Ideal trunk rifle?


No, the one I mean takes regular ak mags. As to being trained enough to wield a long gun, I thought a pistol required more training than any long gun.

I agree with you. I have more urban long gun training than handgun training. To paraphrase Clint Smith "You use a handgun because it is portable and to fight your way back to your rifle or shotgun!"

By the way, I had an SKS that took AK mags and had the 16" barrel. It was swet. Wish I hadn't traded it off.


New member
Yup, the M1 Carbine with soft tips. (But I would steer away from the Universal) Not much good out past 100 yards, but I be would be a real pain up close and personal. Another good one would be a M48 Mauser. You can get them in "as unissued" for about 150 FRN's.

simonov jr

New member
M-1 and soft armor?

Out of curiosity, would you expect the M-1 carbine to meet the criteria of penetrating soft body armor like the perp in TX had? I thought the .30 cal carbine was more of a souped-up pistol round...?


New member
Of course the M1 Carbine would not defeat body armor. But a head shot with a soft tip would be a female dog. Not to mention that a center of mass shot without body armor in the way (within 50 yards) would be, and has been, a REAL man stopper. The carbine does have its place, but it will never replace the M14, or other 7.62 mike mike battle rifles when real penetrating firepower is needed.


New member
Hmmm, a Marlin 70 PSS with a scope won't penetrate body armor, or even be a one-shot stopper if you hit centermass, but it's quite accurate with the scope, light, and easily transportable. And unless severly shaking with adrenaline(which unfortunatly is probable in the situation described here..), I'm pretty sure I could place several CCI velocitors in the head of a wrongdoer within reasonable distance easily. I also have a silencer(legaly) for mine, and it's reasonable accurate and reliable with some 40gr subsonic .22's. And did I mention that it is REALLY handy, both assembled and in the carrying case. :)

If I was really to consider a trunk-firearm in a suburban or urban setting, I would rather have a shotgun with a few slugs and buckshot shells. Maybe a pump one with a 18 or 20 inch barrel, and a colapsing or folding stock. Bodyarmor or not, getting hit with a 1 ounce slug will take the fight out of anyone.

However, it's not legal to have guns in your car where I live, unless you are driving to/from practice, hunting, or are transporting the gun from where you bought it/are going to sell it, so it's out of the question for me.


New member
You WANT enough power.
You WANT it to look unassuming (could pass for Grandpa's deer rifle).
You DON'T WANT it confiscated.
You DON'T WANT to sink a lot of money in it in case it is confiscated.
You DON'T WANT people panicking over the "evil black rifle"
You DON'T WANT to get crucified for using an "evil black rifle" if you ever have to shoot someone with it.

To me, this says one of those $70 Mosins is a good deal.
Hits hard, accurate enough, cheap, bolt action, can pass for a hunting rifle.

Second choice, SKS. Still fairly cheap. Get one with the standard, fixed magazines, they are more reliable. Keep the ammo on stripper clips, they're fast to use.

Third choice would ba a good, USED 12-gauge. You lose most/all of the AP ability, but even with soft armor, you'll break ribs with a slug.


Check out this thread (High Powered Back-up Weapons):

There is some very good (and some not-so-good) info about this very subject.

Current theory is that since the head is a small target to hit even when not under stress, the pelvic region is a better target if center-of-mass fails. If it doesn't take him out (because of the arteries and nerves in this region), you will at the very least severly limit his mobility. :D


New member
Twelve gauge Rem 870, Browning, Mossberg, Ithaca pump, hard-chromed. Barrel between 21" and 26", regular wooden stock. Ammo: slugs and 000 buck for business, #6 for pleasure. Choke - Imp. Cyl.

At least you might be able to shoot some game with it, instead of never using it to protect yourself. It also won't get you into jail quite so quickly as an "Assault Rifle" at a drug check. Try some #8s for clay targets, too. More fun!



New member

Be very very suspicious of commercially made Carbines, due to soft and out of spec parts even when new. Don't know about the Kahr, but the best bet would be a gun made from GOOD G I parts. Not clapped out worn out stuff.
But for the money of a GI gun these days you could buy a good used Ruger Mini! Got my carbine before the prices went to the moon. But you can probably consider it a souped up pistol cal. except the thing is lighter than just about any of the so called pistol caliber semiautos. Have you hefted a Ruger semiauto carbine? Even a Marlin camp gun? probably heavy cause they use blowback actions. My carbine is good enough for head shots to at least 100 yards with Winchester white box ball. Handloads are a diff. story. I had a unused military barrel installed on mine to get the accuracy. (S.A. 10-51)
Maybe a cheap Mauser would be the best bet for full power rifle shooting but the sights do suck a little and some shoot pretty high at close ranges. PRobably would want sight work done to make any kind of small target hits. A dirty old Mauser with a very good (at least) bore would do for a trunk gun for less than a 30-30 would cost used. maybe see if you can find a Swede or even a nice cheap SMLE! Get a good bore though.


New member
Actually I like the SOCOM 16 by SA. Looks wise it might seem a little more scary to some, but it's not as bad as an AK. Plus when it comes down to firepower, you're not outgunned by anything out there (7.62 NATO, baby!). Plus its legal almost everywhere (o.k. not NYC). One small warning though: the muzzle break while very effective is LOUD.


Yeah, I think in the TRUNK, as opposed to in the TRUCK, you can go a lot more un-PC looking with the former than with the latter, as well as more expensive (people don't often try to steal what they can't SEE - and really, how many trunks are broken into?). Therefore, I like M1A for a trunk rifle, if you can afford it. For a TRUCK rifle, I initially considered an SKS as ideal, but then rejected it because in my experience, SKSs feed fine with pointy spitzer 123 gr bullets, but not with the heavy 150s I would want to keep in it as a truck rifle, for an opportunistic game getting situation - other day my buddy saw whole buttload of feral pigs right off the stinkin highway! I wouldn't feel comfortable trying for one of those with a little 123 gr spitzer. I want a 150 soft-point corbon or similar. Round nose bullets jammed low often in the SKS I had (a real Russian one).

The Body Bagger

New member
Actually I like the SOCOM 16 by SA. Looks wise it might seem a little more scary to some, but it's not as bad as an AK. Plus when it comes down to firepower, you're not outgunned by anything out there (7.62 NATO, baby!). Plus its legal almost everywhere (o.k. not NYC). One small warning though: the muzzle break while very effective is LOUD.

and when someone robs your car/truck you're out $1500+ in a nice rifle. While it is certainly capable enough, it is not what you want to throw in the trunk and just forget about until a rainy day.


New member
SKS. At the distances that you would be talking, I'd want semi-auto over bolt. A lever gun would also suffice, but the SKS is still cheaper.


New member
No, No this is what he needs...

John Travolta(sp?) in "Sword Fish" when he swiss cheeses the cops suv's comin after him .......Having said that(and possessing no trunk on my hatchback) I say ar-15 pistol under the seat !

NO ONE is gonna mess with ya then...



New member
One thing of note on the .30M1 Carbine...there is a distinct difference in the effectiveness between the FMJ and soft/hollow point ammo in a urban gun fight....FMJ is not the prefered round. Jim Carillo is a well noted vetran of almost 50 gunfights while a member of the NYPD stakeout squad in the 60's and 70's(they would wait in the back of stores that was going to be robbed and ambush the armed robber) Jims favorite was a .30 carbine with soft points....he shot several people with one(and so did the other squad members) and it enjoyed good rep in that role.
The tyler incident...its hard to say because i never did hear exactly what kind of armor vest and flak jacket combo the guy was wearing.
we have tested .30 carbine against L2 soft body armor and at city fight ranges, it zips right through(but so does ever caliber mentioned so far)
the carbine has light,fast ,and handy..also isnt looked at as evil. sks and AK is looked at by some as tyical gangbanger arms(not an opinion I share as I too own both) todays legal atmosphere surviving in the court aftermath
is just as hard as the fight that proceeded it, and what you use will be scrutenized by folks that dont know squat about guns except what the media has told them OMG he used an ASSAULT WEAPON to defend himself(anyone that has one of them deserves bad things to happin to him.....he had it in his trunk just waiting for the day he could gun somebody down with it!)
just be careful in what you choose...could it be called a assault weapon?
a snipers rifle? a weapon of choice for gangs? its BS ..but it will come up after the shooting. also Kill five armed bad guys in a gunfight=hero, Kill five badguys and graze one innocent(even if you saved 30 people in doing it)
=crazed vigilante gun nut that should be locked up..... the best gunfight is one that you are not anywhere around for.(i say this coming from a family that has 4 justified shootings amoung us) nothing like reading a newspaper interview that you never gave to the reporter writing the story :mad:
it gets flat stupid.


New member
A second on the Remington pump..

You can buy a good used one for waay under 300.00 and it will work in any cal. :cool:

As far as this go's - I would think any is better than none.. :)


New member
Agree with the Mini 30 votes. If has to be more PC, then a lever .44 Mag carbine (take your pick, Win 94, Rossi 92, Marlin 94, Ruger, etc.). Ruger .44 Mag auto would be good if they equipped it with a proper stick magazine rather than the useless 4 round rotary (Ruger are you listening - you've got to be kidding!).