I Drank The Kahr Kool-Aid

Roland Thunder

New member
My little pal

I just started getting into guns the last few months. I really wanted a Ruger LC9 because I wanted something concealabe(sp) but they were (and still are) on back order most places. Someone on this board suggested I try a Kahr PM9. I thought, no harm trying one. I had never heard of Kahr I was only familiar with what I thought were the major players in the firearms business like Glock, Ruger, Smith and Wesson, etc. I just figured Kahr was a notch down from the others. Then I shot one. Hah, boy was I wrong. I had to have one. I was going to wait for the CM9 to come out but I wanted one so bad I just went ahead and forked over the money for a PM9.

I totally love my PM9


New member
I'm on my 2nd Kahr. The first, a CW40 was horribly unreliable. I liked the features enough that I sold it (with full disclosure) and bought a K40 that's been great so far.


New member
I am very happy with my 2 Kahrs. I own a CW9 that is my primary carry and a CW45 that is my nightstand gun. The CW45 needed the break in period but has been flawless for the last 700 rounds. The CW9 has never had a hiccup.
I've had my cw9 for a month and put about 600 rounds through it. The only problem I had was following the slide back when chambering a round. Complete user error. Everything else has been flawless.


New member
Kool Aid

I knew that when I bought my Kahr P380 that the manual stated that there is a 200 round break-in period.

The 1st 100 rounds were a frustrating series of malfunctions.

I got in contact with Kahr tech support and was advised the they
only recommend brass cased, American made, factory fresh ammo.

I went to the range with 100 rounds of Winchester White Box ammo.

I wasn't expecting much from this trip to the range.
Boy, was I surprised by the outcome!

I switched my range ammo to Winchester White Box and I experienced
ZERO malfunctions from the 2nd 100 rounds! I am now through the break-in period. I was amazed what a difference a change of ammo would do!


New member
I have owned a PM9, a P45, and a PM45.

The PM9 had the barrel peening issue, which Kahr took care of by replacing the entire top half of the pistol...all of this was five years ago. It has had zero issues since.

The P45 has had zero issues from round one, and I carry it regularly.

The PM45 had issues with exactly one brand/type of ammo, and has worked fine with everything else.

Yeah, I am looking forward to buying a P380 and selling my LCP.
I've shot nothing but cheap brass (walmart and academy) thru my cw9. No problems that weren't user error yet. So, do the Kahrs not react well to other casing metals?


New member
Fun fact about the Kahr P9/CW9 series....

People are considering the Ruger LC9 as a pocket pistol(and many are marketing it as that)....

The Kahr CW9/P9 are the exact same size. I dont know how anyone can consider that a pocket gun. :confused:

On a lighter note... I love my CW9. Fired 400 trouble free rounds through it.Great trigger, ultra light, ultra thin. Glad I sold my Glock for it :).


New member
Since I switched to My Kahr PM9 for EDC the other carry weapons sit and wait for range time. Doesn't work in My pockets, but IWB is sweet in My C-Tac . Shoots better than I do and eats all the WWB ( or cheapset 9mm ball at wal-mart ) , but either My aim gets more intense or the pistol just groups better when running the Speer Gold Dot 124gr. +P which is My carry
round. Easy to maintain also and I added the wolf springs to the magazines just because.
This is what a Glock single stack would have tasted like, new flavor LOL LOL....WVleo


New member
Sounds like you got a good deal. I really like my Kahr K9. It's accurate, reliable and compact. The Kahr pistols are pricey, so buying used is a good strategy and a better value.