I think I know what I am going to buy.


New member
I looked around Buds sight and they do have some good prices but I figure once I pay for the transfer and what not I might as well buy from my local guy. I think I really do want the compact. I have plenty of time so I can wait till what I want comes along. We don't have much around here for gun shops and only one shooting range so I just have to be patient.

XD Gunner

New member
So the 45 I looked at that is used does show some wear, it looks like it has been fired quite a bit, is this some thing I should worry about or should the gun be fine and is 485 a good price on a used one. It does have every thing that a new one comes with.

I read an article, in a magazine that I forget the name of, at my barber shop once. In this article, an XD9 was put through the Glock Torture test. You know, the one where they take a new Glock, submerse it, pack mud, sand, and ice in it, freeze it, drop it out of a helicopter, run it over, etc. The only difference in performance between the two, was that the XD had 17,000 rounds put through it prior to testing, whereas the Glock was new.

The XD serves as the authors bed table gun. If I remember the Magazine name (Seems like it was Guns and Ammo, but for some reason I don't think they would run an article like that) I will post it up, or find it online.

I gave $505.00 (new) out the door for my XD45 compact. I was also given 100 S&B rounds with it.

See what your finger feels like after 100 rounds.

Mine is usually a little sore, but no more than after shooting my 1911, 686, or P226.

Also, 485 for a well-used model like you mentioned seems on the high side to me.

For the XD9s I've been seeing $450.00 for WELL used, with only 1 mag, and nothing else pretty regularly lately.