I know why Wallyworld has no ammo!!

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New member
The military loves to tell the press one thing but do another..who knows..I think its for their own good that they do..

Bud Helms

Senior Member
You're Kidding, Right?

Any one besides Wild Alaska click on the link provided?


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... the first Iranian international news network, broadcasting in English on a round-the-clock basis.

I don't know ... a little too kumbaya for my taste. You read the About Us section, then you read the headlines they choose to lead with and your evening news CBSABCNBCCNNandsometimesFOX "NO BS" alarm starts chirping like a home fire alarm battery getting weak.

Now, you can never be sure about the info you get or what to believe, from whatever source you get your news, but that one is a little difficult to swallow, considering.
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New member
Good point... so we have to hire two greek ships to transport this stuff

and then the news is going to let everybody in the world know that it is traveling on these two old leaky ships?

Yep, National Enquirer of the Mideast.....
I am not saying this is true or that the source is all that great, but...

1. We ship ammo to other countries all the time. It is not secret at all. They are not high security or classified. It is just a routine shipment.
2. Can anyone with military service ever remember being on a cargo ship making deliveries of military supplies to other countries? Of course it is outsourced, do we not trust the Greeks?
I can't believe how many people seem to think this story is far fetched and unbelievable.


New member
I don't get it:confused: I picked up some Win. 9mm FMJ yesterday at Wallyworld for $19.40 for 100 rd box. Doesn't seem prices have gone up nor did there seem to be a shortage.

George PT-111

yeah I was enjoying that $19 ammo at Wally for a while. NOMOE!!!

B/C of people LIKE YOU ( not pointed at anyone in particular), who buy in bulks we have shortage everywhere.
"B/C of people LIKE YOU ( not pointed at anyone in particular), who buy in bulks we have shortage everywhere."

WHOA! Not me.

I only buy in bulk.

I find that if I buy in bulks I end up throwing my back out trying to get to the counter.



New member
i thought the tin foil aisle was running low. eventually the law of supply and demand kicks in, most likely offsetting any ammo tax the new congress would like to apply, with higher overall prices, and you'll STILL get the taxes.:D that is if walmart doesnt go out of the ammo business due to devoting so much floor space to a product they cant stock. then it will be higher prices overall, + higher due to walmart not selling it anymore, plus the tax people are afraid of. hoard away.

im stocking up on toilet paper instead.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I don't think the wars in the Middle East have much to do with FMJ WWB supplies being low at Wal-Mart.

Also, do you think the Iranian Wal-Marts are out of rockets to shoot across international borders?

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