I blew up a $5000 Sub Gun.


New member
Just a little background. Every year since 2006, I have hated my birthday. I still do. My friend died on my Bday in '06, so normally I just drink jack daniels and watch a double feature of Cool Hand Luke and Bullitt. And mope, of course. My wife has gotten tired of this. So she decided that she would ask me to take her to the range. Now, I've been trying to get her to go with me for some time, and she's always "busy". So her asking me to take her to do something that I love to do anyway, kinda woke me up a bit, and we set off. We went to Manchester Firing Line. They rent all sorts of guns there, including full autos. Normally I don't fire those, because they are ridiculously expensive to shoot, but my wife was picking up the tab. So I was checking out what they had, and I saw an H&K UMP 40. Brand spanking new, only a few hundred rounds through it. I got a quick tutorial on it from the range guy, and 200 rounds of ammo. Now, I would never just let my wife fire a gun that I am unfamiliar with, so I inspected it while she loaded up the magazine. And that's where I screwed up. I slapped in the mag and let the bolt slam forward, set the selector to single shot, and pulled the trigger. And CLICK. So I grabbed the charging handle, thinking it had failed to feed, and let it slam forward again. Click. Now I'm kinda ******, because this brand new H&K is screwing up already, and I really want to try it out. So I tried it out again, slapped the mag in hard, slammed the bolt forward, and pulled the trigger. And BOOM! Next thing I know, my arm is bleeding, and this very expensive UMP is destroyed in my hands. Long story short, The guy behind the counter had given me 9mm ammo. The worst part of it was that I couldn't even get mad at them. It was my fault for not ensuring I got the right ammo. And letting my wife load the mag. But my revenge was completely destroying that UMP. I actually had part of the chamber stuck in my arm, but still....... Tell me what you guys think.


New member
I think they need to hire a new guy behind the counter...

I guess it's kind of hard to blame you, I mean really, who figures they are going to give you the wrong ammo? This seems to be one of those stupid and uncommon things that happens when all the stars line up just right. It is so inconceivable that someone is going to put the wrong ammo in the gun that I don't think anyone would normally think about it.

I've always wanted to know what would happen if you put the wrong ammo in a gun, now I do. Sorry it was at your expense. But maybe we'll all be a little more careful, even with the obvious stuff?


New member
Don't feel too bad about the gun, it's only worth about $1200. As far as getting the 9 to fire, guess it just wan't your day.
Interesting. I have see 9mm fired twice from .40 Glocks and the only result was that the case hyper expanded in the chamber, sub-loud report, and failure to cycle of the gun. The bullet went down range, but apparently not terribly far.

So what is with a HK UMP 40 that it would not be able to contain the ignition of the round and would blow up?


Interesting. I have see 9mm fired twice from .40 Glocks and the only result was that the case hyper expanded in the chamber, sub-loud report, and failure to cycle of the gun. The bullet went down range, but apparently not terribly far.

So what is with a HK UMP 40 that it would not be able to contain the ignition of the round and would blow up?

The previous 9mm that didn't fire in front of the one that did. :(
But my revenge was completely destroying that UMP. I actually had part of the chamber stuck in my arm, but still....... Tell me what you guys think.

I think the mud is in your eye, not theirs. They may have to replace a firearm, but physical injury sticks with you forever. Lessons learned on both parties I hope...


Three people involved - three mea culpas to go around. Everyone got careless. All three of y'all gotta own part of it. Glad no one was seriously injured.


New member
Last time I looked the UMP was 9mm, .40, and .45...could have been an honest mistake. Anyway, you made mistakes and they made mistakes. Hope they had insurance.


New member
I mean really, who figures they are going to give you the wrong ammo?

I do, every single time. I bought some .223 at WalMart when I first started getting into shooting again a few years ago. Got home and realized it was 7.62X39. Same brand, same exact box. That's what I got for glancing at the box instead of examing it carefully. Luckily my friend had an SKS so I let him have it for a couple of bucks.


New member
Pics or it didn't happen!

If it is reality, it's 50% shared fault between you and the guy who handed you the wrong ammunition, IMHO.
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New member
I'm not one to scream LAWSUIT, but you sure got one here.
Yes, you should have checked the ammo, we all would like to think we would, BUT, the range is responsible for the safe use of their property. What if a non-gun person went there to try out an SMG? Morally, the blame might be split, but I think the legal liability is all on them.

FWIW, I'm not a lawyer, but my mother always wanted me to be one.