If everyone had guns there would be fewer shootings.

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New member
the title says it all, i believe if everyone had a gun there would be fewer shootings. think about it, do you think anyone would rob a bank if they knew that the 20 people in that bank were all armed.
mainly just wanted to see what you all think.


New member
I'll repeat something that is common knowledge. An armed society is a polite society. God created man, Colt made all men equal. I saw on the local news that Sacramento County Sherif was going to issue more permits this year because of a reduction in the police services available. Maybe that guy should be Govornor! He's getting a lot of criticism from the antis for allowing more people to carry guns as if there will be a sudden rash of violence because he is going to give out more permits. It's funny how there is always a gut level emotional response from the antis when more people are allowed to carry guns for protection. You know, the same kind of reaction a deer has when there is a nearby hunter in the forest. Now if the deer had rifles:rolleyes: do you really think they would run away? Would there be as much venisen in peoples trucks? People hunt deer because they can..... you know the same reason antisocial predators take advantage of people they presume are weaker. That guy Colt shure knew a thing or two about human nature:D


New member
When I was a young Marine in the late 80s stationed in Naples, we used to put on dog-and-pony shows for the Swiss guard and in return they got us in to see the Pope. I wasn't Catholic but got to be good friends with a few of the guards. I went on leave to Switzerland once with one of them back to his home and things were very interesting. Switzerland has no large standing army like us or the Soviets but instead rely on an armed populace for national defense. Every house I was invited to, every male between 18 and I think their 40s had a full automatic rifle with ammo (I want to say something like 1,000 rounds or so) in the event they were called up to defend Switzerland from an invasion. The national pastime was shooting matches and I forget what road it was on but the road cut through a valley with the firing line on one side and the butts on the other where they would shoot over the passing traffic below. Now if guns cause crime and violence, you would think that the entire nation would have resembled Beirut. However, I had no problems with walking around Zurich and Bern late at night. I was never mugged, assaulted, and obviously never killed in this nation of gun owners and had a great time.
Now let's contrast this to "any large city", USA, be it New York, DC, LA, Chicago, etc. where gun control laws are very strict to the point your chances of getting a CCW permit or simply being allowed to own a firearm at all are about on par with walking on water without being Mr. Jesus Christ himself. Care to take a stroll around Central Park or downtown LA late at night? Yeah, I didn't think you would want to. And these are the areas with the strict gun control that is touted to prevent violent criminals from getting the guns and committing acts of violence against the law-abiding citizen. So, how's that all working out for you there DC, LA, New York, Chicago, etc. with your utopia of an unarmed society?:rolleyes:


New member
There would have to be some kind of restrictions though,like bars for one.
Been a barkeep for awhile now and have seen some pretty stupid things said and done after a few shots.
I imagine this is the reason the old west was such a dangerous place,especially the saloons.


New member
i was thinking the same thing a little wile ago.. it would be tough to regulate when necessary, but im sure we could find a way.. maybe in a few hundred years it will happen..lol


Staff In Memoriam
seen some pretty stupid things said and done after a few shots.
You mean like... "wow awesome grouping honey" (from a wife/husband) or "now where did I put that box of ammo?"...

OHHHHH.... You mean the liquid "shots"..... :eek: I agree as I have learned to not shoot after drinking much at all. Nothin says NO MORE SHOOTING!!! like a few shots of unaged corn liquor!:D


New member
An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.
--Robert A. Heinlein

Read his Beyond This Horizon for the context.

In Heinlein's book, there were 3 classes of people. Those who wore guns, those who didn't, and the police. Those who did not wear guns were required to wear a brassard that noted their "peaceful" status. (Police wore both guns and brassards).

Those wearing brassards could find themselves cut off in a line by someone armed or have a taxi they hailed "hijacked" by a late arriving armed man.

Shooting an unarmed man requried good armed citizens to shoot you down like a mad dog. Bullying, beating or intimidating an unarmed man usually ended up with the thug looking down a barrel or dead.

If you offended, damaged or angered an armed man, words were your first resort. Offer for compensation the second. But you may have to back up your maners with your life.


New member
Not everyone should have a gun. Some morons simply don't have the brains to do so.

+1 for that. I'd rather people with severe Alzheimers, potheads who like to play with guns while high and people who like to play with firearms while drunk don't have them.

Along with criminals, of course..


New member
Kudos to the Swiss.... but 'everyone' is very broad. No if 'everyone' had a gun 24/7 there would be more shootings.

'Everyone' should NOT be allowed to have a gun .... yeah I know 2A but also 'everyone' should not be allowed to drive, hang around children, and many other actions that they have demonstrated through their past actions that they cannot be trusted to do.


New member
Has any country ever tried to invade Switerzland? No Leading by example is what I call it! Maybe We could just elimante all the stupid people in this country and deport them to somewhere else and then all good law abiding citizens without a felony or any other crime could legal have a good goverment supplied fully auto with 1,000 round sitting in there house just waiting for some stupid idiot to try and invade America! Althought I personally hate the idea of the goverment moving all the detainiees from the war to a facility in KS like Leavenworth! I Personally also think Hey what better place then a very heavily armed state with alot of very Talented shooters who can take care of the problem very easily! Maybe we can build a fence around 50 square mile and issue permit for terriost! It might just be enough money to balance the stupid budget for at least a day or two!:D


New member
If "everyone" had a gun - like in Heinlein's Beyond This Horizon there would be a period of 1-2 years where shootings increased markedly. Then the trend would be downward (especially if we used Heinlein's rules!). Why? Because people would find out that the gun solves only a limited subset of problems. Today's mouthy gangbangers and wanna-bes would learn to keep their mouths shut. Starting violence with armed men around means you're likely to be out gunned by someone who takes his skill seriously.


Staff In Memoriam
zip, If everyone had a shotgun beside the bed, then every possible thug thief or faker would be more hesitant to enter a remotely possibly occupied dwelling.


If everyone had guns there would be fewer shootings.

And if NO ONE had any guns, there would be NO shootings.....watch how you phrase things, because the antis would take that last stance.

Personally, I believe you're thinking more along the lines of: If everyone had guns, there would be fewer crimes.........


New member
arent we sorta preaching to the choir here?

i will (jokingly)offer a counter solution:

if everyone was bullet proof, not only would we be a polite society, we'd be a more fun society, since we could just shoot each other and not have any consequeces. you know, unload 5 rounds from your long gun, and then new york reload with your handgun, empty that as well into center mass, and when your out of ammo, everyone could have a hearty laugh, and then drink beer. which we would also be impervious to the effects of alcohol.
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