I sure do love Massachusetts...


New member
Hey guys first post here. You all seem pretty levelheaded here so maybe i can get some opinions.

I am going to get my class A LTC in a few weeks here (after jumping though a few flamng hoops and wresting a hungry lion down, then paying $200...) and I was lurking around the site about what would be a good carrygun. The amount of information here really is dizzying and I feel that i'm in the same spot then when i started.

I wanted a .45 compact pistol. I've been lookin at the various 1911 style pistols, the Sigs and the Glocks. I was leaning towards the G30 opposed to the compact 1911's because it seemed as if the glocks were golden right from the box, whereas the smaller 1911's were either very expensive, had some problems for the getgo, or a combination of both. Anyway I stopped by my local gunshop (god bless their patience) and apparently, glocks are banned! This didnt jive with me because i specifically checked 'The List' before I left, and the Glocks were approved. Well apparently there's TWO lists, and the laws make it confusing enouhg to really get some people screwed <sigh>

So what do I do now? They had a pre-1998 21 for sale there, but that didn't look like it'd be easy to conceal during the summer months, and finding 30's is damn near impossible. Does anyone carry a 21 on a regular basis that can give me some imput or pictures? Or maybe some other recommendations? Keep in mind taht i'm 6'2" and thin as a rail. But i wear a long jacket during the cold season, and people are quite used to seeing me in the jacket, i never take it off.

Egh i dunno. This state is pretty discouraging. I can't wait until I can move out

Thanks for the help guys. Keep it safe.


New member
I'm all for Glocks but I'd hate to try to conceal a G21. :confused: I have a G20, which is the same size and I've never even tried to conceal it. I'm sure it can be done, and perhaps others will have some suggestions for you.

Are all "Glock-style" pistols prohibited, or could you go with an XD .45? I suppose there are some Sig models that would be suitable but I don't have any experience with them.

The Pilgrim

New member
Howdy Neighbor! I got my class A a couple of years ago, but the local licensing authorities have absolute power. Mine is restricted to "Targeting, Hunting, and Employment" and he didn't have to give any reason. I'm with you on wanting to move one of these days.

Anyway, I just checked the official website and Glocks are MA approved. I know some of the compact carry models were banned in the past, but I think even those are OK now. I am not sure of the website, but one local store has a link at northeasttrading.com if you want to check the "approved list."

You didn't say where you were, but I shoot at American Firearms School in North Attleboro. They have a fairly large selection of Glocks for sale. I am mainly a revolver guy, so I don't have much input. As it happens my one semi-auto, a 13 year-old H&K USP .40, is currently banned for new sales.

Edited to reply to BG...XD's are banned out here, even though this is where they are manufactured.
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New member
That's exactly the problem. They are on the 'approved list' but when i asked the gun dealer today he said that that list isn't valid and the only Glocks one can get are either pre 1998 or remanufactured police turn-ins. Those are mostly the 9mm and .40's. The dealer also said that Glock isn't even trying to bother conforming to our convoluted laws that reek of cowpie.

Anyway, I live out in central mass, in a town that literally has 2 cops and a LOT of trees, so I'm hoping i'll have no restrictions on my license.

Florida? I was thinking more Arizona or Nevada or someplace dry and HOT.

Edit: heck. I cant even get a kimber compact.
I hate this state.

Officer's Match

New member
I don't think I'd be afraid of a Kimber Ultra Carry II. I don't have a lot of experience with 'em, but the one I tried ran like a sewing machine. And really accurate as well. I wish I had bought it, in fact.


New member
For questions on legality, I'd go to Massachusetts Gun Owner's Action League (GOAL). They are a more reliable source of information, in my opinion and experience, than a gunshop counter person:
...and in particular, the FAQ there:

Four Seasons firearms is one place for example, that carries a goodly stock of preban Glocks, some used and some refurbished:

Smith & Wesson in particular is efficient about getting their products approved in Massachusetts, and they happen to have a new carry pistol everyone is raving about, the M&P. Currently, the 9mm and the .40S&W are approved. The .40 is currently on dealers' shelves, and the 9mm is expected later this month. I'd guess the .45ACP late this year.



New member
Yep apparently, a lot of manufactures don't want to carry out the "drop-test" among other asinine compliency tests. It's silly that Springfield Armory.. in massachusetts.. cant sell guns in the state it manufactures in. See, you can't sell a firearm here that hasnt passed, due to the RASH of deaths from guns that were dropped :barf:

Officer: Nope, kimbers not legal either.

But enough bickering aobut this stupid state. I guess i'm going to have to track down something suitable, and forget what i *want*.

Four Seasons has a preban G30 for sale, for 800. I'm not going to hold my breath that it doesnt get snapped up really quickly.

The Pilgrim

New member
Well, I've never tried to buy a Glock, so it's possible all the examples I've seen are used. Still, I sure have seen a lot of them for sale. I know MA requires every manufacturer to submit a separate request for each model they want to sell. I kind of respect the ones who say no, but it is a pain.

By the way, I you mentioned considerig a SIG. I'm sure you will find people who disagree, but I think they're junk even if they are legal.
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New member
FS Has a G30 for $700, and two G21s for $600 and $550 right now. You can also check other dealers in-state, or use an out-of-state source, as long as the transaction goes through a MA FFL holder.

P.S. They got their start in MA, but the modern Springfield Armory is actually in IL. I have spoken to them about MA certification, and they said that they can't figure it out, and just bitched a lot. I wasn't impressed.


New member
The issue in MA is that there is a list under the law, and then another list put out by the previous Attorney General. His list was for guns that he deemed to be "safe" for consumers. If the gun wasn't on the list, it was deemed unsafe and his office could prosecute and fine a dealer for selling an unsafe product. (I believe that is how the legal aspect of it all worked out)

As such, buying handguns in MA is a b***ch and an excercise in frustration. The same model gun, of the same caliber, but with a different color scheme must be tested as well, or else it is illegal to sell. Yes, thats right, if a SS gun is on the list but the exact same gun in blue is not, you CANNOT buy the blue version. :mad:

I would check out Fours Seasons and Collectors Guns. Both have a very big selection of new and used guns and are very helpful and friendly.


New member
Caleb: yeah i saw that G30 on FS, but like I said, i'm not going to hold my breath hoping that it'll still be there in 4 weeks.

What really REALLY irks me though is I have to spend more on a USED gun than a new one that comes with 2 mags, speedloader, cable saftey and box. This is going to be my first pistol, and I kind of want a nice shiny brand new one.

Target: Yep. And the legistators are laughing all the way to the bank ($100 for safety course, $100 for permit). Now our governor wants to introduce new legistation (because it works and we need more!) to limit the sales to 1 pistol a month, to curb the 'straw' buywers. Apparently, the criminals are getting all of their guns from legal citizens with no criminal background. And they wonder why this state has a negative growth rate.

Mass = :barf:


New member
Springfield Armory.. in massachusetts.. cant sell guns in the state it manufactures in

Uh... Springfield Armory (the company) was in Illinois the last time I checked. The now defunct Government armory of the same name was located in MA.


New member
Woops. You're right. My bad. I actaully go to school in the former Armory site. But Illinois isn't much better with their gun control laws either, so it's the same story.


New member
If you know you want the G30, I will bet that FS Guns would take it on lawaway.

But if you're undecided yet, and if you actually live in Springfield, then I'd suggest stopping in here once you get your permit. You can rent most guns Smith & Wesson makes there, for a reasonable price, and it's the nicest indoor range I've been to.

They also sell the same guns at the desk across the room, for roughly 20% off MSRP. And, at least when I bought mine, if you buy one at the time you rent it, they'll also deduct your rental cost from the gun - just check with them. Real nice folks there.


New member

Ditto as to what CarbineCaleb says directly above. S&W has a very large selection from which to choose, and you can try before you buy. Good luck.


New member
I love Massachusetts, NOT

I agree with the recommendations to check with GOAL and Four Seasons as both have a lot of information. I think the confusion with the Glocks goes back a year or two when they were placed on the Mass. complient list and after many were sold the AG changed his mind. He then asked the dealers to request the buyers to return them. Many dealers asked him if he was going to reimburse their losses for accepting used guns and returning the buyers' money which may have been list. He must have said no or looked the other way because several dealers said none were returned to them and they never heard a word about it. I remember this because a friend of mine wanted one badly but didn't want to spend the $ even though he had the means to buy and sell me several times over. He still whines to this day!:)


New member
No Glocks?!?
No XD's!?!
And THIS is the state where they held the Boston Tea Party??
I thought retarded gun laws like this were found primarily in Kalifornia only.
What is happening to our country?