I wish they made that again


New member
Probrobly the classic old Webley Mark VI or Webley bulldog in the original .455 ammo, though I guess it would be easy enough to modify it to a more common chambering. A thing of beauty and a combat revolver of all combat revolvers.


New member
S&W Model 18
Gov't Model of 1911 just like JMB made it
Colt Mustang
Colt Woodsman
Colt 32 ACP
Nylon 66, make mine brown, blue barrel and butt fed
Remington 514 and other 5xx series .
Winchester 52
Model 70, in '06 "the rifleman's rifle" built like it was.
Belgium Browning Hi-Powers, and A5 shotguns.
High Standard Sentinel Revolvers ,
High Standard Semi-Auto from Duramatics, to Supermatics like they did up North
H&R revolvers, top break and cylinder swing out. in .22 rim-fire and 32 and 38 cal as well.
Stevens 311 shotguns


New member
colt diamondback, S&W kit guns

The original HS victors, with all the quality that they had, not the ' new ' ones from Houston.

The german Weatherby mark V rifle.
I've got both the .45 and 9mm and many times turned down offers of up to 3X what I paid for my Marlin Camp guns. Marlin would sell a bunch of them. fast handling, good shooting carbines that have interchangeable mags with 2 great semi-auto pistols. real good HD and away from H -defense guns.


New member
Ruger Speed Six, 4" Blue, .357 Magnum.

The Redhawk, in .45 Colt. Blue this time, please.

All S&W's without locks. (My little Sis has a pre-lock j-frame .22 mag snub)

Winchester Model 94's, again sans locks/unnecessary safeties

The Taurus M44 with a 3" barrel & fixed sights; except they could put a 4" tube on mine.

Savage Fox Doubles

I'm sure I can think of others, but those would keep me happy for a good long time.


New member
hands down no contest first choice would be a Win 88.... American made o' course ;) They are getting a might pricey.

Second would be Colt New Service revolvers and original styling S&W