I met Hillary yesterday....


New member
Who Gets SS Protection?

"Who exactly gets SS protection, by the way? I wasn;t aware that senators did."

SEE: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=browse_usc&docid=Cite:+18USC3056




Sec. 3056. Powers, authorities, and duties of United States Secret Service

(a) Under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, the United
States Secret Service is authorized to protect the following persons:
(1) The President, the Vice President (or other officer next in
the order of succession to the Office of President), the President-
elect, and the Vice President-elect.
(2) The immediate families of those individuals listed in
paragraph (1).
(3) Former Presidents and their spouses for their lifetimes,
except that protection of a spouse shall terminate in the event of
remarriage unless the former President did not serve as President
prior to January 1, 1997, in which case, former Presidents and their
spouses for a period of not more than ten years from the date a
former President leaves office, except that--
(A) protection of a spouse shall terminate in the event of
remarriage or the divorce from, or death of a former President;
(B) should the death of a President occur while in office or
within one year after leaving office, the spouse shall receive
protection for one year from the time of such death:

Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall have the
authority to direct the Secret Service to provide temporary
protection for any of these individuals at any time if the Secretary
of the Treasury or designee determines that information or
conditions warrant such protection.
(4) Children of a former President who are under 16 years of age
for a period not to exceed ten years or upon the child becoming 16
years of age, whichever comes first.
(5) Visiting heads of foreign states or foreign governments.
(6) Other distinguished foreign visitors to the United States
and official representatives of the United States performing special
missions abroad when the President directs that such protection be
(7) Major Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates and,
within 120 days of the general Presidential election, the spouses of
such candidates. As used in this paragraph, the term ``major
Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates'' means those
individuals identified as such by the Secretary of the Treasury
after consultation with an advisory committee consisting of the
Speaker of the House of Representatives, the minority leader of the
House of Representatives, the majority and minority leaders of the
Senate, and one additional member selected by the other members of
the committee.

The protection authorized in paragraphs (2) through (7) may be declined.
(b) Under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secret
Service is authorized to detect and arrest any person who violates--
(1) section 508, 509, 510, 871, or 879 of this title or, with
respect to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal land
banks, and Federal land bank associations, section 213, 216,\1\ 433,
493, 657, 709, 1006, 1007, 1011, 1013, 1014, 1907, or 1909 of this


Etc. See the rest for the full story if you care enough to dig deeper.


New member
" . . . if a former First Lady isn't safe, what chance do the unwashed masses have?"

Because of the second amendment you have eight chances if you are carrying a full size 1911 like mine. :D Seven more chances if they give me time to reload the first time, :D . . . seven more chances after that if I get to reload a second time. :D

After that, . . . if I get close enough (which means I can't run fast enough), . . . the old Springfield will just become a $400 club. :eek:

May God bless,

PS: Fyrestarter, . . . did you wash your hands before you posted here? :p