I Was Wrong About The NRA


Hhmmm....I'm a member. I don't send them extra money, but I will occasionally buy some of their over-priced NRA-Store, made-in-china merchandise. [I do send extra money to my state association.] The NRA has acted to compromise our the 2nd Amendment rights on previous occasions. They have endorsed politicians like the current senate majority leader. I have no doubt that they are capable of further reprehensible actions

With re: to a previous post....We Are the NRA, but I believe the NRA Yellow Dogs have forgotten that sentiment.--Patrice


New member
They're not perfect. But, can the critics here offer up a better organization to support our rights?

Don't bring me your complaints and problems. Bring me your solutions.

I totally agree with the suggestion that instead of buying that extra box of overpriced ammo, send those $ to the NRA. Well said!!


New member
I had let my membership laps due to some shenanigans they(the NRA) pulled with a DVD mailing. With the current brouhaha going on, though, I re-upped - along with a donation to their NRA-ILA.

Also sent some bucks to the SAF.


New member
The rep. assured me I wouldn't get phone calls and mailing begging for more money. That was why I left them before.

Hopefully, everyone knows, but it bears repeating for those who are reluctant to join. You can opt out of the mailing lists.

I haven't opted out. I'm an endowment member, so since I don't pay yearly, I like a reminder every once in a while to send them a few bucks.

If everyone just skipped buying 1 Box of AMMO - right NOW & instead, sent the money to the NRA - ILA - 11250 Waples Mill Rd. -- Fairfax VA -- 22030.

Yeah, people need to look at their priorities. You can spend a few bucks on a ammo that you can blow through in 20 minutes at the range, or you can spend a few bucks to try to hang on to your Second Amendment rights for years to come. Sounds like an easy decision to me.

There is a lot of talk about secession or armed insurrection. There are people saying they would sacrifice their lives for their freedom. I have a hard time taking these people seriously when most of them won't even sacrifice $30 to the NRA.
Oh, I joined the cause a long time back....but the NRA leadership better not "compromise" away my rights this time; like agreeing to Universal Background Checks!


New member
I Was Wrong About The NRA

Good on ya for 'manning up' jmortimer.

Hat's off to ya!

I may not always agree with everything the NRA does all the time but again... I don't always agree with what my wife does either...and she costs me a lot more money then the NRA ever has. :eek:

But, both have my best interest at heart. At least I think she does. :confused:


New member
btmj: said:
NRA and SAF are both good organizations, and they are effective in different ways.

SAF has been very effective in court. The NRA has been very effective working with lawmakers. We need both.

This. Probably the two best bets we have for the preservation of our rights.
I'm still having issues with supporting them.

They endorsed Harry Reid for the 2010 midterm elections because Harry bought a multimillion dollar shooting sports education complex with federal dollars.

I'm not saying that they don't do good things, but Harry is no friend to 2nd amendment rights, and being bought off for an endorsement does sit well with me.

No way the NRA should have endorsed Reid. We lost a potential senate seat due in part to that endorsement.

This is not correct. NRA did not endorse anyone in that race and gave Sharon Angle an A rating and Reid a B+ rating (over his votes for Sotomayor and Kagan). NRA did give Reid a very positive article in the American Rifleman magazine - and they let him off relatively easy gradewise on the two important votes. However, you'll also notice no gun control legislation came to the floor of the Senate when the Dems had all 3 levers of power from 2008-2010.
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Active member
This was a truly refreshing post to read. The NRA is only as good as we make it. Some people like to talk about what happened in the 1980's, but if we all really think back, the NRA wasn't getting a whole lot of support in the 1980's. I was into guns and shooting in the '80's, but I wasn't a member of the NRA or supporting them. That's my bad, not theirs.


New member
I have never been a life member of the NRA but I have been a member all my life (63 years old). They are not perfect, far from it in fact, but if you look at this the way the media and government looks at this issue it's the NRA one one side and everyone else on the other side. So pick a side.....

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I might remind folks how the American Rifleman gave Willard an incredibly soft ball interview before the election. Politics is politics.

But the NRA is the best game in town - unless you want to agree with Hairplug Joe Biden and just have a double barrel shotgun - because you know you can't miss with one!

You won't face three looters with six round revolvers, either.

So is it Joe and Diane or Wayne? Perfect is the enemy of the good.

Double J

New member
I once belonged to the NRA. Then found out that all the privilages that went along with my membership didn't apply to the area where I lived. There was no training, no areas to shoot. The hotel discounts didn't exist. Most haden't even heard of the NRA then. Then came along all of these gun laws and restrictions and I can't say the NRA helped much by compromising my right to carry a gun. If times are so much better since the group got into politics, I haven't noticed it. We got more laws now than ever with less rights than ever. There's nine times more members than there were back then. A fatter piggybank and still no more freedom. Finally, got my name off the membership roll so maybe a little more off the Fed's radar when time comes to ditch our guns. But they do have a nice museum they say.

Sher Khan

New member
I have been a Life Member of the NRA since 1982. I have never thought it to be perfect, but I have always appreciated its advocacy of gun safety, education, and training as well as its defense of the Second Amendment. Recently the NRA offered Life Members an opportunity to provide gift Life Memberships to others and, given the current climate of anti-Second Amendment rhetoric and actions by the Obama Administration and its supporters, my wife urged me to convert her NRA membership and those of our sons to Life Memberships. They will get the benefits, and the fees will assist the NRA to continue to lead the struggle against those who are trying to undermine our rights and exercise greater control over our lives. I hope others will take this opportunity to strengthen the NRA, as well.


New member
Yes, Double J the NRA has done nothing - repealed much of the 1968 Gun Control Act, fought the 1994 Assault weapon and magazine ban and lost the initial fight but got a 10 year sunset provision included and then blocked it from being renewed, fought for the right to carry a firearm for self defense - going from one state that allowed carry with no license, eight states that were shall issue (all lawful citizens could get a carry license by completing standard background and/or training requirements), twenty-six states that were may issue (lawful citizens might or might not get a license depending on the laws - some were fairly easy and some were highly restrictive and discriminatory), and fifteen were right denied (no lawful carry allowed), by 2012 that had changed to four states unrestricted, thirty-seven shall issue, eight may issue, and one (Illinois) right denied, blocked a month ago a proposed gun and magazine ban in Illinois supported by Chicago, the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the House Majority leader that would have banned 70 percent of handguns and half of all rifles in the state of Illinois, put together a coalition of democrats and republicans that are a majority in the House and Senate in Illinois that will not let a may issue carry bill pass and that will pass a right to carry bill that is shall issue, barring a court ruling overturning the results of the decision of the 7th District court of appeals from a lawsuits initiated by the SAF and the NRA. And Nationally in the face of an anti-gun hysteria fed by the media and gun control politicians having pushed back and already essentially stopped the momentum for the so called Assault weapons ban and magazine ban, they are now fighting against a national universal background check. So yes, the heck with the NRA - they are just useless aren't they.

As soon as I get my mileage check for this month more money is going out to the NRA, ISRA, SAF, and IllinoisCarry. Probably also make a donation to a NY gun rights organization. I will also continue calling, writing, filing witness slips, and lobbying in Springfield for our RKBA.

Also NRA and ISRA have worked in the field, the legislature, and the courts to create and to protect shooting ranges in Illinois. So, if your comments weren't sarcasm, then I would hope you would take the time to reacquaint yourself with the status the RKBA in Illinois and the nation. If you really don't like the NRA fine - but consider joining or donating to SAF, ISRA, or one of the many other RKBA organizations.