I know why Wallyworld has no ammo!!

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New member
not unless .380 and 22lr are big israeli defense rounds. besides...two containers wouldnt stock the shelves of walmarts in one city the size of atlanta.
"I don't think the wars in the Middle East have much to do with FMJ WWB supplies being low at Wal-Mart."

Don't kid yourself.

If the Isralies were to short batch order a bunch of .223 to replace what's been used in the latest offensive, it's very possible that it could cause shortages on the civilian market.

Winchester is already producing a lot more ammo (and devoting more of their production facilities that were previous making civilian sale ammo) to military contracts.


New member
around here, this shortage was going on before the conflict over there fired up this time. like back in late november for some odd reason. around the same time some rifles started selling like hot-cakes. was that middle east related too?
not unless .380 and 22lr are big israeli defense rounds. besides...two containers wouldnt stock the shelves of walmarts in one city the size of atlanta.
Companies switch from producing 380 to producing 223 so there is a shortage of 380.



alloy : want to borrow my glasses its 325 containers 20 ft long not 2.taks a lot of ammo. :eek: :rolleyes:
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Staff In Memoriam
Considering the average walmart appoints just 20-30 square feet to ammo... it doesn't take much to empty their shelves.
But as for the story mentioned... That is a huge shipment if it is just small arms ammo.


New member
yes i can read, but i think 325 containers would stock atlanta for a few days.:rolleyes:
israel on the other hand probably has enough ammo stockpiled to stay off the entire middle east for a time...before they decide to cross into the strip. i dont see them being short on ammo, ever. its actually interesting how it all cycles along with the daily news cycles on other matters. other hand this will likely be over and the israeli walmarts will be running low too by the SECOND half of january.

its kinda funny watching members say they are hoarding/stockpiling ammo, but then saying that has nothing to do with the shortage or the laws of supply and demand.:) who me?
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When I go to Wal Mart and they have ammo I buy what I think I will need, normally what they have in stock. Lucky if I can get 200rounds of 9MM and 200 rounds of 40 caliber . When they have JHP in stock its only 3 or 4 boxes and I get them all. The cheapJHP's are better than nothing


New member
Because there are a lot of (other) people who want to buy the cheapest possible ammo for their firearms, you will see a lot of "off-brands" like PMC on the one-stop shot statistics.
Barren in my area...All Wal-Marts low/empty

I reload so I usually don't buy factory ammo, but when I do it's usually Wally World.

There are a total of seven Wal-Marts around where I work and live. Four of the seven have absolutely nothing in handgun calibers except .22 LR, .357 Sig, and 44 Mag. No exaggeration. Nothing. Another had 1 100 round box of .45 and 1 250 bulk box of 9mm. After I bought those their selection matched the others. I didn't go to the others since I had what I needed for this week and this weekend.

The chatter around those gun counters was:

The state of Texas is putting a 800% tax on ammo
Obama is putting a 500% tax on ammo
Obama is putting microstamping into full effect
Obama is putting serialized ammo into effect and enforcing it
Don't buy too much because in five years we will not be allowed to own any un-serialized and un-registered ammo.

I will say that the gun counter was full of guns. I searched the Internet for any scrap of truth (impending judgement or even presentation) of those things and am coming up empty.


New member
yea, dont buy to much ammo.

solve any future problems by taking the money youd have spent on loaded ammo and stockpile reloading supplies,brass,dies,primers,powder,etc. i already started. reloading components will disappear before loaded ammunition from the shelves besides, how are they going to know if your using "serialized" ammunition anyway?...i doupt very seriously that even if that was implemented that the cops would be checking everyone. reload your own for plinking, and buy a box of there bullchit ammo for hunting,etc......

besides, id guarantee ya whomever came would have a biiiig problem trying to take my guns and ammo.

ill bet anyway that eventually since obama was elected, some sort of civil war will transpire in the future
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