I think I liked the term assault rifle better


New member
Get accustomed to it. The image of assault weapons (semi auto) will keep getting portrayed in a negative light until they are banned. Once they get the right mix in the legislature and a tragedy perfectly timed, the ban will happen.

In the meantime, states and cities will fall to bans.


New member
I heard it was Fox's News fault, in reporting the Dallas shooter had a SKS rifle...when in fact --- It was a SAIGA AK-74 Carbine in 5.45x39, with what looked like to me {picture of the AK-74 lying on the bomb debris} was some sort of red dot scope mounted atop a picatinny rail on the dust cover.

I own a SAIGA AK-74 myself.

I wonder if the Dallas shooter used "poison pill" 7N6 ammo?


New member
The gun folks who concentrate on how semi-auto, magazine fed rifles are labeled are doing no-one any good. It does not matter what you call it, it matters what it is. Anti-gunners (most of whom are liberals and use the liberal playbook) don't want to argue the actual facts and instead argue ancillary issues, strawman tactics, etc.

When the gun lobby falls for it and argues terminology instead of substance, we lose. Some might disagree, but it looks pretty clear to me.
Engaging in an argument about proper terminology when discussing incidents like the Dallas policemen being killed by a deranged wingnut with a semi-auto rifle just derails the conversation. Instead of becoming more meaningful, the terminology topic is not useful to anyone interested in what is happening to our citizens. News media anchors and reporters either create rhetoric on the fly or are fed talking points created by writers that usually don't know cow feces from wild honey.

Baba Louie

New member
Sugarmann Again?

Cut from NSSF page...
Consider this statement from Josh Sugarmann of the Violence Policy Center:

"The public's confusion over fully-automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons -- anything that looks like a machine gun is presumed to be a machine gun -- can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons."


New member
CBS's anchor man - Bob Kelly, had a interview with Vice President Joe Biden, last night on CBS News, with Biden ranting about how the Federal government should ban the sale of armor piercing ammo again.

Even though I don't consider Russian 7N6 5.45X39 ammo to be armor piercing...the BATFE does.

There he {Biden} goes again.

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Joe Biden, the VP who said all you need is a double barrel 12ga, and to shoot it in the air, or shoot through the door.

The guy who, when asked why the US FED GOVT does NOT prosecute the majority of people who illegally try to buy guns from dealers said,
"WE don't have time for that", with a dismissive hand wave.

Joe Biden, who has supported every gun control measure he ever came across, from his earliest days in politics through today...

NOTHING that man says has any value to me, and frankly, it is a mystery to me why anyone pays him any attentions at all, on ANYTHING.