Ideal trunk rifle?

simonov jr

New member
The recent courthouse shooting in TX has reinforced my sense that a good accessable long gun, aka a trunk rifle, is more of a need that a want. What rifle do you think has the right balance of qualities to ideally fill that role? The qualities that are desirable in a trunk rifle are different I think than other applications. After all, the gun is exposed to more temperature and humidity changes, bumps, risk of theft (or confiscation) than virtually any other kind of firearm. This then necessitates a firearm that is cheap enough to replace if stolen, effective enough to engage perps at extended range or with body armor, and pc or legal enough to withstand LEO scritiny in as many places as possible. I'm thinking the best compromise might be a detach-mag SKS with a picatinny/1913 type rail and Eotech or some other type of reflex-site. It's relatively cheap, the cartridge is combat-effective and it can be quickly loaded from cheap AK mags. Does anyone know if anyone even makes a rail system for the SKS? What about the 7.62x39, does the rainbow-like trajectory of this cartridge make sense for rural or other extended-range applications? Is there a better candidate in your view?
NO,NO, NO Handy,

John Travolta(sp?) in "Sword Fish" when he swiss cheeses the cops suv's comin after him :eek: .......Having said that(and possessing no trunk on my hatchback) I say ar-15 pistol under the seat :D ! :cool:


I'll take a Ruger Mini-30 over any M-16 variant anyday. Chambered in 7.62 x 39 its hard to beat for reliability,compact storage,power,replacement parts and accuracy. Not to mention, I'm an expert on the military version of the M-14 thanks to Uncle Sam... :D


Ancient Mariner

New member
I have a Springfield Armory M6 Survival rifle that I keep in the truck. It has a .22 Hornet over a .410 shotgun, is stainless steel, breaks down to two pieces in about 5 seconds and has a soft case to keep it in. If what you want is too big for the Hornet then use a slug in the .410. Also have the capability to use shot in the .410. Weighs 5 pounds.


New member
Another for the SKS - can't go wrong with the fairly potent and accurate rifle worth only a hundred bucks!

I'd still feel good if all I had was my ol' Win 94 .30-30 though...
SKS is my 1st choice. Cheap, sturdy, the 10 round model would serve well. How many shots do you think you'll need? If I can't solve the problem with 10 rounds of .30 ammo I probably need more help than just a few more bullets.

A pump 12 gauge may be even better. Five rounds of 00 buck in the tube and a butt cuff carrier with 5 rounds of slugs. Should settle anyone's (or anything's) hash but pronto. Leave the barrel at 28" because you don't need a coach gun for this work and to the casual observer who may be anti or just nervous and spot the gun while the trunk is open the long pump gun is the least unsettling and least likely to cause cries for the cops.


I'm thinking the best compromise might be a detach-mag SKS with a picatinny/1913 type rail and Eotech or some other type of reflex-site

Are you talking about the SKS's that actually take AK mags? Or the mostly-crappy-but-sometimes-they-work SKS mags with the protrusion on the front?

I don't know of any 1913 rails but I'm not sure I'd bother to put on a sight that costs twice the price of the rifle. Open sights would probably do just fine at the ranges you would be talking about.

There was a similiar thread a few weeks ago. Get ready to be flamed by individuals who think you might not be trained enough to carry a rifle, even though they don't even know you. ;)

simonov jr

New member
detach mag

No, the one I mean takes regular ak mags. As to being trained enough to wield a long gun, I thought a pistol required more training than any long gun.


New member
sks of course




New member
1. Yugo SKS
2. M38 or M44
3. Saiga 20 w/ Rem Sluggers

The SKS with the first 3 rounds being soft points and the rest the hottest Mil-Surp FMJ's I could get.

An SKS in Texas would have put the kabosh on that dude in the body armor with a quickness.


New member
2. M38 or M44

Second that. Milsurp is cheap to practice with. You can get some soft points if you dont want to use the milsurp as your defence round. You can use stripper clips. It holds 5 rounds. I know 5 isn't much but if you need much more you should be vacating the area instead of getting involved in that. You can also use a slip on recoil pad. You can have all of the above for well under $100. That way if it gets stolen you won't feel it in the wallet quite so much.

I don't have this yet but it's on my list of things to do soon.

The Body Bagger

New member
another for an M38/44/91. Cheap as hell, efficient caliber, and acceptable accuracy. The next time your cruising through Stalingrad and someone starts taking pot shots, you'll be well armed. Anything more expensive than an SKS is just asking for uneccessary heartache if someone breaks into your car.


Oh, I think the venerable ol 30/30 would fill the bill here. Powerful enough to take you through any urban area and accurate enough too, even with peep sights. Cheap enough so you don't have to cry if it gets scratched or dinged. Unimposing to most folks including LEO's.


New member
Oh, I think the venerable ol 30/30 would fill the bill here.

Yep that was my first choice. But I got to thinking about its cost to buy. Even used your looking at about $200 for a deal. Also ammo is more expensive. If I ever have it stolen or have to use it and it's confiscated for evidence I don't want to lose a lot on the deal. If I lost a 30/30 it would hurt a lot.


Nobody's mentioned an M1 Carbine? A cheap Universal and a couple of 30 round clips make a neat little package.