I sure do love Massachusetts...


New member
Steel, I hate to add insult to injury, but that is why I moved away from Mass and never looked back. I lived in a part af Mass where you had to have a license to get in the door of the gun shop! Now in Washington state I have Sig's, Usp, sniper rifle, and a AR15. Some states allow you to get a full auto and suppresors! Get a moving truck!


New member
Massachusetts is an absolutely terrible place to live. Anyone who lives here should get out while they can and those contemplating moving here should reconsider their ideas.

Everywhere you go, people are clearly unhappy in this sorry excuse for a state, where life is short and brutal. Why, you can scarcely give away a house in the eastern half of the state because of the oppressive nature of life here. We never have any tourists because they are afraid to be thrown into our prisons without trial, and besides, there's nothing to see here anyway. Business has never really succeeded in the state besides because anyone with any talent, ambition or education would either avoid the state in the first place or leave as soon as they reach the age to do so. As so many milk carton photos will attest in fact, millions of people escape Massachusetts even as children by running away the first chance they get.

Yes, I think that as many people as possible should leave this God forsaken slave state, and those outside should thank the Grace of God that you haven't had the sorry luck to be trapped in a lifetime of poverty, misery and slavery here. If you meet an unfortunate Massachusetts resident, think "There, but for the Grace of God, go I"...


New member
The issue in MA is that there is a list under the law, and then another list put out by the previous Attorney General.
There's been a fair amount of misinformation in this thread. There is only one list. The attorney general has never put out a second list.

Although it takes a bit of reading to understand the situation, it isn't that hard to find or understand. Note, I'm not saying that the current state of affairs is good (it certainly isn't). Just that it isn't that hard to understand if you've been paying attention. Sadly, most people have not.

The "list" is, in fact, the Approved Firearms Roster, published by the Executive Office of Public Safety (aka EOPS). You can always find the most recent roster published on their web site:


Now, if you actually take the time to READ the EOPS roster, you'll find the following text on the first page, indented, in bold, all caps:
For some reason, many MA gun owners, even those who profess to have checked the roster, for some reason fail to read this paragraph. Even though it is on the first page. Indented. In all caps. And bold.

Simply stated, being on the roster is necessary, BUT NOT SUFFICIENT for a dealer to sell a new handgun in MA. Just because a handgun is on the roster, doesn't mean that it meets the AGs regulations. And no, the AG has NEVER issued a list of handguns that meet his regulations. Furthermore, the previous AG refused to tell dealers and manufacturers whether their guns met his regulations. Instead, the AG's office simply told them to read the regulations. If the AG disagreed with them, he waited until the dealers had sold a bunch of the handguns in question and then sent the dealers letters threatening legal action. Nice guy.

The attorney general's handgun regulations can be found quite easily, even if your google-fu is weak:


If you want a Glock 30, they aren't that hard to find. Check with Four Seasons Firearms, Coin Collector's Gallery, and Zero Hour Arms. Most likely one of them will have a used Glock 30 that you can buy.

You'll find a lot of MA gun owners (including several firearms attorneys) online at http://www.northeastshooters.com


New member
SteelJM1, It isn't often that I get to say positive things about Illinois's gun laws but if you live outside of Chicago and have a Firearm Owners I D card there is no limit on the number of handguns you can buy each month, no list of approved handguns you must choose from, and no limit on magazine capacity (that may change) . When it comes to carry we are one of the 2 "right denied" states, so in that regard we are worse offthan Massachusetts residents. If I used a handgun to defend myself in my home I imagine I would be treated better than in most places in Massachusetts, of course I live in Southern Illinois where 2 small municipalities passed an ordinace in the 1980's requiring every household to have a firearm about the time Chicago area Morton Grove banned handguns. If Chicago ever became its own state we'd have concealed carry in the next session of the legislature I am quite sure.

Yes Springfield Armory is in Illinois as are 4 other firearms manufacturers at least.


New member
MA certainly is no garden spot for gun owners. That said, I do have a concealed carry permit (LTC-A ALP in MA gun-speak) and many others do in MA. The police chiefs in many MA towns treat concealed carry permits almost as shall issue. Of course, then there are places like Boston...

On the other hand, I grew up in Evanston, IL, which has a complete handgun ban, IIRC. And IL has, as you stated, no provision for CCW.

In terms of the legal climate for self-defense in the home, I suspect that an individual in Wilmette, IL would be in no better shape than one in Arlington, MA.


New member
1911: Valid points which will invariably lead you to the conclusion that the laws here are way too g-damned convoluted and confusing.

Caleb: Yeah I've been to S&W a few times. It's always buckets of fun (and money). The only problem is that, well your brand choice is a bit limited ;). Not that theres anything wrong with S&W, quite the opposite in fact, but they didnt exactly have what I was looking for. Maybe if I hold out for the SW45 i can try that out. I didnt really like the SW40, but my friend absolutley loved it and will be purchasing one as soon as his LTC comes in.

I would really like to TRY a G30 before I put down money on one, or any of the pistols i have poking around in my head for that matter. Who knows, i may hate the way it feels or shoots. I just don't know how to go about doing that. S&W are the only ones around here that are like a car dealer, try before you buy.


New member
Forgive this ignorant Texan's question, but...

Are you also banned from carrying any of these guns that that don't make this list? MA isn't that big. I'd figure a good day trip would get you across a border where the selection is better. Just wonderin'

God Bless Texas, whew...


New member
Are you also banned from carrying any of these guns that that don't make this list? MA isn't that big. I'd figure a good day trip would get you across a border where the selection is better. Just wonderin'
No. You can carry them, provided you don't have any post-ban standard capacity magazines -- MA legiscritters put the language from the Federal assault weapons ban into the state law, so that law effectively still applies in MA.
Valid points which will invariably lead you to the conclusion that the laws here are way too g-damned convoluted and confusing.
No argument there. As an NRA instructor, I have to try to summarize these laws for my students -- not an easy task.


New member
S&W are the only ones around here that are like a car dealer, try before you buy.
Try AFS in Attleboro and Bob's Tactical in Salisbury. Or better than that, join a gun club -- most any club you'll find guys who will let you try their guns.


New member
Rental Ranges in MA:

Well, as far as I've seen myself, your basic brand choices for semiautos are:
- Beretta
- Glock (pre-Ban)
- Para Ordnance
- Ruger
- Sig Arms
- Smith & Wesson
- Walther

Unfortunately, packing.org's website is currently down, but they have a very comprehensive listing of gunranges by state, which also indicates if they rent handguns. Check this place on Monday:

The NRA has a good listing, but they normally don't indicate if a range rents guns:

Here's a couple of other places I've been to in the area that I can think of offhand, that have a pretty good rental selection, just call them for rates and availability of guns of interest:
In Worcester, MA, The Boston Gun Range:

In Manchester, NH (actually not far though), The Manchester Firing Line:


New member
Hey, thanks for pointing me in the right direction guys. I think i'll stop by the Boston Gun Range (though some confusion could be saved by calling it the Worcester Gun Range) next chance I get and get some range time with the subcompacts i've been eyeing.


New member
Steel: Call first. Last I heard the Boston Gun Range was closed. There was a suicide on the range and the local Chief of police pulled their license.


New member
Of course. Punishing the law abiding regular folk for the actions of one stupid jerk. Again. I <3 this state. :barf: