I met Hillary yesterday....


New member
A friend and I were at the Museum of New York on 5th Ave, checking out the exhibit / retrospective on Sen. Pat Moynihan, and who should walk in, media in tow, but Hillary herself. She was very nice, shook all of our hands, and then proceeded to examine the exhibit herself. My friend was a little star-struck, but I looked on with bemusement while Hill wandered around, reading the kiosks and having no less than 10 million pictures taken of her. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that an exhibit highlighting the life and times of one of this country's most intelligent, resourceful, and influential senators was being visited, in the form of a photo-op, by the biggest imposter NY has ever seen. He might have been an anti-Bush and anti-Reagan Democrat, but he at least he was a New Yorker :)


New member
but he at least he was a New Yorker

:confused: You say that like it's a good thing.


Juuuuust kidding!

So, were the Secret Service obvious? Discreet? Or present at all?

And how did you control your retching?


Isn't there a trail of bodies associated with the mere shaking of hands and other forms of contact with the Clintons?


New member
The Secret Service agents were very out of character; one of them actually laughing at one of Hill's pseudo-witticisms. Of course, he had what appeared to be a mini-uzi hanging under his jacket, so I doubt he's really the type with whom to laugh it up. What I thought was odd as hell was that there were about twelve of us in the exhibit room, and the agents didn't bother to secure us in any way. I was about five feet away from her for over 15 minutes, and unbeknownst to all, had my Colt Mustang riding in an IWB holster. Secret Service agents who spend their detail laughing at jokes instead of securing the room -- if a former First Lady isn't safe, what chance do the unwashed masses have?


New member
So how hard would YOU work to keep her safe, knowing that if she gets hit, you'll probably be fired, at worst?

Since she despises you and everything you stand for, and probably has basically told you all not to get in her way by doing your job, wouldn't you just finally let her have her stupid way?


New member
"and unbeknownst to all, had my Colt Mustang riding in an IWB holster"

are you a NYC ccw?



Right; so the idea would be to limit such an encounter as brief as possible - to see, hear and learn as little as possible - thereby limiting your chances of getting whacked at a later date.

I would however find it hard to resist asking her about the little club she belongs to, marked by a striking piece of jewelry she wears sometimes (along with some of her pals like Mad Halfbright) in the form of a brooch. A large phoenix clutching a globe; looks gold with a pearl or such like forming the globe. Bet they really bake some brownies at those meets - or swap alot of Tupperware.


New member
Re: The Secret Service watching Hil...

I had an opportunity to be at an interview between David Frost and VP G.H.W.Bush in 1987, while Bush was running with Dan Quayle. Now Quayle was the kind of guy who caused many folks to shake at the thought of his being a heartbeat away from the presidency.

I was chewing the fat with one of the SS guys, the one who looked like a real thuggy Clint Eastwood, very noticible on the news protecting the VP.

I was one of the folks shaky over Quayle, and I put the question straight to our SS protector, "What happens if Bush gets it. That means Quayle is president. That kinda scares me!" At which point, the secret service agent looked at me in the eye, broke a smile, and said, "Don't you worry about that." :cool: :cool:

Makes a body think.


Fyrestarter, I'm impressed, man - you've got guts for exercising your rights in a commie state - you'd have cooled your heels in the pokey for a number of YEARS had you been frisked, in all likelihood, if you survived. Good on ya. And here I was thinking that new yorker's welcomed her with open arms. A good point has been brought up - had the shooting started by an actual would-be assassin, if I were fyrestarter, I certainly would have done nothing but run - no way I'd try to save the life of someone who spent most of her adult life endangering mine via disarmament attempts. Wouldn't have saved Dan-Pat either, though his convictions were more sincere than Hitlery's, it seems.


New member
So how hard would YOU work to keep her safe, knowing that if she gets hit, you'll probably be fired, at worst?

Oh, come on, we all know he's just doing it to carry around a mini-Uzi :p

Who exactly gets SS protection, by the way? I wasn;t aware that senators did.


New member
Who exactly gets SS protection, by the way? I wasn;t aware that senators did.

Hmmmm. Might have something to do with her occupation of the White House recently. ;)

Sadly, those two wasters of oxygen will be protectec by SS for 6 more years.


New member
The late NY Senator Pat Moynihan was a anti as you could get. He once said he would rather keep a rattlesnake in his closed than a so-called AW. Stupid remark from a smart man.

When he was in the Senate he sought to have gigantic Federal taxes levied on ammo purchase. Something like 1,000%.

I have no respect for Moynihan.