I know own a .40... now I need to load for it.

lee n. field

New member
How much brass do you want? Pay shipping and ill send you all I've got, all once fired, clean and ready to go. Several hundred, maybe three.

Ditto, Mr. Irwin. Drop me a PM if you need some. I've got a 5 gallon bucket 2/3 full of .40 brass. I can spare some.

Marco Califo

New member
I know own a .40.

I Know that you do really do Know how to spell the word NOW. Now, don't you.

I do really like the 40 SW as a carry sidearm. It is an optimal combination of moderate recoil, big projectile, and adequate stopping power. It has become so popular that free range pickup brass is abundant, although I prefer nickel plated once fired.

Kevin Rohrer

New member
I don't know anything about either powder the OP mentioned. I do shoot a lot of .40 in my BHP and use/like Longshot. Caveat: It is a powder for full-power loads.
"I Know that you do really do Know how to spell the word NOW. Now, don't you."


I type fast. 100 words a minute when I really get rolling. Sue me. :eek:

Thanks for the generous offer of brass, Briandg and Lee.

I may well take one or both of you up on that. I just need to figure out how much I'm going to shoot this thing.

I went to WalMart yesterday, and they were sold out of the .40 ammo I was going to buy.


New member
Mike: When I took typing class I was the bane of my teachers existence (being one of two guys in the class with a group of girls that typed 100 word a minute after an hour and no mistakes did not help!

Well it was also business ed and she took it seriously (for entry typers? ) real dragon lady but I admired her commitment.

When I was asked how I was doing I would tell people I was up to 38 mistakes a minute, that pretty well took care of that.