I need an inexpensive, rock solid reliable snubby...

michael t

New member
almost any used Model 60 will come in around $250, as will a M649 and M49"

Not in my neck of woods better add another 100 if really clean. M49 or 36,37.


New member
I agree with Mike. I just sold my 66, 2 1/2 online for $528.00...Dream on, it doesn't cost anything.

I have two Tauri 85's. One UL and the other unUL. Both are reliable solid snubbies. And, the price will be within you budget...

I had an SP101, awful!!! I have a GP100, outstanding!!!:D


New member
All I can say is I'd like to sell where you guys buy! ;)
I bought two Model 60s from pawn shops. One was a .38, the other .357. One was $230, the later $250. I bought a Model 649 from SOG for $259. I bought a Model 49 at a gun show for $200.


New member
My recomendation, based on your criteria, would be a Smith 637 Airweight. Great shooter, +P rated, and solid as a rock. Smith has been selling a lot of these recently and has kept the price down on them. I picked up mine for $390. I carry this weapon far more than any other in my "arsenal." :rolleyes:


New member
I suggest the Smith & Wesson 640 J-Frame in stainless.
You want hammerless in concealed carry so it won't catch on your clothes.
The 640 will take magnum loads as well.


There are at least 5 snubbie used Smiths for $250 or less on just gunsamerica alone. This isn't that tough - get creative.

Check with RM Vivas and Son of NY. I bought two 4" M10s for $300 total - he likely has some snubs as well. In fact, he has an M60 listed for $250, and some 36s starting at $185:

No need to pay Bullrock prices.


New member
One thing I thought of, if you shoot that 357 in the house without earplugs, you will be deaf-jon:D