I know I'm setting myself up for a world of hurt

News Shooter

New member
But I'm sitting here trying to watch one of the tv shooting programs on one of the cable channels. Is it just me, or is devoting an entire program to a bunch of fat boys (and girls) jumping around like Rambo wanna-be's shooting at cardboard targets about as interesting as watching paint dry?

Maybe I'm too demanding, but it sure seems to me that there is plenty of other material out there for the shooting sports than this junk? Once a year maybe, but it seems like every other show has been bought out by these so-called "competitions." It just isn't good TV. And yes, I CAN do it better, thank you.

Sorry, if I'm being Mr. Scrooge, but this post has been bulding for a long time.
It's not worth watching just for the "chance" to win a free gun. Unfortunately, this is one of the better shows. :eek:


I hear you. I went Camp Perry once to watch em shoot a competition. It sucked! It was like going to the range (buncha guys standin there shooting) and I couldn't even shoot.

Steel shoots are interesting. More going on, more feedback.

News Shooter

New member
By the way

I don't mean this as an insult to fat boys, I'm one myself and I can't even jump around like they do I just think it's bad TV that's all


I don't see how this thread can be productive.
If you don't like what's on TV, don't watch it.

News Shooter

New member
Dear moderatory

One of the "senior members" has determined that my post is worthless.
That being the case and since this is not a democracy, please feel free to close this thread in order not to offend a senior member's sensibilities.

With all due respect I do thank you.


One on one matches can be sorta entertaining. I'm no sportsman but some of the Outdoor Games events look fun.

News Shooter

New member
Well then

I'm really not trying to cause trouble. I think content of shows devoted to firearms is a legitimate subject for discussion.

If it hits too close to home when I describe the fat boys playing Rambo then by all means close the thread.

I could also say the same thing...if you don't like the thread then don't read it.

I know this is a waste of time trying to have a discussion on a legitimate topic. These boards have been taken over by people with no life who spend their entire day pushing people around.

Bullies behind keyboards. They aren't just in the playgrounds anymore :barf:

News Shooter

New member

My apologies if I offended anyone. I just thought others might feel the same way. Obviously, I was wrong so again please close the topic.


New member
These boards have been taken over by people with no life who spend their entire day pushing people around.
actually, peruse some of the threads we've had this last week. we've had attorneys wearing body armor (only when its under 90degrees!~), 18 yr olds open carrying desert eagles point five oh and loitering at walmart five days in a row just to irritate police/shoppers/walmartemployees by uncovering a concealed weapon, TEOTWAWKI threads, and 'best gun to shoot a computer with'.

about the one thing we can all agree upon is that we do have no life whatsoever. heck you are sitting at home on a friday night watching rambo competitions. :D


New member
I shoot benchrest. You wanna talk about anal-retentive boredom for everyone but the shooters, who are all agonizing over stuff like "is it 3 degrees cooler here than at the firing line?"

FWIW, just read that the three US teams (hey, we've got more shooters...) just swept the World Benchrest Cup... 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. I think a Swede won the individual, but US guys were 2nd and 3rd.


New member
I agree that on TV it sucks BUT

You should try it some time.
You should try cowboy action shooting some time.
I am telling you man, its addicting.
I would much rather be out shooting somthing than sitting on my big fat tush watching some one kill paper


New member
Lets face it, shooting is just like golf, sailing, bowling, tennis. It is fun to do but terribly boring to watch. :(

Unlike baseball and basketball which are torture to play and only tolerable to watch if you're floating away in a sea of beer. :barf:

Nearly forgot chess. Watching barnacles grow on the bottom of a boat is more exciting. :rolleyes:


New member
this is not news. TV in general sucks, just a bunch of mindless nonsense and reality crap. what really ticks me off is those "comedies" with the fake laugh tracks, i dont watch any of them. the simpsons is just about the only thing worth watching, and after 16 seasons, i think even they are running out of fresh ideas.


New member
I would rather watch someone with a gun sit and pick his nose with it than have to sit and watch Basketball or baseball :barf:


New member
bunch of fat boys (and girls) jumping around like Rambo wanna-be's shooting at cardboard targets

You should try it some time.

If you still don't like watching it, flip to bowling. Thrill a minute there.

it sure seems to me that there is plenty of other material out there for the shooting sports

Would you rather watch some type of bullseye competition? Would it be more exciting? Or just more acceptable as a sport? (because you don't consider them to be "rambo wanna-be's")

I see hope for our firearms rights when I see anything involving the shooting sports being broadcast across the nation. Boring, yes, but so is golf, and people flock to watch that. They'll never ban golf clubs. Unless firearms make it into the mainstream again, we're gonna be in a lot of trouble. I hope someone sees one of these sports on t.v. and attends a club match just to try it.


New member
I like watching people shoot. Skeet, Bullseye, NRA Collegiate Pistol (Standard, Air, and Free), IDPA, IPSC, SubCAP, SASS, whatever, if there's hot lead headed downrange, sign me up.

If I had to pick between watching shooting and the World Series, I'd pick shooting. Hell, I'd watch AIR RIFLE.


I would rather watch someone with a gun sit and pick his nose with it than have to sit and watch Basketball or baseball

I could put a web cam at Spiffs house..we could have voice over..Yes ladies and gentlemen, here is a lovely Yugo Mauser, were going to see if we can get a record, yes, yes, yes he did it up to the rear sight, its a new world record for Spaceman "Nostrilia" Spiff.o whats this hes going for two, o god ladies and gentlemen no one has ever done an AR with surefire rails AND a light......
