happening on his beat.

Thanks for that comment. It is not related to the subject of the OP, but well worth stating.


New member
Annenburg tends to be too liberal for my tastes - both that reference and the snopes are also two years old

it says its from May 10, 2009 and was updated May 11, 2009. saying something is too liberal doesn't change the facts presented.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Too much chest pounding shoot 'em ups. Also, some posts border on suggesting illegal activities. Also, we don't advocate what seems a call for vigilante action outside of the law.

Also, for the OP - the issue of more guns, less crime is a complex one and posting what seems a cliche with surface validity to elicit 'AT A BOYS' isn't really that useful - with no offense.

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