IDIOT at the counter today!


New member
I don't think anyone in a gun store should say that anyone NEEDS anything. It would be far more responsible to educate people on the pro's and con's of each choice. On a plane the safty slugs (and similar) make sense, but for me I carry FMJ HP's in 9mm and/or FMJ .32 acp each for different reasons..... BTW I can't carry on a plane... :)


New member
The only time I heard about Glasers in a gun store was a number of years ago while in Fred Bakers in OKC and overheard a very fat cop say that he "saved Glasers for his friends." What a moron. I'm surprised he managed to make it out of the doughnut shop that morning.

I have experimented with frangibles of my own design and making (thousands of rounds) and they can be very destructive. Joe Z. had the right idea with the larger shot sizes and I talked with him a few times about some items. It is a fascinating field to delve into.

I do not use them in my guns as I only carry autos. If I carried revolvers I might use them. No feeding reliability to be concerned about.


New member
Personally, I'd have to ask who the moron is...the guy who says 10mm would kick a G29 out of your hand, or the guy that goes looking for "full power" 10mm FOR a G29, since a G29 doesn't have enough barrel to make a "full power" 10mm any more powerful than a standard velocity 40S&W

ACTUAL chrono'd velocities from "The 10 ring" and "The .40 S&W Club" over on GlockTalk. Note that the lighter bullets in .40 are very close in velocity to the heavier bullets in 10mm. The only load that I could find the same weight in (Speer) speaks for itself.

10mm (G29)
175gr. Winchester Silvertip 1160 fps
180gr. Federal HydroShok 942 fps
180gr. Pro Load 1120
155gr. Speer Golddot 1320 fps

.40 S&W (G35!!!)
155 gr Winchester Silvertip 1205 fps
165 gr. Federal HydroShock 980 fps
165 gr. ProLoad 1070 fps
155 gr. Speer Golddot 1,175 fps

When comparing the Glock 20 to the 29, there is no more than a 75 to 100fps difference in velocity, but still generally HIGHER than a FULL SIZED .40 S&W.

I find it VERY interesting that you have been a member of TFL for nearly 3 years and you've only posted 70+ times... and you choose my thread to get offended at? I didn't (and don't) call any member of this forum names... However, it seems that you choose to do so. Just where are you from again? :rolleyes:
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New member
Hey, These people are every where.I refer people such as this as "ASS CLOWNS". Its +p or nothing in my defensive hand gun.