I got another 1911...for free?


New member
FDLE has a good database, what other states do this? Public access to this information is a great concept.
Of course, if you know someone in law enforcement, they can likely check NCIC to see if it's stolen.


New member
You have to be careful with the idea of asking a buddy in LE to run the gun, because I know if I ran something in AFIS for somebody and it came back stolen I would be on the hook for explaining why I wasn't then booking in that weapon.


New member
because I know if I ran something in AFIS for somebody and it came back stolen I would be on the hook for explaining why I wasn't then booking in that weapon.
If I asked someone to run a gun and it came back stolen, I would expect it to be confiscated whether I had already bought it or not. As I read the FBI guidelines, it would be acceptable to run the serial number. As to particular department guidelines . . .


New member
Okay, so this fella wants to trade me a Taurus 24/7 G2 9mm along with 200 rounds. His gun is about 1 year old, bought new and less than 100 down the pipe. What do you think?


New member
If that's what you like I would go ahead and do it. Price wise I see those used Taurus for about 300 dollars but if you don't have a 9mm why not. Just remember to always run them thru FDLE before you take them home to make sure they are not stolen. Believe me you don't want to deal with the whole stolen gun thing. I did it last year and I bought it from a FFL in town major pain in the butt. Even worse my agency was the ones investigating the theft so that was embarrassing.:eek:


New member
I always try my best to make sure a used gun isn't stolen, but in South Carolina if it isn't on hotguns or stolengun, then I don't know what else to do.

In SC... person to person nothing is required (I do make them sign a bill of sale if I am the seller).

How else can you make sure you are in good shape?


New member
A possible use for old iphones if you have one laying around.

Google voice apps and touch tone apps ---- free calling with no cell service as long as you are on wifi.


New member
I turned down the Taurus...I already have a Glock 9MM. I think I'll hold out for a .40 since I don't have anything in that caliber yet...