I have a Sig P226 Navy, want some opinions


New member
lol @ the idea of shooting a Glock 23 better than a MK25

I don't see what's so unbelievable about that. The guns couldn't be more different, and what works for one person might not work for the next. You see far more Glock's in competition than you do Sig's.
You see far more Glock's in competition than you do Sig's.

This is very true. Glocks and M&P's.

Ready for some more weirdness by me?

1911's - range guns.

SIG's - self defense and range guns (mainly OWB)

Glock's - self defense, range, and competition guns. (IWB & OWB)

I kind of hope the OP finds I liking to his SIG. I already pretty much have the same one, and it's one of my favorite shooters.

Even though I shoot my Glock's a lot more and carry them mainly.

I used to carry that SIG for years.


New member
I don't see what's so unbelievable about that. The guns couldn't be more different, and what works for one person might not work for the next. You see far more Glock's in competition than you do Sig's.

Because shooting a 9mm out of a heavy P226 platform is a lot easier than shooting a 40 out of a G23.
Because shooting a 9mm out of a heavy P226 platform is a lot easier than shooting a 40 out of a G23.

While I personally agree with you.

Not everyone is the same. So you're incorrect about that.

The higher bore axis on the SIG may be harder for someone else to handle.


New member
Because shooting a 9mm out of a heavy P226 platform is a lot easier than shooting a 40 out of a G23.

+1 to what Constantine posted before me. Caliber doesn't mean a thing if you cant shoot the platform well. Put a Glock next to a Sig and the bore axis on the Sig is a good deal higher than the Glock. So much so that if you are used to shooting a Glock, transitioning to a Sig could cause problems for some, and vice versa.
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tristar viper

New member
You two (Constantine and Dragline) are exactly right. I have shot MANY Glocks, and shot every one well. I shoot my G19 better than this 226. I spent time with the Sig, I just don't "click" with it. I don't get a thrill shooting it. I do think it's kinda snobbish to suggest that it's laughable when a guy prefers a Glock over a Sig. I bet I can find lots of people who would rather shoot a Glock, but that's not what my thread was about, nor is there any need to debate the virtues of shooting one over the other. I like my Glocks better. Period.
And if the snobby dudes want to really wet themselves at my expense, it's not a lie when I say I also get more enjoyment out of my Taurus PT709 than the Sig.
To each his own.


New member
To each his own.

Amen, brother. You are entitled to your opinion and for anyone else to tell you otherwise is positively rude and crude. It seems that common courtesy is getting positively uncommon these days.


New member
The MK25 is on my list of future purchases. A gLoCk will never see the inside of my safe. That pretty much tells you where I am on this subject. But I am biased.

I wonder what the bore axis of a revolver is? Hmmmmm.:eek:


New member
The higher bore axis on the SIG may be harder for someone else to handle.

If anyone has a problem in regards to high bore axis with a 9mm they have much bigger issues than choosing one pistol over another. They need a hell of a lot more practice. :confused:

tristar viper

New member
We have quite the snowball effect going on here....all I originally asked was should I, or should I not, sell this Sig. And now look where we are.....:rolleyes:
If anyone has a problem in regards to high bore axis with a 9mm they have much bigger issues than choosing one pistol over another. They need a hell of a lot more practice. :confused:

No ones saying its a problem. But someone does haw the right to point out the difference in managing from a lower bore axis. It's not a "girly man" issue are your insinuating. It's a matter of fact to some. The lower the bore is to your hand. The easier to shoot. For the most part.

I shoot both equally well. At the range and under stress training.


New member
If you don't shoot the gun, you have no attachment to the gun then I would say sell it. The only guns I own that I do not shoot were given to me by family and have a value to me personally beyond being just a gun.

The Glock, Sig, M&P discussion is one I don't understand. High bore axis, low bore axis, Single/double action, hammer/striker etc. I own them all and I like them all. Honestly, maybe I am just a horrible shot, but I can shoot them all just about equally as well (or poorly, depending on your perspective).


New member
If anyone has a problem in regards to high bore axis with a 9mm they have much bigger issues than choosing one pistol over another. They need a hell of a lot more practice.

The concern with difference in bore axis for me isn't recoil or shootability, it's sight acquisition. If you are used to a low bore axis, getting your sight's on target quickly with the Sig and it's high bore axis wont be as natural to what some are used to.


New member
Hmmmm....I'd predict that sooner or later you'll regret selling that Sig Navy. It's a great gun, will only get better with age as you use it, and may fill a purpose down the road that you cannot foresee at this point. I've sold just a cpl guns over the years and have regretted all but one. Best Regards, Rod


New member
Sell it to Constantine, buy your Glock and you will both be happy.

I have the same problem. Shoot my Glock G27 very well but not my Sig P239 which has always made me want to sell it but never do.

To date I think I have wanted to sell my G27 but only to get the G26, my SR1911, MKIII 22/45, S&W 910 but still have them all.

Not a fan of selling anything because I usually regret it.

tristar viper

New member
I'm not sure I'll regret it if I do sell this one. The gun I definitely regret selling was A Sig P229 SCT (super capacity tactical) in 9mm. That was an amazing gun.
It was not all that long ago I talked to the guy who bought it from me. He had it for a year and used it for competition, and then he sold it. He told me that in probably 30 guns that he has sold in his life, he never regretted selling one until he sold that 229. I know how he feels.


New member
I have a pair of Sig 226's ( both all stainless ) one in 9mm and one in .40S&W....

Handguns - Nov 2009 005.jpg

My 226 X-Five in .40S&W is the 3rd gun in the photo ( its a very different gun / adjustable trigger, etc )....

I don't shoot them very much / but I shoot them well, when I do shoot them ( just not as well as my 1911's in 9mm or .45 acp )....

I don't carry the Sig 226's ....I think they're too wide and bulky as well...especially when compared to a 5" 1911 in .45 acp ...which I do carry.

but that's no reason to sell the Sigs.../ I appreciate the craftsmanship of the Sig 226's / I like having them for training new shooters / like shooting them myself once in a while.
But you should do what you want...and own and shoot whatever you want !

In terms of value on your Sig ....I don't think its a "collector" item....Sig just makes too many versions of the Sig 226 ....for any of them to have unique value ( not even the all stainless models that I have / that are now out of production / but they have other all stainless versions now...)


New member
Selling guns

My rule is if selling a gun even crosses your mind, you should probably sell it. I've sold 4 of my pistols and there is only one I sometimes regret selling but I could easily find another. If you never sell anything you can't replace someday you should be fine. This Sig is a fairly rare version but you could always find another 226 at least.



New member
I have a 5.25" XDm9 with like 300rds total thru it. Never shoot it. My all steel Baby Eagle see the most range time for a fun gun. Plus I bought a bunch of extra mags for it, 9 total, because I thought the ban might happen. I think of selling it often but I keep coming back to getting seller's remorse. Plus if ammo ever comes back to normal may be I would like to do some competition shooting.

Wanna trade for the Sig?