I use my CCW/CHL permit to...

I use my CHL/CCW to:

  • I never use it for anything at all.

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • Skip the NICS check when purchasing a firearm.

    Votes: 79 35.0%
  • Keep a handgun in the car when traveling/driving long distances.

    Votes: 42 18.6%
  • Keep a handgun in the car when going to a place or doing something I consider dangerous.

    Votes: 38 16.8%
  • Keep a handgun in the car when I go to the range or hunting (or other gun related activity).

    Votes: 31 13.7%
  • Keep a handgun in the car when I think about it.

    Votes: 19 8.4%
  • Keep a handgun in the car except when I think it’s perfectly safe not to.

    Votes: 9 4.0%
  • Keep a handgun in the car any time it’s legal.

    Votes: 35 15.5%
  • Keep a handgun in the car all the time.

    Votes: 44 19.5%
  • Carry when I go to a place or do something I consider dangerous.

    Votes: 50 22.1%
  • Carry when I go to the range or hunting (or other gun related activity).

    Votes: 26 11.5%
  • Carry when I think about it.

    Votes: 16 7.1%
  • Carry when it’s convenient.

    Votes: 18 8.0%
  • Carry except when I think it’s perfectly safe not to.

    Votes: 20 8.8%
  • Carry any time it’s legal.

    Votes: 126 55.8%
  • Carry all the time.

    Votes: 71 31.4%

  • Total voters


Another thread brought up a question. This poll may have been posted before, but I'm too lazy to go look it up at the moment... :D

The question is this:

If you have a CHL/CCW permit, what do you use it for?

After having state approved...ehem...freedom...ehem...to exercise my 2A rights I will never live where that right is denied.

Skipping that blasted phone call is awesome. Fill out 4473. Photocopy I.D. and CCW. Pay and go. It is worth the money for the permit just to do that.

I go out of my way to avoid places that make me leave the gun behind.


New member
Well I've checked a couple of them, but one you don't have that may only apply in Virginia, is to get around the "One gun a month" law. We still have to get the NICS background check anyway.

I have used it as a second form of ID from time to time also.


New member
I do like the fact that we can skip the NICS. In NC, another benefit is we can skip going to the sheriff's office and getting the Handgun Permit too. I've been buying a lot more handguns since I've had my CCL.

I carry as much as I can, but there are a lot of stupid laws in NC concerning where you can't carry. Off limits here are banks, post offices, government offices (federal, state, or local), parades, movies (any place charging admission) and nicer restaurants (they almost always serve alcohol).


Kind of interesting so far. I thought we'd see a lot more people using their CCW/CHL ONLY for car carry...

Don P

New member

Just like the American Express ads, never leave home without it! Always armed, and no need to worry or say, I should have had it with me.:cool:


New member
I carry everywhere and every time I can. Because of my work, I have to go to military bases and other gov't facilities and can't always carry or even leave a gun in my vehicle.

I also carry when hunting. I do a lot of hunting out of my Jeep and the CCW allows me to keep a loaded handgun in the Jeep. It's a pain in the rear to load and unload every time you get in and out of your hunting vehicle.


New member
I should have added this earlier, but didn't think of it.

My wife came here from Chicago. When she found out she could get a CHP, she was all for it. It was one of those things I'd been saying "I gotta do that one of these days." things for me. Not for her. She had come from a place where there was no chance of getting one. She had been threatened by another woman and had applied for a CHP, and been denied. When she told them about the threat, the sheriff told her, "Well if you turn up dead, we'll know where to start looking." She knew what it was like to have her rights stipped away. She said "If WE don't take advantage of this law, THEY will simply say, "Look, no one wanted this law in the first place. Let's repeal it."

Now you can argue that if you have to get a permit, it's not really a right, and I'll go along with that in theory. But a "Shall Issue" permit is a lot better than going to jail, or just being afraid.

So for her, it was first a political statement. Then it became an everyday, everywhere thing.

For me. Maybe there was just a little bit of shame.
In TX I love not having to wait for the long phone call...the sellers don't seem to mind skipping it either. I wish we could eliminate some paperwork if you have a CHL...my height, weight, address, and legal status don't change much (well, my weight might go up a little every now and then).

I have pretty much designated my P95 with 2 15 round mags with Hydrashoks as my car gun. Since we can now carry concealed legally in vehicles with no permit I'm not worried about my wife getting pulled over with it in the vehicle.

I don't go to many places where CCW is not allowed (except work), if I can carry I do. If I'm in a hurry to leave AND my routine is broken I will forget it at home every now and then BUT no biggie since I have a car gun with a cheapo holster just in case.


New member
I avoid places I can't carry except when I get hit up for Jury Duty. Then I lock up my gun in the car. Exceptions when I have to travel to CA, NY, MD, DC for work. No one can imagine how I hate those places. How can a freedom loving person submit to the .... those places dish out?


New member
I have a CCW Permit to "skip" the NICS check.

As an LEO I have 50 State Concealed Carry, so the only other thing I use it for is so I can carry if I'm ever suspended from duty or undergoing "Disciplinary Action".

LEOSA is null and void if you're suspended or undergoing some form of "discipline".
