I couldn't resist...


New member
The front sight mostly disappears through the scope. You'll see a shadow, but otherwise should be able to use it as-is. Also, the handguard, if polymer, can be dyed as an alternative to paint.


New member
I still need to figure out how to take the hand guard off. For now I can live with the mismatch but eventually I'll deal with it.



New member
FYI people that follow these threads don't always post on these threads.
Thanks for keeping us up to date.


New member
I'm thinking about getting some higher rings and maybe a riser block. I'll post more after I've got the scope on the way I want it and get it out to the range.

I'm hard to please when it comes to scope rings. There used to be all kinds of scope ring sets that were both high and had one off set ring to get the scope positioned just right. I've put way to long into looking for rings today and I need to set the project aside for a couple days...

I have a new Vortex scope on the way for my K-Hornet and I plan to use the hand-me-down scope on the AR. I'm a big guy and I've taken a beating over the years so getting my head down to see though a low scope is uncomfortable anyway so I try to put high rings on all my rifles... I'd like to get it so half or less of the front sight is in the way of the scope. Right now it's all in the way.

Update: I just order a peep sight that clamps on to the picatinny rail. It cost less than a good set of rings. So maybe I don't need to scope this rifle...

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New member
Here's a pic of it with a junk scope and an elcheapo mount. I took this with my cell phone then texted it to my Daughter. I could have resisted getting it but her saying "you should get it" was the final straw of my resistance... :)

She turned out well considering she was raised by massively crazy ex-wife...



New member
I've made some progress on the rifle. No new pix yet but I figured I'd post an update while I'm sitting here letting some DMSO soak into my left arthritic hand...

Anyway I wasn't happy with the scope sitting directly behind the front sight but I also didn't want to spring for a new mount right now... While browsing around I found 2 things at Amazon for this rifle and neither was very expensive. I got an AR scope riser block for 10 bucks and a clamp on rear sight for under 20 bucks.

I figured I'd put the rear iron sight all the way back and the riser block right in front of it. Except they were about a 1/4" interference fit. I took to the riser block and carved it out to go around the front of the rear sight then filed it smooth. After painting it with some pro quality flat black paint I keep on hand for my business, it looks almost like it was made that way.

My plan was to roll an illuminated scope down hill from my .22 K-Hornet varmint rifle but there was 2 problems. Well, one real and one that only bothered me in how it looked. The new Vortex scope I bought for the Varmint rifle was about a 1/2 inch too short to go between the scope rings on the Ruger and the scope off that rifle looked funny with so much hanging out unsupported in the AR mount. New plan, roll another scope down hill... My .243 bolt gun had a 2-7 power Redfield scope on it that I never got around to sighting it. That scope is going on the AR and the new illuminated Vortex is going on the .243.

The plan is that if there's ever a problem with the scope on the AR, I can pop it off and use the iron sights. However when I look though them, I can help but think the front sight is canted just a little to the left. I look at it from the front and everything looks straight. I can't see where anything is miss aligned. On the upside I can see about the top 1/4 of the front pin though the peep in the channel in the scope mount. Also the riser block puts the scope at what seems to be the perfect height for my arthritic old neck...

Anyway I'll take a couple new pix in a day or 2 and now that it's stopped raining, maybe I'll get out shooting next week...
