"I blame the victims"...critiques please


New member
pretty wide paintbrush you fellas are swinging. How many folks are on public assistance in your areas?

You can prepare all you want for natural disaters but sometimes you get thrown some pretty good curveballs.


New member
The 2000.00 debit cards is what immediatly struck me. I am not sure how things are elsewhere, but foodstamps (also debit cards) in NY are used for 40's, chips and cigars (or at least the outer layer). They are supposed to be used for staples, ie bread, eggs, milk etc. but they are barely used for such things. So, if food stamps are abused, you can be certain the debit cards are sure to be as well. Unfortunately, I cannot group everyone affected into one group. There are some who are not abusing the system but stand to be judged with the rest. We are stuck with the task of deciding who is and who is not abusing the system. There was a program talked about and am sorry it is not in place. It was simply, if you recieve gov't aid, you will rovide gov't service. Something like 20 hours per week. I thought it was a great idea but don't know what ever happened to it.

Lee Lapin

New member
Let's see.

They announced a voluntary evacuation.

Then they announced (finally) a mandatory evacuation.

So, what part of "Get the he!! out of town!" do you not understand? Stay around and wait for a Cat 5 hurricane to make landfall? NO THANKS!

lpl/nc (only 60 miles from the Atlantic, I would leave HERE and head further inland if faced with the arrival of a Cat 5 headed this way)


New member
Heard on the News today that Oregon State is seeking legislation to prevent the use of the $2k debit cards at Casino's and Card Rooms. Seems that some of the relocated "Victims" are using the cards for gambling, not the "essentials" they were intended for. Why am I not surprised :mad:

mtn. man

New member
Obeservations of an uneduacated hillbilly.

I believe anyone of sound body and mind can and should be responsible for themselves. This includes for food houseing medical care and transportation especiall when a CAT 5 hurricane is only a few miles off the coast and headed your way.
Just think how many more hospital and nursing home
residents. Along with elderly and folks who are ACTUALLY disabled might have been saved if rescue workers not been so busy with N.O. citizens who should have left on their own.


Around '61 or '62 in a little burg near Port O'conner, Texas Hurricane Carla was coming. I was so broke I couldn't pay attention, sent my wife and kids inland with some neighbors and went to the Police station and went to work
getting others to safety. 17 foot tides, shrimp boats up on the street, wind gusts to 175 mph. Poor folks we evacuated to the HS Gym from shanties came home to find their houses still there. Well off folks had some tornado damage to some brick homes in the newer parts of town. I was just an Aux. Cop, after the storm I went full time as a regular.

We hauled a few pets along with the poor folks we evacuated to the Gym, all
survived any danger, thank God! Cop life was boring, no racial hatred, just the occasional wife beaters in Friday night, drunks, and ordinary law breakers, I went on to better things.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Bunch of baloney - If I see a gun fight and the victim runs out of ammo, I won't help him because he should have had a extra magazine.

That's the logic here.

Whatever happened to helping folks, even those who did a stupid thing? I guess charity and kindness are dead among self-proclaimed internet commandos.