I need an inexpensive, rock solid reliable snubby...


New member
What am I to do? Something that is of high quality, workmanship, rock solid reliable...but easy on the ole wallet. Recomendations?


New member
Oh, and platform...eh...I am thinking the most likely candidate to be (preferably) 38 +p. Can shoot the lower powered/priced stuff,and stoke it with the better +p defense rounds when needed.


New member
Taurus Model 85. Should come in under $300. +P rated, fit and finish is excellent, and a great selection of holsters out there for it. Many variations to choose from within that model.

Good Luck
Since you don't mention size, I'd say a used S&W Model 10 2".

These can often be found for around $300, offer six shots, and are the paragon of reliability.


New member
If you can go a five holer, almost any used Model 60 will come in around $250, as will a M649 and M49. If you want the most gun for the least money, you need to look at the used rack.


New member
Any steel /SS S&W J frame will take occasional +P. ( mod 36, 49, 60, 640, 649,..) If you want to shoot allot of +P get a post 96' sample ( with J mag frame) . The J mag alloy framed models ( 638,642, 442,etc) will handle +P regularly but will recoil considerably harder. Used S&W's are common in the $200-$325 range and would be my choice over any new Taurus. The Sp 101's are nice but are much heavier /bulkier than the S&W J framed snubbies. Weight is comforting when you shoot it but is something to consider if CC is in the plan.
"almost any used Model 60 will come in around $250, as will a M649 and M49"

I'd KILL to be able to find a Model 49 for $250...

"How about a 2.5" S&W M19/66?"

If he can find one in his price range, great.

But, at least here in Northern Virginia, over the past couple of years the magnums are normally $100 and more OVER the price of their .38 Spl. counterparts.


New member
sp 101 is a great choice would like to get one myself in 357. I have a model 60 that I picked up for $200 and it would meet your needs and is a little less expensive.


New member
Taurus 605. A fine little piece.;)


New member
If you're not gonna pocket carry, then SP101. Otherwise a Taurus ultralight should do it without breaking the bank. ;)