Ideal Hunting Trip.

mitchell koster

New member
Hey all.

I know this is a frequently asked question and probably pretty boring but hey i'd like to hear some "ideal" places to hunt?

So Where would you go hunting for a whole two weeks in the one area? You can take your dream rifle and have a guide even.

Alot of people think that they'll never be able to hunt in the ideal place because they don't think its possible but hey, as long as your alive and kicking you can still go where you want.

Anyway, My ideal place would be in Canada hunting both Artic Wolves and foxes.

Have a good week.


New member
It would have to be something that I can't easily do here locally. I can hunt deer, elk, moose, sheep, etc here.

For me it would be the Yukon Territory or Alaska. I would love to hunt caribou up there. Then when I had filled the caribou tag, I would want to go find a big ole brown bear. I have a Browning BLR in 325 WSM that I would love to try on both of those critters, but I would take my custom 7 MM Mag along as well.


The problem with Alaska is that if you're a non-resident you have to hire a guide for some species.

The best bang for the buck in Alaska is the Mulchatna caribou herd, they're the largest caribou in the world - each herd is genetically distinct, with the Mulchatna being the largest. It's a fly-in hunt where they can put you on any one of a quarter million lakes all by yourself and without a guide. There are also plenty of wolves, moose, grizzlies and a few black bear. Non-residents can hunt all but grizzlies without a guide.



New member
I originally thought that caribou would be tough critters to bring down. But in talking to one of my contractors from extreme northern Alberta, he claimed they are much easier to kill than an elk. Do you agree with that assessment?


New member
That surely is a pretty caribou in the picture. Big or small, easy or hard to kill, it would definitely be a brand new experience for me. I'm hoping to land a contract managing a project or two in that north country in the next year or so. Then it would be even more convenient to get a caribou hunt in. The grizzly hunt? Maybe that's a pipe dream. It sounds exciting, but I'm not so sure it would be so fun to follow a bear you just shot into the heavy thicket not knowing if you hit him good and he's lying in there dead or whether he's just thoroughly PO'd now and waiting for you.


Actually, Mulchatna caribou (SW Alaska) are close to elk in size with some bulls going over 600 pounds. In northern or eastern Alaska they're much smaller, perhaps 300 to 400 pounds.

Tough as an elk? I suspect so, but look at that country behind the picture. If they don't go down right now, you can keep them in sight until they do. An elk can disappear into the timber, but caribou in most of that country can't.

I've taken them with a 7mm Mauser, 30.06 and 300 Win Mag. They all worked. A friend lung shot one with a .243 and we just watched them run away until his dropped out, slowed down and fell. An elk in timber would have been lost, but a caribou on tundra... not so much.


New member

I would love to travel to Africa for a 3 week safari to shoot baboons and chimpanzees....
My choice of rifles would be my Browning A bolt 375 H&H Magnum, My Marlin 1895 model 45-70 and also my Winchester model 95- 405 caliber.
I hate Baboons and I hate chimps and I would have no problem bagging those Oafs all day every day.


New member
Caribou in Alaska or NWT with my 7X57. Always wanted to but haven't yet.
Plains game in Africa with a 375 H&H. Again, always wanted to.
Id like to go Red Deer hunting in Scotland, while this will never probaly happen it is my "Ideal Trip" lol. Id probaly bring a plain ol' Ruger #1 in .300 Winchester Mag just for fun, Red Deer do get VERY big too so I figure why not bring a big mean cartridge.


I would love to travel to Africa for a 3 week safari to shoot baboons and chimpanzees....

What wine would you drink with a chimpanzee steak? I'm guessing most people would choose Cabernet or Merlot with any game meat, but I think a nice Chardonnay might bring out the banana flavor...


New member
I don't think I could keep it to one...

Most realistic - pack-in archery elk hunt, bear as a bonus
New Zealand - Red Stag, Tahr, Chamois
Africa Plains - wide variety to chose from

So many places, so many animals, so little money...:eek:


New member
So many places, so many animals, so little money

Ain't that the truth. I would love to hunt blue sheep in the Himalayas maybe as much for the scenery, but it's not going to happen unless I win the lottery or something.


New member
Ideal would be Africa, with a wide variety to choose from.

More realistic for me would be Alaska. Been there, done that, can't wait to go back.

In the meantime, Colorado has a lot to offer. Elk, antelope, mule deer, whitetail deer, bear, and so on. That's fairly easy to do on my own. My wife was raised there, and a buddy of mine is an outfitter in Moffat. He'd be willing to drop me for a couple of weeks in the Sangre's, I'm sure.

Arizona offers elk, mule deer, coues deer, buffalo, desert bighorn, RM bighorn, bear, lion, turkey, and lots of smaller stuff too. Many speciies are close enough for me to hunt from home. It keeps me happy for the most part.

Mexico is a wonderful place to hunt for coues deer, mule deer, buffalo, and so forth, but I won't go there right now. Too risky.



New member
The Canadian Rockies would be a great place. Two weeks is more than enough time to get several large cervi. A moose, an elk and a caribou and the rest of the time fishing.

Africa would be second. I owned an Impala that I wanted to shoot several times. It'd be nice to have a chance.


New member
I'm with Italian Marksman on the hunt for Scottish Red Deer, also using a Ruger # 1. However, I'd like it to be chambered in .303 British (though I'm not sure that would be legal there since it's technically a military cartridge).

Other ideal hunt - an elk hunt in either Montana, Arizona, or New Mexico with .58 flintlock.


New member
My hunting trips are all ideal since they constitute a wife-approved 100% break from my normal routine. I have a short shopping list for an ideal hunt.
Please God,
don't let the truck get stuck on on the 4wd road.
don't let me forget the beer and oreos for dessert.
don't let a bear eat our deer after we hang it.

Yeah, that's about it.


New member
Slight variation, but I would stick to my normal elk/deer camp hunting with my hunting buddy rather than go on a "ideal" hunt solo.
If no budget problems ( like winning a major lotery ) ...Africa here I came for on month or maybe longer! All the rifles and cartridges are ready to be ship... I still buy the lotto ticket but my hope of wining are very little! But I like to dream!
Alaska is more on range, even if for now over my budget.
Couple of years a go with my son we had a fantastick trip on James Bay, caribou hunt. As Quebec resident every year we both enter our name for the draw of winter caribou permit and that year we got lucky!
We left the second week of december, the road Montreal to Radisson 860 Mi. is black, the last third was covered with snow and ice but with 4 studs tires our Montana had no problems even with a trailer and snomobile. The following day tooke the transtiga east ( gravel road, fully frozen but clean by snow plower every day ) to the bridge of Riviere Polaris 220 Mi. to the location of the outfitter Pourvoirie Mirage.
The accomodation are great, the food delicius and plaintfull, and the Caribou abbondant.... never seen that many animals in one area!!! Compleated our hunt 2 caribou each the following day, the weather was good but cold, - 20 celsius, a pleasure to clean the animal keept the hand warm..!!
My son use 7mm Rem Mag and I the .300 Win Mag, ( back up rifles .06 and 8mmx338 ) but any medium caliber would have done the work since the distance of our hunt was from 100 to 150 yrds.